
“So... Friends?” He stretched out his hand towards me and I just stared at it. Then I slowly brought out my hand to shake his but before our hands could come in contact, a phone ringtone interrupted through the silence in the room.

“Go, answer the call.” I said while blushing. Hayden answered the call and walked away. I scold myself for blushing at something insignificant. I mean like, he could have other intentions like getting close to me before hurting me way worse than what Britney does for all I know. That’s when I decided to avoid him at all cost. I can’t have him coming near me especially since he’s Britney’s boyfriend.

I was walking towards my locker. I could hear everyone whispering. I caught some words and it is about a girl and a guy, but I didn’t pay any attention to it.

I looked in front of me and I noticed that Jessica is in front of a locker beside mine.

“Hi Jessica, is this your locker?” I greeted her. She nodded, and as if she remembered something, she got excited. “Hey girl, I didn’t know you have a boyfriend.” She exclaimed. After she told me this, my eyes grew big.

“Wait what? What do you mean boyfriend? I don’t have any, let alone, date someone.” I explained to her. “Then what about this picture of you and some guy?” She showed me her phone, and in her phone showed a picture of me and Hayden leaving the music room together. I started to freak out.

‘Oh no, I’m screwed. I am totally and utterly screwed. Britney’s going to come for me now. She’s going to kill me once she finds out about me getting close to Hayden.’ That’s when I saw Britney walking from afar and I could see that she was fuming with anger. ‘Oh no, I must do something, I must hide. But wait, I can’t hide anywhere when I’m here in the middle of the hallway.’

I tried to look for a room to hide in and I saw two choices. On the left side, there’s the janitor’s closet. And on the right side, there’s a classroom. The two of them are far but have the same distance from where I am now.

But if I go to the classroom on the right, I might be in trouble since some of our teachers don’t like us lurking around.

“Everyone’s been talking about this ever since someone posted this picture on social med- Hello, earth to Martha.” I snapped out of my thoughts. “Sorry Jessica, I need to hide, like right now. Excuse me.” I told her then I decided to go to the janitor’s closet.

I opened the door and I got in then I slammed the door shut. As I was catching my breath from being nervous, I heard a male voice from behind me. “Hey baby, it’s about time that you came, I have been waiting for you for about 10 minutes already.”

I almost yelped. I looked behind me and squinted my eyes to see who was talking. I barely could make out his features but I suddenly recognized his voice. It was Robin Johnson, the one that pushed me in front of my classroom earlier and made a remark about me.

“What’s the matter, babe? How about I take your clothes off? So that you won’t feel uncomfortable with me.” I realized that he doesn’t know that it's me, Martha and he thinks that he is with some chick inside the janitor’s closet.

I felt his hands on my waist and at this sudden feeling, I slapped his hand away. “Ooh, feisty, aren’t you?” It seemed like this only turned him on because he put his hands back and slithered it under my shirt. “Hey, what are you doing? Please get your hands off me.” I pleaded while removing his hands. He froze, recognizing my voice, he asked, “Ugh, Miss Grim Reaper? Why are you here?” He turned on the lights and that’s when I can see his features clearly.

“Yeah, it’s me. Can you back off now?”

“No. In fact, since you’re here with me now, I can do whatever I want with you.” While he was still talking, I got a bad feeling. I tried to find my pen that was in one of my pockets because I know that I always bring it with me. I didn’t find anything. “And since Britney gave me a task to ‘bring you to the nurse’s office’, I can do it now.” I looked in horror while he grinned evilly at me and I already guessed where this is going judging by his words.

He puts one hand around my neck, blocking my airflow, and started punching me in the gut. Choking, I tried to remove his hand from my neck. His hands didn’t budge a little bit.

I started panicking but I can’t do anything since I feel weak. Suddenly, I felt him push me down to the floor beside the door. I tried screaming for help but my voice was stuck in my throat. I then started banging on the door hoping that someone would hear it.

Robin pulled me from the door then started to kick me hard and I screamed from the pain. A few seconds passed with Robin kicking me endlessly until I felt him pulling my hair and punching me again. I closed my eyes, praying that this will all be over when suddenly I felt that Robin stopped.

I opened my teary eyes and saw what happened. In front of me, I saw Hayden punching Robin. I choked out Hayden’s name and he looked at me, concerned, and with one hard punch upon Robin’s face, he was out cold.

“Oh God, Martha, stay with me okay? I need you to stay awake Martha.” He bends down right beside me. “Jessica, call the school nurse!” He yelled but he may have seemed to change his mind since he said, “Never mind, come here and stay with Martha.”

“O-okay, hey Martha, you’re going to be fine, the nurse will be here in a few minutes, alright?” Jessica comforted me and I could see tears were rolling from her eyes.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine, okay?” I smiled at her before I passed out.