Chapter 15

"You what?" He gasped.

"I met him Royce."

"You were still looking for him?" He asked broken.

"No, no I promise I didn't look for him, he just......appeared."

Royce got up from his knee quickly. "How can someone just appear? When?" He demanded.

"About two weeks ago."

"Two weeks ago? And I'm finding out about it now?!"

"I was in shock and things weren't the best between us, I didn't want to spring it on you."

"Oh, so now is the perfect time?! God!"

"I'm sorry, I had no idea..."

"Who is he?" He asked suddenly cutting me off.

"He's boss's brother..."

"You cheated on me with your boss's brother?! Does your boss know that?"

"Yes, he doe..."

"Then I bet you mom knows and Catherine does too right?" I hung my head in shame.

"So I was the only clueless jackass."

"I just told Caleb today and I was coming home to tell you Roy." I cried.

"How do you even know he's their father. You were drunk."

"I know, I know I was, but Roy they look just like him. His hair, his eyes, his mouth, they look just like him, I know it's him and Caleb confirmed they were there that night."

"So you are just so convinced that some millionaire is their father right?"

"Don't say it like that."

"Say it like what?! Like you're looking for money?!"

I stood up angrily, "it's not like that and you know it! I didn't expect to see the man! I didn't even know Caleb had a brother! I stopped looking for him and he still showed up, I figured it was a sign."

"A sign?! A sign to do what Ava?"

"A sign that I should let them meet their father Royce! I can't just keep that from them and now that Caleb knows he wants me to meet up with him when we go to Seattle."

"So you're letting this man in their lives?! Ava you don't know him! He wasn't there and knows nothing about those girls. Do you honestly think that a rich bachelor is going to be concerned about those kids the way I do?" Royce was beginning to vibrate from the anger that was coursing through him.

"Royce that is not fair! You told me to stop looking for him and I did! He doesn't know he has kids and I should give him the benefit of the doubt. It's one thing to not know him but it's a whole other thing when I do. I can't just keep them away from him."

"Why not?! Things were finally getting better Ava! We were finally putting this all behind us and you're just willing to rip the wound wide open again!"

"It's not like that Royce! What kind of mother would I be if I don't allow them to know their father?!"

"I am their father!" I was taken aback by his words.

Royce never used that word since the moment they were born, he damn near shied away from it.

"Really 'Royyy'?? You don't think I don't see this eating at you? I see it every day and I'm giving us the chance to get pass that by meeting him. They need their father Royce."

I hadn't realized that I was crying until I felt the tears slip between my lips. I whipped them away angrily.

"So you expect me to let you go to Seattle to meet up with the man you screwed almost three years ago. The man who got between us, who ruined us."

"That isn't fair! He doesn't know about any of this Royce. This isn't a competition and you know I love you." I cried.

Royce started to retreat slowly. He shook his head in disbelief and disgust. He placed the box with the ring on the little table near the door. "I really wish I could believe that."

"So you're just going to walk out on this and not talk it through?"

"What does it matter? You'll do whatever you want anyways."

Moments later the door slammed, and I flinched as the hinges rattled loudly. I took a calming breath willing the tears to stop and sat back in the chair. I knew that telling Royce wasn't going to be pretty, but a part of me still hoped we could've talked through this. I barely slept through the night hoping he'd just come home. The last thing I wanted was for him to shut me out like this. I try so hard to do the right thing and I still end up hurting him. Why do I keep putting him through this? One thought of my daughters sealed my guilt. I won't ever feel guilty about putting my children first. At the crack of dawn, I heard the front door opened and I held my breath waiting for him to enter the room. He came upstairs slowly, walked into the bedroom and headed in the bathroom without even a glance in my direction. I sighed and sat up in the bed. Why does he have to be like this? Why can't he just sit here, talk to me and work this out? A few moments later, Royce exited the bathroom looking more awake and refreshed. He cast a glance towards me but remained silent as he got ready for work.

"Where were you?" Royce started to put on his uniform without a word.

"Are you just going to ignore me?" I asked quietly.

He didn't respond as he continued to get dressed. "Aren't you tired of doing this? Fighting?" I waited for a reaction from him before deciding to continue. "I love you so much and I'm sorry that I keep putting you in these positions and asking you to understand, but I have to think of Lily and Peppa."

Royce turned to face me angrily. "What have I been doing these past two years Ava? What am I?"

"You're the love of my life and the closest thing that my children have to a father right now, but I can't allow my girls to grow up and not know who their real father is Royce. I have to at least try."

"I could've been their father." He whispered.

"I know that, but let's be honest here, I know you love them, but I can see that you're still struggling with this. Don't you think it's better if they have you and their father? You don't think this will take some pressure off of you?"

"Ava don't act like you made this decision with my interest in mind because you didn't. You knew that I would've been just fine if you had never found that man."

"Well I didn't find him, the man literally walked through my office door and I couldn't ignore that."

Royce scoffed and turned to leave out of the room. I quickly got up and followed him down the stairs.

"And you're right Royce, my only concern was making the best decision for my daughters. I was raised with a absent father Royce, the man was in and out of my life and I don't want that for them."

"What makes you think that this guy is going to be there for them?"

"Caleb is pretty confident that he would be there, and Caleb wants to be there too. This could be good for them babe." I said.

"What about me?" He asked.

"Royce you don't have any obligations to my kids, you can leave at any minute..."

"You think I'd just leave them like that?" He asked angrily.

"I don't know Royce I'm just trying to do this the best way that I can." I whispered.

"I don't know why I bother. You're still going to do whatever the hell you want." He turned and left quickly.

Giving up the fight for now I decided to make some tea. This situation is like walking on thorns and I'm tired of it. I knew that telling Mason will make things even more complicated, but I have to at least try. If this works and my daughters get to develop a relationship with their real father, then it'll all be worth it. Thinking about Seattle gave me an idea. I left the kitchen to grab the phone and quickly dialled Caleb's number.

"Morning." His voice sounded rough.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, what else is there to do at six am?"

I smiled, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you called for a reason, so what is it?"

I sighed, "I told Royce last night." I said.



"How did he take it?"

"Horrible, like I expected."

"Are you having second thoughts?"

"No, not at all. I knew he'd react like this. I was prepared for it. I was just hoping for a bit more support or at least some kind of understanding."

"Well I wouldn't be thrilled if my girlfriend was going to meet up with the guy she cheated with either."

"It's not like that."

"Of course it isn't but that doesn't mean he's going to see it any other way."

"I guess you're right." I sighed.

"If he loves you and wants to be there, he'll come around Ava."

"I know, I know."

"We're still on for Monday, right?"

"Yea about that, I wanted to know if I could bring the girls?"

"You want to bring them?" He asked.

"I don't know what to expect and I don't want to just leave them here, especially with Royce in the mood that he's in."


"I can maybe bring Catherine along, she's about to leave school soon anyway." I said thoughtfully.

"Oh Cat? Oh, um...yea okay." He said.

I smiled at the way he stumbled over his words. "I will talk to her I just wanted to run it by you first, if that's okay."

"Uh, yea of course. I can just use the Suburban and make it a small road trip." He chuckled.

"Great, thank you so much Caleb. This means a lot to me." I said.

"No problem." Caleb and I hung up shortly after.

I got my cell and decided to text Cat. 'You're coming to Seattle with Caleb, the girls and I on Monday. I'm not taking no for an answer.' I wrote. A moment later, Cat responded with a twerking gif. I laughed shaking my head. I knew she'd decide to come with the girls and I, but I also knew that mentioning Caleb will solidify her decision. A bit later I called mom to let her know that I'd pick up the girls up a little later in the day and invited Julia on a short jog with me. She has been out of the loop for long enough and I know she's practically salivating at the thought of some juicy news. Jogging around my neighborhood was one of those things that helped me to release pent up stress. Normally, it worked like a charm, but lately it's only forcing me to face the inevitable.

Julia joined me shortly after. "Why am I not surprised that you've already started." She said.

I stopped my jog and did a light power walk as she caught up with me.

"Sorry, I just couldn't wait." I said slightly winded.

For the next forty five minutes, Julia and I jogged around the block in silence. By the time we were done, my knees and thighs were yelling at me. We stopped at an empty bench and started to do some stretches while we cooled down.

"That was nice." She sighed.

"It was okay." I mumbled.

"That wasn't convincing."

"Normally, jogging was a healthy release for me, but it's not working this time." I said.

"Nothing some dick can't fix." Julia laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "it's not like that." After twisting her body in a weird angle, Julia sat on the bench while I continued to stretch.

"Enlighten me." She said.

I sighed before taking the rubber band off my wrist and pulling my blonde hair into a messy ponytail.

"Mason Reynolds is the father of my girls." I said cautiously.

I was expecting a scream or some kind of emotion but I was met with silence. I slowly glanced towards Julia and noticed her blank stare. Her brown eyes were wide along with her mouth, but no sound left her.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" I groaned.

"I'm sorry, I thought you said our boss's twin brother is your twins’ father."

"I did..."

"How in the holy hell can you keep something like that from me? I can't believe it! How did that even happen?!"

"I'm having a hard time believing it myself to be honest." I said.

"How do you even know? Did you do a test?"

"Not yet, but Caleb confirmed that it was Mason who I was with most of that night. It also explained the whole penthouse I woke up in."

"So you don't have any doubt?" She asked.

"Not at all. They look just like him."

"Damn, you've got a rich baby daddy." She smiled.

"I don't look at it that way and I wish other people would too. Royce already implied that, that's the reason I want them to meet him."

"Well, is it?"

"Of course not!"

"Hey take it easy, I was only asking."

"I'm sorry I'm just really stressed out about this." I said.

"And Royce isn't making it any easier."


"The fact that he's rich and handsome is not helping either."

"Could you stop?"

"Ava come on, the man is a millionaire and gorgeous. You haven't thought about that at least once?"

"I did", I admitted quietly, "that's what is making it worse. Maybe if he wasn't so attractive it would be a little easier."

"Ava you do realize being attractive and being attracted to someone is different right? The problem isn't his looks, it's the pull you feel to him." Julia shrugged.

"Is that bad?"

"Having sex alone is a spiritual connection, imagine having kids?"

"So I shouldn't do this?"

"No, I think you should see this through, everything happens for a reason Ava."

That was exactly why I was doing this. Out of everyone at that party, what are the chances that I'd sleep with Mason? For him to even show up the way he did was all too much of coincidence. My daughters deserve to know their real father.

"Well I've got to pick up the girls from my mom. I miss them." I said standing up.

"Okay, I've got a special appointment to get ready for anyways."

I stared at her and raised a brow, "Steven?" I asked.

Julia held up her hand immediately, "Don't judge me okay? I don't need to be in a relationship to get some."

"I'm the last person to judge." I chuckled.

We quickly parted ways and I made my way to my mother's house. I will never get used to being apart from my girls. I don't mind catching a little break here and there, but the minute they are away I can't wait to have them back in my arms.

"Mommy!" "Momma!" I opened my arms in glee as Lily and Peppa leaped in my arms by the door. I barely had time to enter before I heard their little feet running towards me. I buried my head in the hairs, savoring the strawberry scent that clung to them and squeezed them close. Oh how I missed my babies.

"Mommy missed you girls! Were you good for Nana?" I asked, pulling away.

"Yea!" They giggled together.

"I was just getting them some lunch." My mom said.

"Oh alright, I'm in no rush." I said.

I stood up and pulled the girls into the kitchen, where mom went back to getting their meal. I sat down at the kitchen table and pulled the girls on my lap.

"What did you do at Nana's?" I asked.

"Ice cream an cocomelon." Lily said.

"Color, snacks, play." Peppa listed off with her fingers.

"You have two geniuses for two-year olds." Mom said.

"They're not two yet."

"Well their birthdays are like a week away. I think it’s safe to say they are." She winked.

She set down a small bowl of mac n cheese for the girls and I sat them in their chairs so they could eat. My mom's house is like the girls second home. Anything you find in my house is at her house also, their toys, highchairs and a lot more.

"You look a bit distracted."

"Well, maybe it's because I'm going to tell Mason the truth on Monday, Royce proposed last night and is now angry at me for revealing what I am planning to do." I said.

"So, you enjoyed your birthday then?" She laughed.

"Ugh, it was horrible mom. Royce was finally ready to let go and commit fully and there I went digging up old emotions."

"Royce is a grown man, he can handle it."

"So I must hurt him because he can handle it?"

"No, you must do what you believe is best for your children and trust that he'd understand that." She said.

"Everyone is talking to me like they have the answers to everything."

"No one has the answers to everything."

"Mom, for once tell me what you think, not what you think I want to hear." I said.

Mom looked at me thoughtfully before speaking. "I want things to work out with you and Royce. He has been there for you for years and he stepped up after everything and that took guts. I wish that things could be a lot simpler, that you can marry him and live happy but that won't happen until you work through whatever you're feeling."

"You think I'm wrong for hurting him?"

"Not exactly. I wished you didn't hurt him from the beginning but it happened, and you have to deal with it. It's not about us Ava it's about them."

I watched the girls eat their food and ran my fingers through their hairs. "You're right." I said.

"Well I have to start getting ready, your Aunt Mae and I have plans tonight." She winked.

"As long as you remember that you're off the market." I laughed.

"Well there's always window shopping." She smirked.