Dr. Adams stretched out across his desk, touching the edges. He drew long breaths while staring at nothing in particular.
“Doctor,” Enya finally spoke up.
Nessa flung her hands out, and so did Jamison.
“What if he’s telling the truth?” Enya posed the question. “Did anyone consider that?”
“Aliens?” Dr. Adams scoffed. “He’s saying he’s an alien. No, he’s insisting he’s an alien.”
“And you don’t believe him?” Enya persisted.
Dr. Adams smiled, but with a sense of hopelessness.
“I don’t like to be the bearer of bad news,” he told the family, “but there’s nothing more I can do for him.”
“What can we do?” Trevon joined the conversation again. “Grounding doesn’t work.”
“I’m concerned,” Dr. Adams admitted. “He seems so disconnected with reality that the only option I see is admitting him.”
Enya clung to Jamison.
“Admitting him?” She demanded.
“Admitting me?” Jamison cried.
“To Sunrise Psychiatric Hospital,” Dr. Adams said.