Chapter 8

Ally's P.O.V.

when we got to the store I went in and grabbed some sour skittles, coca cola, and some ice cream.

After I bought the treats, I went back to the car where Keath was looking through his music.

"What are you looking for handsome?" I asked, then blushed when I realized what I just said.

"Looking for my Peirce The Veil CD." He said smiling at my red face. "What do you have there?"

"Just some ice cream, popz and some sour skittles." I replied smirking as I watched his eyes fill with excitement.

"Yassssss!!!! Skittles!!! I love skittles give give give!!!" He yelled reaching for the bag with the skittles and ice cream, I pulled the bag away laughing at how childish he was acting.

Keath pouted and pretended to cry.

"Oh stop, or I won't kiss you anymore." I said.

Keath looked over at me slowly glaring as he did, "You wouldn't last twenty-four hours without my kisses." He said.

"Wanna bet?" I smirked.

"Sure, I know you'll lose." Keath said.

I kissed him softly. "Starting now."

Keath's P.O.V.

When we pulled up outside of Ally's house she got out of the car and walked inside, leaving the door open for me.

What did she mean by get to know each other in a more fun challenging way?

Sometimes I don't understand this woman. Ughh but I like her, and if it weren't for this bet I'd kiss her right now, buuuut I don't want to lose this bet. I refuse to lose this bet.

I got out of my car and walked inside shutting the front door behind me.

"I'm up here!" Ally yelled from upstairs. I went up the stairs to see the sour skittles safely tucked under her pillow, I wanted nothing more than to tackle her.....and then grab the skittles and eat them right in front of her while she watches.

I saw the ice cream and went to sit down at the edge of the bed.

"Now how are we supposed to get to know each other?" I asked Ally.

She giggled then said, "We are going to play never have I ever."

"What is that?" I asked.

"A game." She answered.

"How do you play the game?" I rolled my eyes.

"You hold up both hands and say never have I ever....and then you pick something you've never done, or had done to you, and whoever has or had that happen they put down one of their ten fingers, and the one without any fingers up loses." She explained.

I laughed. "Then prepare to lose."

"You wish pretty boy." Ally said rolling her eyes.

"So who first?" I asked.

"Ummmm, can you pass me that deck of cards over there?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure, no problem." I said getting up to grab the deck of cards from the book shelf on the other side of the room.

When I reached for the deck of cards I stopped because I saw the one thing that made my life better yet worse, and my worst enemy against the girl I love a double sided razor blade.

Wait no no not love. Like, I only like her I can't love her, I've only known her for twenty-four hours.

I grabbed it and put it in my pocket so she wouldn't have it anymore.

I walked back over to the bed handing her the deck of cards.

"High card or low card?" Ally asked?

"High card." I said.

She took a little bit of the deck and flipped it over to reveal a four of diamonds. I took a card from the deck, to reveal a ten of hearts.

"Looks like you go first." Ally said.

We both put both our hands up.

"Never have I ever went to a party." I said, neither of us put down a finger.

"Never have I ever smoked weed." Ally said, and I slowly put down a finger, she just shrugged as if to say ehh who cares.

"Never have I ever loved someone." I said, neither of us put down a finger.

"Never have I ever drank alcohol." Ally said, and I put down a finger.

"Never have I ever read a book more than once." I said smirking as she put down another finger.

"Never have I ever said anything racist." Ally said and neither of us put a finger down.

"Never have I ever made out with someone on a bed." I said and she looked down and slowly put a finger down.

I lifted up her chin to see that she had tears in her eyes, why is she crying?

"Are you okay?" I asked wrapping my arms around her.

Ally just nodded.

"Let's get back to this game." Ally said just barely above a whisper.

"No, I don't want to ask you something that will only make you feel like this." I said.

"Its going to happen sooner or later, so why not sooner." She said.

Ugh I just want to kiss her until she stops feeling like this, but then it might remind her of whatever she was thinking about earlier.

"No, we will not let it happen sooner." I said.

She kissed my cheek, and smiled at me.

I picked her up I didn't notice that I was about to kiss her lips until it was almost too late, I quickly changed direction And kissed her forehead.

"You were about to kiss me weren't you?" She asked.

"Yea but then I remembered the bet." I pouted.

"Fuck the bet." She said softly placing her lips on mine.

I held her closer to me....if that was even possible.

I broke the kiss, "I think I win this bet." I smirked down at her.

"Nope, neither one of us win." She said matter-of-fact.

"Nuu, you kissed me which means you lost." I said.

"No, cause you were going to kiss me anyway." Ally argued.

"Yea, and then I kissed your forehead." I countered.

"You still kissed me." She said.

"If that was the case you list for sure, you kissed my cheek before I picked you up, and almost kissed you." I said.

Her mouth opened and then snapped shut as she grit her teeth together and glared daggers at me.

"Ugh let's just grab the snacks and go watch a movie dammit." She said snaking my arm, I put her down and she grabbed the snacks and went downstairs with me behind her every step of the way.