Chapter 12

Ally's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of someone snoring near me, I looked over and saw Keath, I looked around and realized I was laying in a hospital bed.

Everything came flooding back to me, what the hell was I thinking! I just made Keath think that I wasn't happy with him.

I started crying silently, I don't even care if everyone at school knows about my accidental attempted suicide, the one person I never wanted to hurt was Keath, he means so much more to me that anyone ever has.

Suddenly I felt a soft gentle hand touch my cheek, I didn't even have to look to know that it was Keath. I placed my hand over top of his just as gently.

"Why did you do it...?" Keath asked, his voice cracking ever so slightly.

"It wasn't purposefully done," I said looking at him with tear filled eyes.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry, its alright, just don't do it again, please for me." Keath said softly, hugging me tightly.

I clung onto him so tightly that I was surprised he could even breath. I heard him laugh slightly in my ear before I felt his soft lips on my cheek.

"It will all be okay soon Ally, I promise." He said placing his hand on the back of my neck.

"I believe you." I said loosening my grip on him.

"Well I sure hope so." He said chuckling lightly. "You know, you look so beautiful."

"Yeah okay, whatever you say long have I been out?" I asked.

"A few days...." Keath said.

Then I noticed the gauze around my wrists, I looked up at Keath and he seemed to have been looking at them too.

"A few days..? Then the whole town knows about my accidental attempted suicide?" I said unsure.

Keath only nodded.

I bit my lip.

"If you bite your lip one more time I'm going to bite your finger," Keath warned.

I bite my lip again, and without warning his lips met mine, and I got lost in it....that was until fucking Keath bit my damned lip.

Keath's P.O.V.

When I bit Ally's lip I heard her moan softly, I felt her hands press against my chest lightly and she put a little bit of force in it. I stopped kissing her and pulled away just enough so she could speak.

"Too far?" I asked.

"That wasn't my finger....and just a bit." Ally answered.

I laughed slightly and kissed the tip of her nose, "If anything I do is crossing a line you need to tell me, kinda like you just did." I pulled her onto my lap and cradled her like a little baby.

"Ummmmm Keath...?" Ally said.

"Yes Ally?" I asked her.

"I-I....ummmmm I....I love you Keath...." Ally stuttered.

"I love you too Ally." I said kissing her forehead softly.