Six Months

later I hummed gently as I piped the icing on the cupcakes. The house was buzzing with people and noise as the backyard was being used as a mini amusement park. I must admit I'm thankful for all the extra help, last year was so hectic planning the girl's party by myself and now I can actually relax. Today is Lily's and Peppa's third birthday and I could hardly believe how big my little girls are getting. They have grown so much and have gotten more beautiful as each day passes. This year's theme is all about their new obsession. While they do still love cocomelon, there was something else that grabbed their attention unexpectedly, Trolls. The girls go on and on about the Trolls movies and watch them continuously without ever getting tired. I'm pretty sure they can quote it word for word. The party is being held at the Reynolds family home this year and I couldn't be happier about it. Between multiple play dates and other activities, they've made a lot of friends and are so eager to be able to play with them all. Besides the girls, let me bring you up to speed on what occurred these last few months. I am in the process of publishing my very first book. Yes, you read it right, my own book. While I am still an editor at R.P, I am no longer Caleb's assistant, that position was now occupied by Catherine herself. Their relationship has been going so well and at first, I was skeptical about her holding onto the position but so far they've been working together with ease. I guess that's the most important thing. I work mostly from home and during important meetings I take the drive down to Vancouver. It gave me more time with not only the girls but also my second little family. I was so lost in thought that I was caught off guard when strong arms wrapped around my waist firmly. I didn't have to look to see who it was when the familiar sparks coursed through my body. I smiled and sighed lightly.

"You smell delicious." He whispered in my ear.

I giggled lightly, "I smell like cake and frosting."

"Exactly." He purred before placing a light kiss on my neck.

Things between Mason and I have been great, more than great actually. If you hadn't guessed it yet, the girls and I moved in with him. I know it seemed kind of rushed but by New Year’s Day we both agreed that it would be the best choice for the girls and us. I had my doubts at first, but Mason was always sure that we'd work out, and it was his confidence that silenced my doubts. Making the move from Vancouver to Seattle wasn't as drastic as I thought it would be. There are times my mom and Joey came down for the weekend or sometimes we go to visit them. They even took the girls off of our hands a few weekends ago. It was an easy adjustment and the girls were ecstatic to be living with their dad permanently. We've had our share of ups and downs but no matter what we always found a way to communicate and work it out. Mason has brought nothing but positivity and healthy communication skills into our relationship. The best part of working from home was being able to be with him and girls. Sometimes he'd randomly say, "Let's go on a trip" and he and I along with the girls would travel somewhere just for a family vacation. It was the best feeling ever.

"These cupcakes look beautiful love."

"Why thank you. It's all a part of the theme."

"Alright alright, enough of that." Marie giggled as she shoved Mason away from me.

"Start carrying out the food, the guests are starting to arrive." Mason groaned lightly and placed a kiss on my cheek before moving.

"Alright fine. I'll have my fun later." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you done with the cupcakes dear?" Marie asked.

"Yes I am. He can take those out also, I'm going to get cleaned up."

I was about to leave the kitchen when two colorful little people clashed to my legs. Those colorful people were none other than my two girls. They were dressed in multicolored tutus and neon pink t-shirts with the number three printed on the front. Of course, the trolls characters were designed all over their shirts also.

"Mommy, come on, the animals are here!" Peppa said excitedly.

"Mom the pony is so cuteee.

Lily pounced up and down. "It’s so big, come on, come and see."

"Girls relax, I have to get changed first." I said shaking my head lightly.

"Go and tell daddy, I'll be right back."

They finally released my legs and went to terrorize Mason, thankfully. I headed upstairs quickly to get cleaned up, deciding to dress in my fit and flared white strapless dress. The dress had beautiful pink flowers around it and was perfect for a summer backyard party. I brushed my hair into a high ponytail before slipping on cute pink gum shoes. After a moment, I decided to slip my little surprise inside the front of my dress, before I headed out to the backyard to take in the beautiful scene. The trolls theme was perfect and in the Reynolds yard, it looked fabulous. Every child's dream. The girls were occupied with riding the pony that was a part of the little petting zoo. Yes, they had a petting zoo courtesy of Charles himself. He walked alongside the ponies as the girls rode them with a bright smile on his face. If you're wondering how things were with Charles, it's safe to say he is not the same man I met a year ago. He is vibrant and full of life. He has gotten closer to his family more than ever and it has allowed the Reynolds family to flourish and thrive. Even Caleb was able to fully forgive his father. Retirement looked great on Charles, it definitely came with its perks. My mom and Joey were occupied taking pictures in front of the background that we had made just for the party. I heard a throat clear and turned to see Cat, Regina and Julia all smirking at my attire. Julia's son Cooper was strapped securely to her chest and she rubbed his back lovingly.

"I've got dynamite strapped under this dress, the first smart ass comment and I'll take us all out." I warned, causing them to giggle.

"I love it. It's about time you start embracing your inner Reynolds." Regina giggled.

"Well I'm not a Reynolds so..."

"Oh please, you're screwing one and it's in your children's DNA, you're definitely a Reynolds." Cat winked.

I ignored them and my eyes sought out Mason out of habit. He was talking to Caleb and Royce near the food table. Things with Royce and I are good. He visits the girls or calls whenever he can, so he is still pretty much a part of their lives. He and Isabel are officially a thing and happy from what I can see. It took us a while to find a way to just be friends without feeling awkward and uncomfortable. He is nothing more than a friend and I'm so glad we were able to form some sort of middle ground. Even Mason was able to get along with him after a while. Mason's eyes locked with my own and his smile widened. He left the guys instantly and jogged over to my side.

"You look beautiful." He cooed as his arms circled my waist.

I beamed happy for the compliment and wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my toes for a kiss.

"Ew." Julia gagged playfully.

I threw her a glare and she laughed pulling Cat away. "I hope Regina didn't influence your outfit today." He smirked.

"Not at all. She decided this all on her o...Jason! Jarvis is not allowed to eat any more cupcakes, he's had enough!" Regina said running over to Jason and Jarvis who were at the sweets table yet again.

Mason and I laughed watching it unfold. "Come on let's dance." He suggested.

"Oh, but the girls.."

"Are having fun at the petting zoo with their grandpa now come on." He winked.

I smiled and allowed him to pull me onto the lawn to dance to the music that was playing. The party was in full swing and it was nearly impossible not to have fun. The energy was light and bubbly as all the kids played in the bouncy house, the petting zoo, got their face painted and so much more. We even arranged musical chairs, a scavenger hunt and other fun games for them to play. The best thing about today was watching the girls play and laugh amongst all of their friends and family. And as we gathered around to sing happy birthday, it was safe to say today was turning into a complete success. It was finally time for the moment they have been waited for, opening gifts. Realistically, they can't open every gift all at once because it was far too many. I rolled my eyes as Mason, Joey and Caleb brought out gift after gift. Charles came to stand next to me with a proud smile on his face.

"I see you went overboard." I commented.

He snorted. "Please, the last girl Marie and I spoiled was Regina, so humor us."

My smile was bright as I watched the girls open gift after gift, clapping with lots of ooo's and ahh's. I started to wonder where all the new toys were going to fit. They were halfway through their gifts when Caleb pointed out a gift to them. It was a pink chart or maybe a banner rolled up neatly. He whispered something to them, and they grabbed the large banner happily. This instantly confused me because they looked as if they already knew what it was.

"For this gift we're going to need our mommy." Lily giggled happily.

My confusion deepened. "Mee?" I asked, shocked.

They nodded eagerly. I quickly moved to their sides and waited for them to continue. "Today has been the perfect day and the only thing that would make it more perfect is if you answer one question." They smiled as they recited the words in unison.

I have no doubt that the words were rehearsed but I smiled anyway, and I played along. "What question is that?" I asked.

My confusion was clear on my face. "We are now officially Reynolds so it's only fair that you become a Reynolds too!"

My eyes widened as the girls pulled a part the banner together.

"Will you marry daddy?!" They yelled.

My heart nearly seized in my chest immediately. There were silent gasps and cheers erupting all around the yard and I was having trouble keeping my feet planted. I could barely focus on the words written boldly on the banner. Charles placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me gently to see Mason kneeling before me. I started balling instantly as I covered my mouth in shock. He was wearing his award-winning smile as he knelt before me, nothing but love, trust and honesty shining bright in his eyes.

"Are you serious?" I cried.

My hands were still secured to my mouth as I spoke. I could barely make out his figure now as the tears blocked my view.

"Positive." He said. "Marry me Ava."

Everyone started chanting "Say yes, say yes" as I continued to cry in shock, in love, in happiness. The whole world was silent in that moment as I stared at him as if we were the last people on earth. I knew my answer instantly and whispered

"Yes." The cheers erupted louder as Mason slid the most beautiful emerald ring onto my finger. The colors of his and the girls’ eyes. He stood up with a bright smile on his face and pulled me into a hug, burying his nose into my neck. Tears were still leaving my eyes and he pulled away to kiss me gently.

"Oh my God are you sure?" I whispered still in shock.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." He said serious now.

I kissed him again, giddy and wrapped him in my embrace. I couldn't believe that Mason and I accomplished more in months than Royce and I did in years. The girls dropped the banner and ran to our sides. Mason and I pulled away from our embrace and picked up the girls. He held Lily with ease but Peppa felt so much like a big girl in my arms. I soon won't be able to hold them anymore.

"Mommy you're gonna marry daddy!" Peppa yelled.

I giggled, "Yes I am baby."

We stood there for a moment, enjoying our little bubble with our little family and I couldn't help the sense of deja vu that came over me. The party was slowly starting to wind down but that didn't stop the girls from playing. I sat on Mason's lap as we watched the girls play in the bouncy house from the patio. I felt eyes watching me and glanced over to my mother who was staring at me happily.

"What?" I asked her.

She sighed before standing. "I am so proud of you."

She grabbed my face and gave me a big kiss on my forehead before squeezing my cheeks. "I'm so happy for youu." She cooed.

I laughed lightly as she released me. "Thank you, mom." She turned to Mason next.

"And you sir better take care of my baby girl."

"Always." He said seriously.

My mom smiled before placing a kiss on his forehead also. "I wish you both all of the happiness in the world."

"Thank you." Mason and I said in unison.

"I'm going to help Marie start getting some things cleaned up."

"Alright mom I'll be there shortly." I said as she left the patio.

Mason sighed and wrapped his arms around me to pull me closer to his chest. "Mrs. Ava Reynolds." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck to lean closer.

"I like the sound of that."

"Good, cause I do too."

I leaned down to kiss him gently and hummed lightly, enjoying the moment. I wonder how fast we can start planning. "Is it weird that I'm already thinking about setting a date?" He asked after we pulled away.

"Hmm, that's not weird at all. I was actually thinking about the same thing." I admitted.

"Really?" He beamed.

"Yep. I was thinking we should plan it sooner rather than later."

"Ouu, why is that? Honeymoon?" He smirked.

I giggled. "Well no. I just want to be able to fit in my dress." I shrugged.

Mason frowned in confusion and I smiled reaching down in the front of my dress to retrieve the little gift I hid all day. I placed it in his hands and watched his face curiously. Mason's eyes instantly widened as he looked at the pregnancy test.

"You're pregnant?" He whispered in shock.

I nodded and bit my lip shyly watching his reaction. He kept looking between me and the test, lost for words.

"Holy shit." He started laughing in glee and his laugh was contagious.

"Are you okay with that?" I asked.

"Hell yes I'm okay with that. Oh my God." He laughed and hugged my close before placing his hand over my abdomen.

"Now I get to experience it from the very beginning."

"From start to finish." I whispered, leaning in for a kiss once again.

Almost four years ago I thought I had made the worst mistake of my life, but if it wasn't for that mistake, I wouldn't be living my best life. The Best Mistake.