What did I do?

I forgot to ask the king one damn question, that any logical mind would have asked.

"When do I sleep?"

If 24×7 I am guardian him like his shadow, when do I get the honour of having my beauty sleep?

So here I am staring at myself in the mirror, my eyes have dark circles and I look like a pale ghost.

"Lin! Your majesty is leaving!"

Someone said, knocking the door.

See, this is what I am saying.

They don't even give me 5 minutes of break.

Sighing I finished my business in a hurry and ran down the halls.

Tucking my pistol safely in my waist and adjusting the earpiece in my ear.

I reached the lobby to see everyone gathered there.

Did I miss something?

My eyes fell on a person standing in the centre.

Her blue eyes were hypnotizing and unique.

She cracked a joke and everyone laughed at it.


Who is this beautiful mystery now?

"Dan! Come here!!"

I heard her exclaiming my way and I turned around.