Chapter 31

My sight was blurred due to the tears that threatened to spill over, the tears I knew I wouldn't let fall in the middle of a hallway.

I blinked fast trying to clear my vision before anyone came down the hallway, however I knew I was too late when I hit something solid and felt hands on my arms to steady me from falling back.

"Are you alright?" A man asked, his hands still on my arms.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I responded awkwardly as I took a couple steps back to get his hands off my skin, it was warm and it was comforting.

After Keath's betrayal, I've learned that comforting is dangerous.

"Alright, well what are you doing over here?" The man asked again, the more he talked the more his voice sounded familiar.

"I was just exploring the halls and got a little lost I guess." It was a quick and effortless lie.

"Fair enough." I could hear the man's nails scratch against his skin slightly.