Chapter 31

"Royce, who is that?" I asked again.

"Nobody, let's go inside." He said, tugging my arm.

"Nobody?!" The girl and I said simultaneously.

"Yes, nobody. Ava, let's go inside."

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who this woman is."

"Tell her Royce or I will." The woman demanded crossing her arms.

"Stop it." Royce growled at her.

"Tell me what?" I asked looking between them.

"Nothing at all." Royce said while tugging me towards the front door once again.

"Ava, let's just go and you need to leave." He pointed towards the woman.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Ava, she's nobody. Please just come on."

"Really, I'm a nobody now?" She said.

"I'm laying my heart out to you and I'm a nobody? You better tell her the truth right now."

"Get out of here! Please!"

"Ms. Shawn, should I escort her off of the property?" Maxo asked.

"You are not escorting me anywhere until Royce tells me how he feels."

"I don't feel anything for you."

"I don't believe that for a second."

"Stop it! God dammit, stop it now." I said.

Peppa twitched against my shoulder and I forced myself to calm down. "Now the only thing keeping me from losing it right now are my children. So, I will ask again, who the hell are you and what is your purpose here? You have two minutes, or I WILL have you removed."

Everyone went silent and it only angered me further. "I'm waiting!"

"My name is Isabell and I'm his lover." She blurted out. My head snapped in Royce's direction instantly.

"You are NOT. Quit it Isabell, this shit isn't funny. This is my life." Royce said angrily.

"I wasn't trying to be funny. She wanted the truth and I gave her it. Royce and I are in a relationship. He has feelings for me, and I do for him." Isabell said.


"No, I won't stop. Tell her what you told me. How you don't want to be with her or how only hearing her voice sickened you because she got pregnant for a total stranger." I gasped.

"Isabell, stop this. Baby it's not like that, let me explain." He pleaded.

"She explained enough." I mumbled. "Maxo, please escort her off of the property."

As I talked, it sounded like the words didn't come from my lips. I couldn't recognize my own voice. I turned away and headed inside up the stairs. A few seconds later, I heard Royce enter behind me. I immediately went into the girls’ room and placed Peppa into her crib. Royce followed behind me and placed Lily in hers. I quickly exited the girls’ room and went to our bedroom trying not to vomit. I felt like I was soccer punched in my stomach and it took everything in me to hold my composure. Royce came into the room behind me and closed the door gently.

"Let me explain." He started.


"Ava, you have to believe me, she's crazy, it wasn't like that."

"Don't lie to me." I said, vibrating from the effort to contain myself.

"I'm not lying to you Ava. She blew it wildly out of proportion. I'm not perfect okay, I've made a few mistakes but I'm telling you it wasn't how you think."

"How was it Royce? I mean, you're standing here pleading but you have yet to tell me the truth."


"No! I made my mistakes and I was honest with you. I didn't lie to you. I might've waited too long to come clean about certain things, but I told you Royce, I told you. So please, spare me your bullshit excuses. Tell me the truth." I demanded.

Royce sighed gently before moving to sit on the bed. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration before meeting my eyes. "When you first told me you were pregnant, I was distraught. God, you remember how I was. I couldn't even look at you and stand in the same room without losing it. I was so hurt, and I felt betrayed and disgusted." His voice cracked and I looked away trying to keep my tears at bay.

"When I went back to flight school, I went out with some of the guys hoping it would clear my mind a bit. We went to this bar to play pool, drink beers and watch the game. That is where I met Isabell. She was beautiful, I was drunk and angry."

"So, you slept with her to get back at me." I finished.

Royce nodded sullenly before hanging his head. "The next morning, I felt so guilty and it made me angry even more. God, you got pregnant for someone else and here I am feeling guilty for a fling."

"What else?" I said not wanting him to dwell so much on my past right now but more his.

"Well, we went out a couple of times."

"A couple?"

"Okay fine. It was more than a couple of times. We saw each other more than once almost every week." He admitted.

I turned away then, unable to look at him. "I'm sorry okay? I was hurt, angry and confused. I didn't know what was going to happen between us, so I tried to distract myself, have some fun."

I turned to face him again, "Royce that was more than fun! You confided in her, you told her things about us, about me! Don't sit here pretending that it was a fling. It wasn't a one time thing. You were dating her."

He ran his hand through his hair again before standing. "I know, I know."

"When you came back to me in the hospital, were those words the truth? Did you really want to be with me? Or did something else happen?" I asked.

"Of course, they were true! You know that." He said desperately.

One look at my face and he sighed again before continuing. "Isabell was in a relationship also when we were seeing each other. I couldn't stop thinking about you and she wanted to give her boyfriend another chance, so we decided to end whatever it was."

"Then why did she show up here?!"

"I don't know! I don't know. Maybe things didn't work out for her and her boyfriend, but I swear to you I haven't seen her since we ended it. She tried to reach out to me a few times, but I ignored it."

"Do you love her?"


"Do you love her?" I said emphasizing each word.

"No, God no."

"Then why didn't you tell me about her after all of this time? Why did she have to show up here for me to find out?"

"Because it was nothing! It was something I wanted to put behind me."

"And I get that, you don't think I do?! I've been trying to put my indiscretions behind me for years, but you won't let me even after I told you the truth."

"That is completely different. Your indiscretions are sleeping in the other room."

"How dare you?" I said in disgust.

"Ava I will not allow you to judge me right now. You broke us a long time ago when you slept with Mason!"

"And I said I was sorry!" I yelled.

"I said I was sorry Royce, God, do you want me to tattoo it across my forehead?! I was honest with you, I told you the truth and I allowed YOU to make the decision to stay or not and YOU stayed! I never forced you."

"I know!" He yelled pulling on his hair. "I know I decided to stay but it's not something that I can just forget, and I see the result of your mistake every day. I don't want you pointing fingers at me. We both played a part in this."

"That isn't the point Royce! I had my suspicions that you were seeing someone else and if that's what you wanted you had every right to, but you came back here and told me nothing about her. You never mentioned dating anyone! I had to find out because she showed up at our house!"

"I was just trying to put it behind me. I had no clue she was crazy enough to show up here."

"Well you know what? There is a huge elephant in the room Royce, and we can't ignore it anymore." I sighed.

We've been dancing around this for a lot longer than we should have. "Do you want to keep doing this?"

"What are you talking about?" He asked, confused.

"Us Royce, do you want to keep doing us?"

"Doing us? Being with you? This isn't just a fling Ava. We are not doing 'us', we are in a serious relationship."

"Really? It doesn't feel like it. I mean this isn't much of a relationship when you can't forgive me. When you constantly throw my past in my face and consider my own children as some kind of a technicality."

"Stop it. I love those girls and you know that. I was only trying to make a point."

"Point taken Royce, but at what cost?" Royce stared at me, his eyes remorseful and I knew then that some time a part would be needed.

"I'm going to take the girls to L.A this weekend. I think we both need to decide what is going to happen between us because I can't keep feeling like this. I can't keep waiting for the next time that you'll throw something in my face."

I left the room then and headed into the girls’ room. Like I expected he didn't follow, he never does. The last thing I wanted was to sleep next to him tonight. I wasn't more thankful for my small frame than right now. I quietly eased into Lily's crib and folded slowly to her side, praying that sleep will find me soon. I woke up the next morning with a small hand squeezing my cheeks and playing with my eyelids. I groaned softly and pried my eyes open. Lily was smiling happily next to me.

"Mommy you’re in bed." I groaned again and stretched lazily as far as I could.

"Yes Lily, I'm in your bed."

I slowly eased out of her crib and stretched my tense muscles even more. The girls were both awake and stared at me curiously probably wondering why I slept in here. I pulled them out of their cribs and set them on the floor. I went into my bedroom not surprised to find that Royce wasn't there. Rather than dwelling on where he was, I quickly got the girls and I ready to start our day. Maxo carried them to my mother's house before carrying me to work. I ignored my co-workers all morning, staying locked on the top floor with Caleb. I kept busy to avoid thinking and it worked for the most part, but all I kept seeing was Isabell's face and hearing her words. I wouldn't mind if he had slept with her once, but he didn't. They slept together several times and basically had a relationship and he never told me. I slept with Mason one time, one drunken mistake and I ended up getting pregnant with twins, meanwhile he slept with Isabel on many occasions and has no type of repercussions. He pretended that it didn't happen and came back home to me and it's not fair.

"Ava, can you call Tom Russell and set up a meeting with him please? We have a few things to straighten out before his book signing."

Caleb's voice came over the monitor on my desk, breaking me out of my thoughts, thankfully. I pressed the button to respond. "Yea sure, on it."

"You okay?"

"Yea, of course."

"Alright, when you are done with that, I'd like some coffee please."

"Not a problem." I quickly did what he asked and arranged a meeting with Tom for Wednesday. He was one of the company's most published authors, releasing more than twelve novels under us, he is Caleb's favorite. I got up to make Caleb's coffee when I heard my cell buzzing in my bag. I quickly retrieved it and realized I had multiple miscalls, all from Mason. Before I had to time respond, my cell rang again and this time I answered it. "Hello?" I said.

"God, Ava I nearly had a stroke. Why didn't you answer any of my calls?"

"I'm sorry my phone was on silent. I had no idea."

"You know that I call every morning to talk to the girls and you never told me when you got home last night. I was worried as hell, but Maxo said he had already carried you to work."

"Yes, I know I'm sorry. It slipped my mind and by the time as I got up, I was running late."

"Is everything okay?"


"Ava." He chided.

"I'm fine Mason. You can call my mother if you want to talk to the girls, but I have work to get back to."

"Alright." He said hesitantly.

"Okay, bye."

"Oh and Ava?"


"You're not alone okay? Not even for a second."

The line went dead, and I slowly hung up. I placed my phone on my desk and made Caleb's coffee with shaky hands. I knocked gently before cracking his door. He was talking on his phone and quickly waved me in. "Alright, call me if anything changes." He said before hanging up.

I placed the coffee on his desk slowly. "Thanks a lot, I don't know how you're doing it but I'm struggling to stay awake."

I shrugged, "With children, you tend to grow accustomed to the lack of sleep."

He chuckled, "I believe you." I turned and headed for the door slowly.

As my hand touched the knob I hesitated. Mason's words rang loud and clear in my ears, 'You're not alone.' I figured it was best to talk to someone before the weight crushed me. I spun around quickly, and Caleb paused with the cup to his mouth taking in my expression. "Are you okay?"

"Caleb remember when you told me that I can talk to you at any time, that your door is always open?"


"Well I need to talk to you."

Caleb set his coffee down slowly, "As your boss or as your friend?"

"My friend." I whispered.

Caleb waved his hand towards the seat in front of his desk. "Have a seat." I moved quickly and sat down in front of him.

I played with my fingers like toys in front of me. "What's on your mind?"

"Well, last night when Royce and I got home, there was a woman waiting for us in her car at the front of our house." I started.

"A woman? Was Maxo there?" He asked immediately.

"Yes, he was but it’s not what you're thinking." He relaxed slightly and nodded for me to continue.

"She said her name was Isabell and that she was Royce's lover."

Caleb's eyes widened, "His lover?" I nodded. "What did he say?"

"After some coaxing, he admitted to dating her after he found out I was pregnant with the girls. He said they saw each other basically every week when he went back to flight school."

"He had a whole relationship while he was away to school and didn't tell you about it, yet he was pissed at you over your mistake?"

"Yes, and I wonder if I should be upset or if I’m just begin a hypocrite? Afterall, I got pregnant when I cheated."

"You were also drunk Ava and it happened one time, but Royce did this multiple times and in his right mind. Two wrongs don't make a right."

"Yea, but our relationship was already on the rocks you know. We had no clue if we were going to stay together." My voice cracked.

"But you were still in a relationship. Just because you are going through something doesn't mean you should sleep around, that only complicates things. If anything, he should've ended things with you."

"He said it was nothing, that it was a mistake he wanted to forget about." I shrugged.

"If he meant that he would've came clean a long time ago like you did with Mason."

"What should I do?" Caleb leaned forward and crossed his fingers on top of the desk, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Ava, you are allowed to feel angry even if that makes you a hypocrite, you are a human with feelings. You can be angry and lash out just like he did with you. Stop punishing yourself."

I nodded slowly and wiped the stray tear angrily. I am angry, hurt, and can't even begin to put it into words. "I have been trying so hard to fix us, for years I've carried guilt but he's no better than me."

"No, he isn't. So, what will you do about it?"

"I don't want to see him right now." I admitted. "I don't want to see that house, or his dog. I want to go to L.A with you guys."

Caleb nodded, "That was always the plan." He reached into his desk and pulled out an envelope to hand me.

"What is this?" I asked, taking it from him.

"You are due for a vacation Ava. The family leaves for L.A on Wednesday, they have a lot to do to prepare for the event. Cat and I will fly down on Thursday."

"When is the event?"

"It's Saturday. You don't have to go home or see him. If you want space, this trip is what you need."

"I guess I can stay over with Cat." I said.

Finally, my tears subsided. "I don't think that'll work. It's too close and besides I have a better idea."

He said picking up his phone and dialling a number quickly. "What idea? Are you planning to keep my friend away from me?" I gave him a half smile.

"Well there's that but what better place to escape than with your children's father?" He smiled.

My eyes widened as Mason answered the phone. "Hey bro."

"Hey, what's up?" Mason asked.

"I have someone here that needs saving." Caleb smirked as

I shook my head frantically. "Who?"

"Why your children's mother of course." He grinned.

Caleb suggested that the girls and I stay with Mason and fly out to L.A with the family on Wednesday. Mason instantly agreed as I expected. Although he didn't know the details of my spontaneous decision, he was far too eager to ask for an explanation. I quickly texted Maxo to come retrieve me from work so I can go home and pack. "Thanks a lot Caleb."

"Not a problem. I'll see you when we get there on Thursday."

"Okay, and can you relay the message to Cat?"

"Done." He nodded.

As planned, Maxo got me from work and we quickly headed home so I could pack. Taking out my suitcase and the girl's, I quickly grab a few things. The girls nor I had anything appropriate to wear for the event so hopefully I'll be able to shop, or maybe Regina had something in mind already. Securing everything we will need for at least a week, Maxo carried the luggage into the jeep. I quickly scribbled down a letter for Royce in case he returned home. 'The girls and I will be gone for a few days giving us both the needed time a part. You can call to talk to the girls at any time but as for me, I need time.' Placing the note on the bed, I went downstairs to fill up Spot's food and water bowl and locked the house. We went to my mother's house to pick up the girls and my mother took one look at my face and knew not to ask too much. She smiled sadly, hugged me and told me to be safe on my trip. With a kiss on the cheek, I promised to explain everything to her later. In no time we were headed to Seattle. Thankfully Maxo was a pro at getting to Mason's house, I couldn't find it if you paid me even with a JPS.

"Momma, where we going?" Lily asked.

"We're going to see Da- Mason." I fumbled slightly, of course they didn't notice my almost slip as they cheered happily.

"Mason misses you girls already, so does Nana Ann, Aunty Gina and Jarvis."

"We miss them." Peppa whispered.

"Yea I know. We're taking a little trip, is that okay?"

"Yes!" They said.

"Is Roy coming too mommy?"

"No Lily, Roy has to go to work."


I adored their ability to brush off anything that could potentially hurt them. They are so innocent and think so highly of people at this age, it's easy for them not to see what already is. Maxo was on a call in front. Although I didn't see a phone in his hands, I could tell that he was listening with an earpiece. I was intrigued because I've never seen him take a call in my presence. "Yes sir, one moment." He said. "Ms. Shawn?"


"I have Mr. Reynolds on the phone." I was about to ask which one before he continued. "He said that he's still stuck at work, he wanted to know if it's okay for me to drop you guys there until he's done."

"He wants us to come to his work?" I asked, a little stunned.

"If it's okay with you."

"Um, sure I guess." I said.

"Alright. Sir, we'll be there in Forty." Maxo said.

We are actually going to Mason's work. Reynolds Inc is probably the largest building in Seattle. Home for over two thousand workers, all branching off in different areas from IT, automobiles, architecture and so much more. I had to admit, I was excited to see the inside of the massive building. Knowing The Reynolds, it was nothing shy of extensive. I grew even more eager as the building slowly came into view. My mouth fell open as curiosity quickly overtook my nerves and I was finally able to see the building up close.

"Wow." The girls were in awe in the backseat.

"This is Mason's work girls." I explained.

"Woah, so big momma." Peppa said.

"Yes, it is."

We drove around the massive building towards the back to the parking lot. The parking lot had several levels and Maxo took us to the very top. There was a small security booth with a stick that kept us from entering what I assumed was reserved for V.I.P parking. Maxo stuck out his card and the stick swiftly lifted in the air allowing us to enter. Once we entered the private parking lot, there was a small group of four very large men standing in one of the open lots. They were tall, dressed in black and their faces were clean of emotions. We parked in the slot next to where the men stood, and I realized they were guards. Maxo hopped out to retrieve our bags from the back and one of the guys pulled open my door gently. "Good afternoon Ms. Shawn, my name is Keith and we'll be escorting you ladies to Mr. Reynolds." He said firmly but politely.

"Oh, um okay thank you."

I leaned in the back of the jeep to unbuckle the girls from their car seats and helped them out, grabbing their bag in the process. I watched as Maxo handed our bags to one of the other guards before facing me. "He is carrying your bags to Mr. Reynolds vehicle."

"You aren't staying?" I asked.

I wondered about their car seats but remembered that Mason had car seats for them also. "No ma'am. Mr. Reynolds gave me the rest of the week off. You will be safe."

"Okay, thanks a lot. Enjoy your days off."

Maxo nodded while I took the girls’ hands and followed the guards inside an elevator in the parking lot. The guards caged us in without making us feel that way. There was enough distance for us to feel comfortable but close enough to keep us guarded. I wondered briefly if this was all necessary. When the elevator door opened, we were greeted with a very large lobby area. There were people buzzing around, working and assisting visitors and customers. The moment we stepped out of the elevator, I noticed the busy room slowed down. Many tried to be discreet or pretend to be busy, but others stared openly and without shame. I refrained from rolling my eyes at their curiosity. We are just normal people for crying out loud. I knew he meant the guards to be for protection, but they were drawing more attention than necessary. They stayed close to us as we walked and I tried to focus on the tall ceiling, the soft carpet and the smell of a brand new car that filled the room. The girls didn't ask me any questions as we walked, and I was thankful. We entered another elevator and I watched as we proceeded even higher up the building. We ended up on the very top floor when the elevators finally opened. I instantly noticed the large desk set in the middle of the lobby which reminded me a lot of Caleb's lobby to his office.

"Hello, you must be Ava." The woman wasted no time leaving her desk and approaching us as we exited the elevator. "Hello."

"Mr. Reynolds is waiting for you."

She said waving her hand towards the large black double doors. "Thank you. I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

"Oh, my apologies I'm Erin." She smiled.

Her grey eyes looked warm. I nodded with a smile before following the guards to the doors where Keith quickly knocked. There was a gentle come in and he pushed the doors open gently. As I expected, Mason's office overlooked the city in the most beautiful way. The large windows crystal clear, leaving no stone unturned. Where Caleb's office is bright, loud and opened, Mason's office is dark, warm and intriguing somehow, much like his home. He stayed behind his long black desk, glasses on his eyes and a pencil pressed to his chin in thought. I watched as the grin appeared on his face as he noticed us at the door.

"Masonnn." The girls said.

"My princesses." He gushed standing from his chair.

He wore a navy-blue suit with a white shirt underneath. He wasn't wearing a tie, instead leaving the top unbuttoned. I was a little stunned to see him in glasses and even more stunned at my body's reaction to seeing him wear them. I shook the thought quickly just as he picked up the girls. "You have glasses." Lily said thoughtfully.

"Yes, I do. I have to wear them to read." He explained before pulling them off.

"I hope you missed me like I missed you."

"Yes!" They grinned.

He smiled and gave them kisses before setting them on their feet. "Thanks a lot guys, I will call you when we are leaving."

The guards nodded and dipped out quietly shutting the doors. The girls started to roam the office quietly and I watched them for a moment before I looked up to meet Mason's eyes. "You really should expand your taste. Black and grey aren't the only colors out here." I wore a half smile.

He smiled gently before shrugging, "Yea but those colors don't quite have the same effects now do they?"

He approached me slowly until we were only inches apart. "How are you?"

I shrugged, "Okay I guess." My eyes fell to the floor. My shoes blended into the black carpet perfectly. Mason shook his head before stepping even closer. It felt like live wires were shooting up my limbs and I began to fidget trying not to meet his eyes. If I looked into them, I'd lose my composure.

"Ava." He whispered.

I sighed before finally lifting my eyes to meet his. "How are you and don't lie to me?" I took a shaky breath and my bottom lip quivered against my will. Mason sighed, pulling me into a hug. My arms instantly circled his waist and it took everything in me to contain myself. His scent was warm, familiar and so masculine. I felt safe.

"Caleb told you." I assumed.

"Not in detail but I got the idea. Are you alright?"

I sighed pulling away, "That's what I'm telling myself, but I'm not convinced."

"I knew something was off, you never miss a call from me."

I nodded, "I fell asleep in the girls’ room and overslept. My mind was not entirely there."

"You think that going away is a good idea right now?"

"I don't want to miss the event. I know it's important to you."

Mason shook his head, "Screw the event Ava. I can always release a statement in another way, but you think that travelling right now is a good idea?"

"You would do that?"

"You and the girls are my first priorities." He said serious. His green eyes were firm, compelling and slightly intimidating.

"I don't want to be home, I don't want to see him right now, or smell him or hear his voice." I said.

My voice cracked and I quickly wiped away a stray tear. "You really do love him, don't you?"

I nodded, "I do."

"Alright, I'll support your decision and do my best to keep those tears away."

"You don't have to." I whispered.

"I want to." He smiled.

I nodded relieved that the topic was over. I tilted my head to see around his arm. Lily was standing on her toes reaching for his laptop that sat on his desk. "No Lily." I called out.

Mason quickly spun around and sprinted to his desk to remove the device. Lily pouted but didn't throw a fuss. Peppa on the other hand was distracted by the texture of the carpet under her hands. Mason smiled and shook his head. "They really can be like oil and water huh?"

I smiled, "Definitely."

"How about some lunch? Have they eaten?"

"They had a snack on the drive over here, but they should be ready to eat."

"Alright, make yourselves comfortable. I'll order some food." He said.

We surely did get comfortable. Mason revealed a flat screen that was hidden on the inside of the wall to the girls’ delight. I put on their shows and pulled out a few toys that I managed to fit in their bag. They sat happily on the floor and I used the opportunity to get ahead on some editing, getting comfortable on Mason's large grey couch that sat against the window. We were almost done with the book and soon we'll begin printing. Mason went back to his work also until there was a soft knock. He got up from his desk quickly to get the door.

"Thank you." He said, grabbing the food at the door. With the boxes in his hands he closed the door before facing us.

"Who wants pizza?" He smirked.

"Yay, pizza!" The girl yelled out.

I smiled and got up from the couch to help dish out the pizza. With their foods secured between their legs, the girls ate happily while watching tv. I saved my work quickly and went over to Mason's desk to eat with him. "What do you do all day?" I asked.

Mason chewed his pizza with a thoughtful look before answering. "Everything."

"So why do you have so many workers?" I smirked.

"So, I can take vacation anytime I want." He smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"Everything that is created must go through me first. I have an entire team that helps me to remodel and create different technologies. Together we test our devices before distributing them worldwide, but of course there's more to Reynolds Inc then technology. We also create vehicles and build many homes not only in Seattle but every state including Canada. We offer classes here for anyone wanting to get in the business, whether it be in IT, real estate, finance or insurance and many more. We offer an excellent internship also."

By the time he was done talking, my eyes were the size of saucers no doubt. He looked at me curiously when I didn't respond. "Are you alright?"

"Yea, I'm trying to figure out if the commercial was through."

Mason laughed instantly and I really enjoyed the sound. "Seriously though, it's beyond impressive what all you do here. You never went into so much detail about your work."

"Because it's a mouthful like you noticed."

"No wonder your father is so hard on you." Mason snorted,

"My father is a greedy control freak who only seeks to please his ego."

"I'm glad you noticed." I chuckled.

"He's going to be bitter on this trip and I don't care in the slightest."

"He's coming too?" I pouted.

Mason laughed, "He'll meet us there. The idea of being present during my little announcement is sickening to him but he can't pass up the publicity our charity events brings us every year."

"He really does hate us huh?" I said as I chewed my pizza slowly.

Mason frowned slightly and shook his head. "He doesn't hate you or them, he hates change especially changes that include me."

"His little prodigy." I smirked.

"Precisely." He grinned.

"I've changed and it bothers him."

"You have?"

"Well I'm a father now." He said, glancing over to the girls.

I followed his gaze with a gentle smile. They were still picking apart their food totally oblivious. "I also quit making excuses for him and trying to see the good in him."

"Don't stop that." I said.

"Don't stop what? Making excuses for him?"

I shook my head, "No, don't stop trying to see the good in him. It's your talent and it's a wonderful trait to possess."

It was then that I had the pleasure of seeing Mason blush for the first time. The redness extended straight to his ears and it was the most endearing thing to witness from a man with such a hard cool exterior. I liked it.