Chapter 19

Mason POV I held the paper firmly in my unstable hands. I kept re-reading the words over and over, and I still can't believe it. My eyes began to water as a prickling sensation went up my nostrils. The words on the paper became blurry and I was finding it harder to keep my feet planted to the ground. I am a father. Holy shit, I am a father. I can't even use words to express the feelings coursing through me. I wasn't even thinking about marriage yet and I already have kids. I didn't know what to expect when I saw Ava Shawn, but this was not it. Her clear blue eyes captured me from the first moment I saw her, I had no clue that she was my sexy kitten from our Halloween party. From the moment she left my penthouse I searched for her aimlessly, wanting to find out the answer for why she left. She sent my body in overdrive and walked right out of it like it never happened, and now she came rushing back like a tidal wave giving me news beyond my wildest dreams. Everyone had their doubts and normally I would too, but although I was intoxicated I do remember that no condom was used. I wasn't expecting to go to the party, let alone get wasted and have a one-night stand. I mean the only reason I went to that silly thing was because Caleb and Jason were so persistent that I go and now, I'm in a mess I wasn't prepared to deal with. My family was in the study room with me all eager to see the results I held. I shut my eyes tight willing for me to wake up, and when I reopened them the words were still there. I am their father.

"Was this a mistake?" My dad asked, shocked as he looked over my shoulder.

"No sir, I'm afraid not." Maxwell said.

"No this has to be a mistake.....this has to be, you must do it again." He demanded.

"Mr. Reynolds I'm more than willing to redo the test if you wish, but I'm telling you that the results will be the same." Maxwell said.

Maxwell has worked for our family for as long as I can remember. He is a well-known doctor in Seattle and his team has been assisting us with anything from a minor cold to DNA testing. Sad to say, this family had to go through a few DNA tests over the years.

"How can this be?" Dad said.

"This kind of thing happens when you don't use protection." I whispered.

"Are you trying to be funny?" He asked angrily.

"I am not."

"Sounds a lot like it. I have been drilling this shit into you and your brother's head for years! Wrap it up!"

"I was drunk okay! I was barely aware of my actions." I lied smoothly. I was more than aware of my actions that night. The alcohol simply blocked out my rational thoughts.

"So you're saying this.....this woman took advantage of you? She did this to get money out of this family."

"No, I'm not. I'm saying we were both intoxicated and we were wearing costumes. I had no clue who she was and my identity was concealed also. Furthermore, the last thing this family should worry about is money."

"I have worked hard to get this family where it is today and so did my father and grandfather. I've been trying so hard for you or your brother to stay away from scandal!"

"I'm sorry, but I didn't expect this." I mumbled.

"So that makes it better?!"

I heard a soft sniffle from across the room and noticed Chasity was leaning against the wall wiping her nose. Her eyes were red and puffy making me feel so much worse.

"I'm sorry Chas." I said.

"I can't believe this is happening."

"This happened almost three years ago Chasity. I was careless and stupid and I'm sorry okay. I had no idea..."

"That your careless decisions could affect us all?!" She said angrily.

I hung my head in shame. I don't have a clue how to make this right. "We had plans, remember that? Big plans! We were featured as Seattle's perfect couple! Now my boyfriend is the father of some nobody's children! Do you know how that makes me feel?" Chasity asked.

She gripped her chest during her rant. "No better than people finding out that someone's accusations are actually true. Years ago, this family was dodging scandal and we were doing so well!" Dad said.

I listened to my father and my girlfriend argue back and forth towards me. Telling me how they were disappointed and how I have embarrassed them. My mother sat in the corner of the room silently watching the dispute, no surprise there. Regina was pretty much still in shock.

"What are we going to do now?" Mom asked.

"What are we going to do? We are going to pay that little girl to keep her mouth shut that's what! We'll give her money to keep herself and these children far away from us."

"I agree, we have come too far to let this stranger cause problems in this family." Chasity said eagerly nodding.

I grimaced at the thought. I shoved my hand in my pocket and pulled out the folded photo of the children, my children. I stared at their faces which mirrored mine. Their smiles were wide, full of innocence and joy. They didn't deserve any of the malice that this world is so full of.

"Wait, don't you think you should ask Mason. Give him some time to at least process this." Regina suggested.

"This doesn't concern you Regina." Chasity said.

"Neither does it concern you."

"He is my boyfriend of course this concerns me." I used my finger to trace over their little faces in awe of what I helped to create. They were so beautiful.

"This concerns this entire family because one of us goes down then we all do. We need to decide the right amount to give this woman to get her out of our lives! Marie, call our lawyers quickly, let's settle this..."

"Stop it!" I yelled.

The room went silent immediately and I was shaking to keep myself under control. "This doesn't concern any of you!"

"Mason how dare..."

"What dad?! What can you possibly say? This has nothing to do with any of you! God, this is my life, this is all happening to me and therefore the decision is mine!" I said.

I was getting more and more tired of this family's irritating need to bud into my personal life. Haven't I done enough? I did everything that he wanted me to do without complaint so when does this end?

"Calm down Mason." Mom said.

"Do not tell me to calm down mother. You people are acting like my life is some kind of business transaction. I am not one of your businesses okay?! I just found out that I am the father of twin girls. Can I have one minute to process this?!"

My breath was coming out in hard pants and I quickly stormed out of the room. I was done listening to my father's shit. I quickly made my way outside to catch some fresh air. I needed time to myself and my family aren't helping in the slightest. I just got some earth-shattering news and they only care about how it makes them look. I heard footsteps approaching and I was about to start another round of yelling when I realized that it was Maxwell. I sighed as he held his hands up in surrender and approached me slowly.

"I was only leaving." He said.

"Yea, right okay." I nodded.

Maxwell moved past me and made his way down the steps on the porch. He paused at the bottom and turned to face me slowly.

"They're wonderful." He said.


"Your daughters. They are absolutely wonderful girls and very intelligent for their ages." He said.

I was too shocked to respond as he turned quickly and made his exit. His words sent an odd feeling through my body and I tried hard to shake it. Deciding it was best to take a drive, I jumped in my Rolls Royce and sped out of the yard. With the roof down and the wind in my face, it was a lot easier for me to collect my thoughts. I am a father. I kept repeating the words in my mind hoping for the words to magically give me an answer. I have proof that they are mine and if I'm honest, I knew it from the first time I saw their picture. I have this news and I don't know what to do with it. I didn't want to run away from it, and I don't want to pretend that I didn't just find this out, I wanted to face this head on. My father talked about paying off Ava to stay away, but is that what I want? Ava doesn't seem like the type of person to jump at the sight of money. I have no doubt that she'd turn down any money my father presented and if I'm honest, I want her to. Do I honestly want to forget the fact that I have children? To have them raised not knowing who I am? I thought about going on with my life like this never happened, like Ava never came here at all. Will I still be happy? I would continue with my business, continue with making my father proud and our family thrive, marry Chasity and maybe have kids of our own someday, but did I want that or is that the dreams of my parents? My mind conjured up images I wasn't prepared for, my daughters in the arms of another man. I watched him held their hands, kiss them, teach them how to ride their first bikes, being there for their graduations and hearing them call him daddy instead of me. I had to immediately pull over because even the thought of another man doing everything that I should was too painful. I placed my head on the steering wheel to calm my breathing. I don't want my daughters to call another man daddy nor do I want them to look to another man to take care of them. I knew what I wanted, and I knew nothing could change how I felt. My father will be pissed no doubt. He will prattle on and on about the family and the press or whatever shit he will use to justify what ideas he has. This time though, it won't work. I have done everything he wanted my entire life because I was afraid of being exiled, disappointing him, and losing everything. Caleb was a lot stronger than I am when it came to facing my dad. I have devoted my life to this family and making my father happy, this time it's my choice alone and I refuse to let him take that from me. Chasity will also be upset with what I choose to do, but if she says she loves me then she has to accept my choices no matter how much she may not like them. I don't want to hurt her, and I don't want to hurt any potential investments our fathers may have. The only reason I dated Chas was because dad was insistent on it and I actually started to care for her. I have the power to take control of this situation and I am determined to. I threw my car in reverse and quickly made my way back home. When I pulled in front of the house, Jason and Regina were standing outside. Jason held Jarvis on his shoulders who giggled and played in his father's hair and the sight solidified my decision. Regina watched me exit the car with a gentle smile on her face.

"Hey big brother." She said.

I nodded at her and Jason, poking lightly at Jarvis' tummy. He giggled lightly.

"Hi uncle Mason."

"Hey buddy." I smiled.

"Are you okay?" Regina asked.

I shrugged. "Have you came to a decision?"

I knew she was practically bubbling inside for answers.

"Subtle." I scoffed

"Come on, this is a big decision."

I nodded, "I'm going to be there." I said softly.

Regina's eyes lit up and she pulled me into a tight hug. "I knew you'd make the right choice. Don't let daddy or miss prissy in there ruin this for you Mae. This could be good for you, for all of us especially those girls."

"I know, I can't just pretend like they're not here."

"Yes, good. I can't wait to see them." She squealed.

I took the photo out of my pocket and handed it to her. She looked confused until she opened it quickly. She covered her mouth in a soft gasp and Jason looked in her hands to see what triggered the reaction.

"Whoa." he said.

"My word, they look just like you Mae. You didn't even need a DNA test!" Regina said.

"I know right."

"Oh, wow I can't wait to meet them."

"Well I have to meet them first." I said.

"Who's that mommy?" Jarvis asked.

"These are your cousins Jar." Regina said.

"Cousins?" He asked, confused.

"Yes buddy, you'll be meeting them soon hopefully." Jason said.

I loved the way it sounded and the image of them actually playing even more. "They're beautiful." Regina said, handing me the photo.

"Yes, they are." I said staring at the photo for the hundredth time.

"Welcome to fatherhood." Jason winked.

"God, I still can't believe it. Dad isn't going to like this."

"Who cares? This is your decision and if he doesn't want to meet his granddaughters then screw him. I can't wait to meet them and see their mom again."

"That's easy for you to say, you can do no wrong in dad's eyes." I said.

"Quirks of being the only daughter." She shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "What's their names?" Regina asked.

"Lillian and Penelope, their mother's name is Ava." I said remembering the names from the DNA test.

"Such beautiful names." She sighed.

"You're doing the right thing."

"I know I am."

"We have to get home. I'll reach out to you later okay?" She said.

I nodded slowly and I watched as they left the porch. I noticed Chasity's car was still here and I was glad, I needed to clear the air now. I quickly made my way inside and searched for my parents. When I realized that no one was downstairs I headed up stairs to continue my search. I found my mother and Chasity in my parents’ bedroom. My mother was sitting at their window seat reading a book and Chasity was on her cell phone. The minute they noticed my presence, they quickly forgot what they were doing.

"Mason." Mom said.

I held up a hand, "Where is dad?" I asked.

"He is in his office." She said confused.

"Follow me." I replied before exiting the room with the ladies close behind.

Like she said, dad was in his office with one of our lawyers, Levi. He looked up from beneath his glasses as we entered the room.

"Oh good, you're back. I was just talking to Levi and making arrangements for the funds to be deposited along with a NDA, that way we can start to put this all behind us." He said smoothly.

"What?" I asked.

"I was discussing the amount of money we should give them." He said.

"I want to be in their lives." I stated.

"What?" Chasity said shocked.

"I didn't stutter."

"You can't possibly be serious." Dad said angrily.

"I am very serious." "How can you make a decision like that without consulting me first?"

"The same way you were organizing to pay off the mother of my children without consulting me." Chasity gasped in silent shock at my words, but I couldn't allow her to distract me just yet.

"Watch your tone." Dad warned.

I slammed the photo of the girls on his desk quickly. "You see that? They are my daughters, your granddaughters." I said.

My father stared at me coldly refusing to look at the picture on his desk. "I won't allow you to let your emotions get in the way of this." He said calmly

"What the hell? Do you even care?" I asked.

"No. The only thing I care about is protecting the name of this family."

"This is your family too dad! These girls are innocent children. They didn't ask for any of this."

"Oh, and we did?" He said.

I shook my head annoyed, "I won't allow you to take this decision from me."

"You are not thinking logically Mason."

"I am! I refuse to allow these girls to grow up and not know who I am! They are my children. I haven't even met them yet and you already want to keep them away from me." I said.

"I am not going through this."

"I don't care! I am." I said.

Mom moved beside me silently and picked up the photo of the girls. She covered her mouth slowly and I watched as her eyes started to glisten.

"They're so beautiful." She whispered.

"Yes, they are." I said.

"Marie, don't allow this to cloud your judgment, we had an a agreement."

"But they are his children Charles, our grandchildren. Can't you at least try to understand? He wants to do the right thing."

"He's allowing his weak emotions to lead him astray. I won't allow his mistakes to become our own."

"And I won't allow you to keep me away from my own children. You raised me to be intelligent and responsible and now that I'm trying to do that you won't let me. I don't care how you feel, you will not keep them away from me."

"I raised you to be intelligent and responsible but you're not doing any of that now. Hell, you wouldn't have gotten into any of this if you had listened." I shrugged.

"It doesn't matter. They're a part of this family so I suggest you get used to it."

"I can't believe the total disrespect that you are showing me Mason." His face was nearly orange as he stared at me in anger.

I wasn't moved by it though, not now. "I'm not trying to disrespect you dad. I always try to do the right thing for this family. I do everything you ask without complaint, why can't I make this decision on my own?"

"The decisions that you want to make are ruled by your feeble emotions. This family thrives off the brain not the heart."

"And you're proud to say that?"

"Yes, I am actually. We've gotten far because of it and I won't let those dirty tabloids taint the name of this family because of your actions. You're in a relationship with the daughter of the C.E.O of the best law firm in the state. How does it look that you now have children from a one-night hook up? I won't allow you to screw this up."

"I won't allow you to take them away from me. I am their father and I refuse to let those girls grow up and not know who I am. So, either you accept that this is the decision I am making or I will call the press myself and release my statement."

"Are you threatening me Mason Reynolds?"

"I'm giving you a choice, because like it or not my children are here to stay." I said.

There was a moment of silence where my father and I stared at each other. I can tell that he was gauging how serious I was, and I held my shoulders high as I stared back at him with not even a blink to break the connection. I wanted him to know that I was serious and will not back down without a fight, a big fight.

He stood up from his desk suddenly, "You deserve whatever bullshit that will come at you next you here?!" He warned.

"I will be looking forward to it."

My dad stormed out of his office and Levi was right behind him. My mom was still staring at the photo and I knew that she was feeling the same that I felt when I first saw that. I approached her slowly and her eyes met mine.

"The resemblance is uncanny." She smiled.

A single tear escaped, and she wiped it away slowly. "Are you sure that this is what you want?" She asked.

I nodded, "I'm sure that I want them. I don't have the slightest idea how to be a father, but I want to try."

"You will be great."

"Does that mean you're okay with this?"

"I will support your decision." She whispered.

I sighed and pulled her into a hug. At least one of my parents was being reasonable. "Thank you mom." I sighed.

She pulled away gently and pressed the photo into my hand. "I can't wait to meet them." She said.

When my mother left the room, I forgot that Chasity was still in the room. She was standing in the corner of the room quietly, her eyes revealing the hurt she felt. She crossed her arms across her chest as if she was waiting for me to speak.


"Do I have a say in this?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"All of this, do I even have a say?" She shook her head in disgust at my silence. I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I want to do this. I know that I can't pretend like this doesn't affect her but if she wants to be with me then it will.

"Do you love me Mason?" She asked. I hesitated for a second, "Yes."

"You're not acting like it."

"Chasity how am I not acting like it?"

"You don't even care about what I have to say about how I feel. You're not the only one in this relationship Mason."

"I know that."

"Do you?" Her lips quivered.

"I was so wrapped up in what I found out. How did you expect me to react? Was I supposed to come to you for the answers?"

"No but I would feel better if I was a part of those decisions."

"What do you want, Chas? What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to forget this happened. I want us to go back to how things were, and I wanted your first child to be mine also. Now I have to accept that you're a father and that you're just letting this random person into your life?"

"You can't ask me to abandon my children Chasity and if for a moment you thought I would then you don't know me at all." I said.

"I thought I did. I thought we wanted the same things."

"We do Chas." I moved to stand in front of her and took her hands into mine. "I want you to try to understand me. I know this isn't easy for you but the feeling that is coursing through me I won't ignore that. I have to be there, it is the right thing."

"And this woman?"

"Ava is a woman I met nearly three years ago. We had one drunken night together and that's all. She is their mother and is giving me the opportunity to be their father Chasity. There is nothing between us I swear, I barely know her."

My words left a bitter taste in my mouth, but I swallowed around it. Chasity arms circled my waist slowly. I returned the gesture wrapping my arms around her shoulders and resting my chin on her head.

"Fine." She whispered.

"Are we good?"

She sighed, "For now I guess."

After Chasity left, I went into the kitchen for some dessert. My parents were probably in their bedroom, wherever they were in this house I'm glad I didn't see them. I got a small dish with a spoon and got the ice cream out of the freezer. While I ate my ice-cream, I was flipping through the messages my builder sent me. My house was being refurbished not too far from here. It is the only reason why I'm even in this house. In a few short weeks I'll be back in the comfort of my home. Being so close to my dad reminds me too much of my childhood. As I flipped through my emails and made a couple of responses, my mind drifted towards Caleb. He was the person I would always go to when I needed to vent, my listening ear. Growing up, Caleb was my best friend and my partner. Our connection went beyond twin brothers somehow and we always have known what the other was thinking. Call it twin power or whatever but I never felt closer to anyone than I did to my brother. After the big falling out with our dad, dad warned me to stay away from him, telling me he was a bad influence and would embarrass the family. Of course, I tried to find a way to appease my father and keep my brother in my life. Our dad always had dreams for us, he always wanted us to thrive in the areas of his choice. I went into IT and architecture like he wanted but Caleb refused to go into law. Caleb was always the romantic type, the writer, the reader, nothing like the lawyer that dad wanted him to be. After years of being pushed into a career that he didn't want, Caleb put his foot down and refused. He wanted to read, to write, create movies and to give unknown authors a voice. As expected, dad was beyond furious and even after all these years dad was still pissed, ignoring the fact that Reynolds Publishing was quite successful. A part of me wondered if dad was more upset that he excelled in the area that he wanted than the fact that he turned down the career he wanted for him. My finger unconsciously dialled Caleb's number, falling back into old habits.

"Has the shock worn off yet?" Caleb chuckled.

"Not even close."

"I was expecting your call."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yea, I knew it was a lot to process."

"Yea it is."

"How did everyone take it?"

"How do you think?" I said.

"That bad huh?" He asked.

"Dad already had Levi here writing up a NDA and deciding how much money will be enough to keep Ava quiet."

"The fuck..."

"Yea I know, I shut that shit down immediately." I sighed.

"For a guy who preaches about responsibility, I'm surprised he had such a cold reaction."

"Right? I wasn't expecting that either."

"He's obviously more concerned about how it'll make you look."

"That will always be his first concern. Appearances." I scoffed.

"I'm glad I don't have to deal with his shit for now."

I smiled, "Lucky you."

There was a moment of silence on the line and I finally worked up the courage to ask that one burning question.



"What are they like?"

Caleb sighed after a moment, "Wonderful, there isn't another word I can describe them."

"How so?"

"They are so sweet, independent and super intelligent. Their favorite things are breast milk, cocomelon, singing and candy." He chuckled.

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine everything he was saying, being there, watching them play, eat and sing.

"They truly are amazing kids Mason. Ava is doing a wonderful job raising them."

"And what is she like?" I asked curiously.

She is the mother of my children after all. "Ava is.... ..down to earth and selfless. She's inquisitive and she doesn't really like attention. She's quiet but so easy to talk to and she has this obsession with doing the right thing. Her whole world revolves around those girls."

Caleb talked with so much admiration, as if he's proud of her and in awe of the kind of person she is. A part of me felt jealous that he knew her so well, that he knew my children so well. "I hope I'm not sensing affection there..." I said.

Caleb scoffed, "As if, I adore her no doubt, but not in that way. She's the best assistant I've ever had if I'm being honest."

"That has nothing to do with today's confirmation?"

"Actually, not at all. Besides, my affections as you so subtly put it, is more directed to her best friend Catherine."

"Really....and you haven't pursued her yet?" I asked.

Caleb is not the type to beat around the bush when it comes to women. "I don't want her to be like any other fling. I want it to be more than that."

"Well that's a first for you."

"Exactly why I'm.....reluctant." He said.

"I want to meet them Caleb."

"Well that's not up to me. You're going to have to talk to Ava about the when's and where's."

"You think she'll let me?" I asked.

"Of course. She would've never gone through so much trouble only to not let you in their lives."

"Well maybe I can come by the hotel tomorrow." I suggested.

"Unfortunately, we aren't there anymore."

"What? Why?" I asked worried.

"We had a life to get back to Mason. We couldn't just wait there, and we weren’t planning on a long stay anyways. Ava wanted to give you some space to think about what you wanted."

That's considerate of her. "I want to be in their lives Caleb, I don't want to miss another second."

"Are you ready for that?"

"Maybe not but I won't sit around waiting until I think that I am."

"Okay well, you should talk to her, I'll send you her number."

"Great I’ll call her now." "What? It's almost two in the morning Mason."

"What, too late?" I asked.

"You think? Call her in the morning."

"Ok, I'll definitely do that." I said a little eagerly. "Mason."


"I don't want you to make this decision only to leave later. You say you want to be there so be there, but I don't want to see them hurt."

"I won't hurt them Caleb." I vowed.

"How can you be so sure?" He asked.

I pulled out the picture again that seems to be glued to my body for the last few days and stared at their little faces. "Because I haven't even met them yet and I already love them."