Chapter 7

"Lily! Don't touch that honey." I said.

I pulled her little hands from the Christmas tree once again. I lost count of how many times I had to keep her from pulling down the ornaments.

"Peppa! No! Ugh!" I placed lily down by the couch and grabbed Peppa from the coffee table with the cookies.

"What is going on with you and your sister!" I peppered her little face with kisses and she giggled with glee.

I heard a whine from Spot and looked to see Lilly running behind him pulling at his tail.

"Lily no! Geez, okay that's it." I placed Peppa in the playpen and grabbed Lily before she can terrorize Spot any futher.

"Come here you!" She giggled happily as I tickled her sides.

"Alright, girls, momma had a very full day already and you guys didn't make it any easier. So, please, let's just get through tonight." I said.

Once the girls were secured in their playpen I moved to check on the food. This was the first party that Royce and I are hosting and I really wanted it to be perfect. I was so focused on the food, I hadn't heard the front door open. I nearly jumped through the roof when arms circled around my waist while I was stirring the cheesy mash potatoes.

"Shh, hey beautiful it's only me." Royce said softly.

"Royce you scared the shit out of me." I groaned.

"I'm sorry, I thought you heard me come in."

"Would I have reacted like that if I heard you?!" I said.

"Geez, what's gotten into you?" He asked startled at my outburst.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just really tired."

"I can see that." He said looking concerned.

"How are the girls?"

"They're fine. I put them in their playpen."

I buzzed around the kitchen trying to get the last minute things done. Royce grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.

"Hey, take it easy. What's the matter?" Royce asked.

"Ugh, it has been so tiring trying to plan this day with the girls. Have you tried cooking for a party with one year olds?! It's crazy."

"You said you wanted to host the party this time." He pointed out.

"Yes this is New Years Eve for God's sakes. It shouldn't be as stressful as Christmas. I just wanted to have a none fussy party to bring in the new year. Is that too much to ask?"

"No honey it isn't. That's why I'm here now to help save the day." He poked my side gently giving me the smirk I love so much.

I couldn't help the small smile that graced my lips.

"Good, can you get the girls clean up? The guests will be here any minute and I still have to make the gravey for the chicken, the mac n cheese isn't finished, I have to finish setting table..."

Lips found mine quickly, silencing my rant. I sighed and moaned softly as Royce squeezed my waist gently.

"Relaaxxx Ava, I got you." He said.

I breathed deeply allowing the stress of the day to slowly leave my body. I quickly got around to doing almost everything I needed to do before the guests arrived. Knowing the girls were taken care of put me at ease to get things done. There was a knock at the door that I heard this time and I moved towards the living room.

"Hi girls! Aunty Cat is here!" I entered the room to see Cat picking up Peppa, who was more interested in the bag in Cat's hand than her God mother.

"Have you forgotten that I live here too?" I asked jokingly.

While I'm glad that she has get own bond with girls I can't help hut feel neglected when she comes over to see the girls.

"No, but I've been seeing you every day for years, it's only fair that you share." She shrugged.

"It's a good thing too. I need help getting Lily dressed anyways." Royce said.

I noticed that Royce was struggling to get Lily in her dress and she was not liking it either. Lily hated dressing up. She prefers playing outside and getting messy. Peppa, who is the complete opposite, enjoys music, playing with her toys and loves every moment of dressing up. Peppa was already dressed and ready with ease.

"Okay, help him with Lily and I'll go finish setting up the table." I said.

"Mommmaaa!" Peppa whined.

"What is it baby?" I picked her and placed her on my hip.

"Juice." She mumbled.

"Okay baby, we'll get some juice. Lily do you want some milk?" I asked.


"I'll take that as a yes." I laughed.

"Put your pretty dress on and I'll get you some milk." I grabbed the girls drinks to keep them settled as I finished my tasks.

The table was finally ready as our friends arrived one at a time. Royce's father Max was here, along with my mother, Julia from work and Steven, a close friend of Royce. What better way to bring in the New Year than with family and friends? I was in the bedroom freshening up when Royce came in. He leaned against the door frame gently as he gazed at me. I tried my best to ignore his presence as I ran my fingers through my thick blonde curls.

"You look beautiful." He murmured.

"It's a simple shirt and Jeans." I laughed rolling my eyes.

"You still look great." I smiled as he walked over to me and kissed my cheek gently. I love it when he gets all mushy like this.

"Where are the girls?" I asked trying to distract myself.

"Your mom is hogging them."

"That's a good thing, I could use a break." I said.

"You and me both." He laughed.

Although I know he meant no harm, I still felt a twinge of guilt at his words. Royce has done a great deal for the girls and I, always making us feel loved and welcomed. I cleared my throat.

"Come on, I'll get dinner on the table."

We quickly made our way down the stairs and I couldn't help but admire our Christmas decorations. The lights that twirled around the stairs handrail. Most of our decorations are high this year, apart from the Christmas tree. It was best the decision since the girls can't keep their hands to themselves lately. We descended the stairs and entered the living room to see Max sitting in front of the tv with Steven by his side. Mom was sitting on the floor by the Christmas tree with the girls and I peeped down the hall to see Cat and Julia were in the kitchen talking.

"Okay guys, I'm about to put dinner on the table so come on into the kitchen." I said.

I quickly got the food on the table as everyone began filing in slowly. I placed the girls in their high chairs between my mom and I as we all got settled in to eat. Everyone wasted no time passing around the food and digging in greedily.

"Mmm, honey this is delicious. I taught you well." My mom winked.

I beamed proudly as everyone moaned with every bite.

"Well no wonder why Royce can't let you go, your food probably bewitched him." Max teased and I grinned.

He looked so much like Royce apart from his hair that was mostly white.

"No dad, trust me, that's not what bewitched me." Royce winked before tossing a brussel sprout in his mouth.

I eyes widened and I kicked Royce's chair, causing him to laugh.

"Well I hope my food can bewitch a man like that one day." Julia giggled.

"Ha, he'd end up dead first." Steven muttered.

Julia glared at him and we all laughed. Those two were always at each other necks. I find it endearing and I wouldn't be surprised if there's something going on between the two. Everyone began chatting amongst each other as they ate, but my attention was on the girls at my side.

"No, lily, mine."

I turned to see Peppa grabbing at the meatball from Lily's plate.

"No, mine." Lily said swatting her hand away.

"Nooo!" Peppa grabbed at Lily's arm roughly before grabbing the meatball.

"Owie!" Lily cried out clutching her arm.

"Hey hey, stop it you two, now. Peppa, I told you to stop taking things that aren't yours. That's not nice." I chided.

Peppa faced pinned up angrily. "You had your meatball, if you want more just ask me. Now give it back to you sister and say your sorry" I said.

Peppa hesitated and I gave her my no nonsense look. Even at the age of one they understood my look. She has been testing me lately. Lily is more of the firecracker but lately, Penelope has been pushing every button I have.

"I said give it back." Her little lip trembled as she handed Lily her meatball back.

"Swooy." She mumbled as her eyes pooled with tears.

"Shh, don't cry baby, grandma is going to give you more meatballs." My mom said placing some on both of their plates.

That was just a taste of what my life has been like for the past year and a half. Raising twin girls was not the easiest in the slightest. My girls couldn't be more different than if they were born separately. They are identical, but their personalities sure isn't. Lily is my little troublemaker. She's loud, playful, hates rules and being restricted. Peppa on the other hand was quiet, none fussy, and a lot easier to discipline, well she's been pushing it lately. Lily loves getting messy and hates baths, while Peppa prefers to stay inside, play with her toys and can sit in a tub for hours if I let her. Lily loves eggs while Peppa hates it. Lily loves milk while Peppa prefers apple juice, although she'sa big fan of my breast milk. There are always something new to learn about them.The only things that the girls share in common is their love for peanut butter sandwiches, going to the park, story time and breast milk. Though my girls are so different, Lily and Peppa are the splitting image of their biological father. At least I would assume. Their hairs are a dark reddish brown, far from my blonde, and their emerald eyes were constant reminders of the stranger I never found. It made me realize that if I ever came across that stranger again I'd know him instantly. Looking for their father was on hold possibly permanently. As more time went by, the more I gave up hope. Royce doesn't want me to go looking for him if I'm being honest and I respected his wish. The past year and half wasn't that easy on us either. Our relationship is almost at it's normal glory and I couldn't be more happier. He started working at the airport and though it can keep him busy at times, he is always there when I need him. Of course things aren't perfect, but this man has taken in my girls and I with ease. No he's not their father, but he is the only father figure they have right now. Royce was there through every step in raising the girls and he wasn't obligated to. Their birth, the first time they crawled, their first steps and their first birthday, he was there. A part of me will always wonder if I will ever come across my stranger again and it's okay if I don't. I love my little family no matter what. After dinner we all filed into the living room to watch the countdown on tv. I held lily in my arms and Royce was holding Peppa. "Alright guys, the moment we've all been waiting on." My mom said as we all gathered around and began counting down.

"5, 4, 3, 2,1 Hapyy New Year!!!" We yelled.

We clapped, blew our party horns and threw confetti everywhere. Royce pulled me into his arms with the girls between us.

"To another year together as a family." He said.

I beamed in his arms before kissing him gently. Everything in this moment was so right, if only I knew what this year would bring us.