Well, it's time for ideas ...

As I thought, I tapped the pencil against my lip and tapped my foot on the ground. The sound of the stomping was louder and louder, ending the silence in the room and beating the screech of the teacher's down on the blackboard.

-Already! exclaimed the professor, pressing the pen against the blackboard. We were all scared to hear his claim. He turned to see us and put his book along with the bookmark on his desk.

Julia came up to me and whispered:

-What happened to him now?

-I have no idea...

I felt the presence of someone next to me. I turned around slowly and saw the professor crossed his arms looking at me angrily.

-Miss Carvajal, in addition to making noise with her shoe, now interrupts class.

"I just ..." I looked at my friend. She just ran her gaze away as if she didn't know anything.

The professor continued to look at me. Then her gaze went to my notebook, she reached out her arms and took it.

-What is this? she said with a wry laugh. "Seven reasons not to fall in love" -he put the notebook back on the table. Instead of thinking about love, focus on your studies, miss. Learn from her partner Julia from her, she does not follow her love and it shows in her grades.

I giggled, glanced at Julia and she just smiled when she saw him.

How you can tell that she doesn't know him.

"This time I won't write it down in the book, but the next time it will," she said with a sigh as she adjusted her glasses.

I just nodded and settled into the seat. I turned to Julia and she laughed. I showed him my tongue and looked back at the blackboard.

This is how the morning classes went by until it was lunchtime.

-Look! That table is unoccupied -Julia took me by the hand and pulled me to the aforementioned table.

We swiftly sat on it, since other guys were going to take it first. My friend looked at them smiling victoriously as they walked away frustrated.

-I don't like eating to take a table, you know? -I put my lunch on the table and opened it. Julia came over to my cup.

-Why do you always bring rich things? -I took her by the forehead and pushed her back.

"Because I make it," I laughed and took my fork. She had brought French fries with minced Viennese.

"I don't know how to cook ..." Julia exclaimed sadly as she looked at my cup. I just ignored her and inserted my fork into a potato. She was bringing it to my mouth when I looked at the girl, who was still watching me sadly.

"Do I give it or not?"

I saw my dad for a moment and then Julia, who smiled when she noticed what she was doing.


I brought the potato back to my mouth and ate it happily. Julia watched my attitude indignantly.

-How can you be so selfish with me? she-she threw herself on the table.

"Don't be a bigeye." I put my fork on the table. I always give you mine, buy yours.

She glared at me. I replied with a smile and looked at my cup again.

-Hey and what's the name of the red haired boy? she asked

standing up.

"I have no idea." I ate another dad. Looks like he's not from here because he wasn't wearing the uniform.

-Things are going to get more difficult, then.

"Sure, if he's not from here, I'm not going to be able to get my novel back." I looked up for a moment, but was interrupted with a coke from Julia. Au "I put my hands to my head. Why did you hit me? I looked at her angrily.

"You really are stupid," she leaned over and stole a potato from me.


-You know? Any girl would like to be with a boy as cute as him, ”she exclaimed as she bit into the stolen food.

-Go on and let Josh listen to you, that is until there is his courtship.

-Shut up.

I laughed and looked at my cup so I could get another potato.

"Look," Julia said, indicating the tree in front. I looked up to see. I was surprised to see my book hanging over one of the branches.

I was puzzled for a moment when I saw my aunt's precious book.

-That's your book, right?

-Yes ...- I stood up and headed towards the tree. Julia followed me.

We were both looking at the book she was hanging up. The face of the boy from before immediately crossed my mind.

It must have been him.

I frowned and walked over to the tree.

-What do you do? Julia asked, taking me by the vest.

"I'm going upstairs to look for him," she replied angrily.

I put my foot on the side of the trunk and pushed off. Luckily I did not slip or break the branch.

I was holding on super strong, I had never climbed a tree in my life and I was terrified that I was going to fall. But if I didn't get my aunt's book back, it was going to hurt me worse than a simple fall.

I sighed and pushed myself up again.

I kept climbing carefully. In no time he was close to the branch.

"I swear when I see that boy I'm going to kill him."

I extended my arm so I could take the book.

" A little more..."

-Voucher! Your underwear shows! yelled Julia.

-What?! I exclaimed scared. She had forgotten that she was wearing a skirt.

I got a little distracted by adjusting my skirt. I misplaced my foot and slipped.

"Oh no."

I closed my eyes to be able to bear the fall, but someone took my arm.

I looked up and was amazed to see the red-haired boy holding me.

-What do you do? I said angrily.

"Trying to save you from a fall," she said with difficulty as she was making an effort to take me. Affirm yourself to the tree and propel yourself up.

I did not hesitate at any time to do so. I did what he told me. She took my arm tightly and pulled up.

In a second she was already on a branch with that boy.

I rested for a few seconds and then I felt good. The boy just laughed while he was laying down.

"So you came," he said with a laugh.

-Well of course! I want my book -I answered obviously trying to stand up.

"I knew that." He sat down and crossed his legs.

I walked slowly to the end of the branch and tried to pick up my book, but I was afraid to get closer to the edge.

-Why did you leave my book there? -I turned to see him and indicated the place with my finger.

-So you could see it.

"Give it back to me," I insisted, already frustrated.

"No." He stood next to me. Because now it's mine, ”he said seriously.

Is this boy crazy or what? That book is mine."

"I still don't know what you're thinking, but that book is mine and I'm going to take it." I steeled myself and leaned in so I could take the book.

He was carefully pushing me down. I reached out my hand and managed to take it.

"Good," I smiled victoriously. But my smile faded when I heard the crack of the branch breaking.

I felt the wood detach from the tree causing it to fall with it.