Ally's P.O.V.
I stayed on the couch for hours and hours, waiting to see talk to him about yesterday, tell him how he made me feel.
Part of me hoped he would listen to me, but the other part knew he wouldn't.
Finally I got up off the couch and walked down the hall towards the master bedroom, the bedroom that Keath and I shared.
I stood outside the door for what felt like hours, but really was only a few minutes, fighting with myself. Do I go in? Or do I leave him alone?
Just then the door opened up with a shirtless Keath standing in the doorway.
"Morning." Keath said as he stared at me.
"Morning.." I trailed off as I stared up into his eyes.
"I'm sorry for not coming home last night." Keath said with an apologetic smile, and it made my heart skip a beat.
"Its okay, dont worry about it. You're home now that's all that matters." I said and hugged him tightly, and in turn he hugged me not as tightly as I was hugging him.