
When I arrived at the school's gate, everyone around me began to whisper. "Isn't that girl the reason as to why Kyle Sweetheart died?" A blond girl asked.

"Yes, she's the one. That's why everyone calls her a grim reaper because if you get close to her, you will die." The brunette girl said as the blond girl gasped at the information.

"If only that girl was not related to Kyle, he would have been alive by now, and I would’ve been able to see his handsome face every day." the blondie said. "Come on before she noticed us." I walked past them and got to my locker.

I opened my locker and took my books. Then the locker door was slammed shut by Stacy (almost slamming the locker door to my face) then Britney walked on to my left side. I looked at them with an emotionless face. "My, oh my, why are you here grim reaper? Why do you still come to this school and show your face with no shame?"

I could see that Britney was boiling with anger and she was ready to slap me hard. "Kyle Sweetheart was our school's star, why do you have to ruin those who are close to you!" I was waiting for the pain to come, but it never came.

When I looked at Britney, I saw her hand in midair and she took a deep breath as if she was calming herself. "This won't be over. I'm going to make you suffer while you're still in this school. Mark my words Martha."

After she said her words, she left with Stacy. I exhaled a breath of relief. Even though I am a little relaxed, I couldn't let my guard down to anyone. I heard the bell rang and head to my class.


The bell rang as a signal that the day is over. "Finally, another day of hell is over." I grabbed my backpack and I was about to walk out of my classroom when Stacy blocked my way and Britney pushed me over.

I looked up and saw Britney and Stacy again but this time with Britney's partner.

'I almost forgot that they're in my last class with Hayden Timothy, Britney's boyfriend. Well, I assume that Hayden is her boyfriend…' I thought as I looked up at her knowing she would bully me again. Hayden whispered some words to Britney then looked at me with his icy cold eyes and left.

I don't know why but I saw some kind of a different emotion behind his cold eyes. I was about to get up and leave when Britney stopped me. 'I just want to go home and isolate myself.' I begged in my head.

"Leaving early? How about you join us for a moment?" I immediately snapped out of my thoughts when she walked towards me with a smirk on her face. I looked around me and notice that we were the only people left in this classroom.

'I guess everyone left already...' I thought. On the outside, I would look like a doll without emotion but on the inside, I am frightened. Enough to have me running for the hills whenever I see Britney. Even though she has done this many times since school started.

I tried to get up but Britney stepped onto my stomach keeping me down. "You don't get to stand up until I say so." Britney said to me as she stepped harder onto my stomach.

As much as I want to cry out in pain, I didn't want to show any weakness in front of them. "What, cat got your tongue?" She teased me then she grabbed my hair and forced me to stand.

"Come on Stacy, let's teach her a lesson to make her wish she never stepped a foot in this school." She and Stacy grinned evilly and that is when the beating commenced. Britney started by slapping me in the face, then punching me on my ribs.

Then Stacy followed by kicking me behind my knees, making me kneel down and in the process of it, I felt my head hit the corner of a table. I looked at them and thought-

"Big brother, I miss you..." -as they kicked me then I lost my consciousness.


I woke up to my head throbbing and felt pain all over my body. I tried to recall what happened to me. 'That's right, Britney and Stacy had beat me up again.'

I tried to get up but I fell. I tried to sit upright and succeeded. I was breathing heavily due to the pain that continued to throb throughout my head and body. I guess I had hit my head hard.

When I looked through the window, I noticed that it was already night time. I saw that my bag was lying beside me and grabbed my phone from my bag. I opened my phone and saw that it was already 7:30 in the evening. "Huh, I was knocked out for a few hours," I said out loud.

I grabbed my things and left the school.


I barely got home due to the pain all over my body but when I got home, I fell as soon as I got inside. I hissed in pain and told myself to get a hold of my thoughts together and got up to get to my room.

I entered my room and I immediately put all of my foundations on my table so that I wouldn't forget to put them on the next day. As I lay on my bed, I looked at the ceiling and thought “What will my future be like? Would I even have a future if this goes on?”

I want to die but I don’t want to use a pathetic method; suicide. What would my parents and brother think once I did that? I just hoped for an accident to happen so that I could rest in peace from all of the sufferings that people at school gave me. I couldn’t move to another school because it was the last school that Kyle went to and I want to graduate there.

Oh, how I miss my parents so much, especially my older brother, he was like my twin except he’s a year and a half older than me. We were close since we were little and he was also a senior at my school.

The reason why we were in the same grade was that he dropped out when he was in middle school since he didn't want me to be left behind and then he continued studying a year later. So, we were in the same grade ever since.

My parents were the coolest. They are loving, and even though they have so much work to do, they always have time for Kyle and me, and they are the happiest couple that I've ever seen. Maybe it's because they have a healthy relationship that made them happy and kept them going.

My mom and I were the ones that would bake cookies every other weekend and we would spend the day on Netflix watching Rom-Com movies.

My dad and I would ride our bikes every Sunday morning and watch horror movies at night. Every time my dad has to fix something, I would be there acting as his assistant.

I love my parents very much but why do I have to live? I could have just died with them in the accident. No matter how much I hoped to die, I am still here in this world I call reality.

I don't know why I see things differently. I guess I’m not happy right now and I need someone supporting me. I cleared my thoughts and tried to get some sleep.