According to the article, Hayden and I are ‘dating’. When lunchtime came around, Robin and I were having fun in the janitor’s closet and when Hayden heard about us, he rushed over to catch us in the act. Then both the guys fought over me which explains the reason why they look awful with their bruises and cuts. Petrified, I looked around me only to see that Britney’s minions are nowhere to be seen and I sigh in relief.
After reading the article, I try to form some sort of plan on how to settle this issue when suddenly, at the thought of Britany being cruel to me again due to this gave me shivers. ‘Britany has another reason to beat me up again.’
I feel helpless. I don’t know what to do. I have a feeling like the whole world is against me. And this proved to be true when class ended. I slowly packed my things, trying to bide time. Everyone left one after the other and the classroom is finally empty with my silhouette being the only figure left in sight.
I grabbed my bag and walked out of the class. Since the lockers are quite far from this classroom, there are a few people and sight. Hearing quiet footsteps behind me, I thought that it was some students who were feeling freaky. But then suddenly, I feel something prick my nape. I lifted my hands towards my nape, only to feel a syringe with its needle stuck into my skin.
My whole body suddenly felt numb and I fall over. A masculine hand reached out. The person behind me caught me into his arms, whispered ‘sorry’ and I blacked out.
I can hear the engines roaring through my ears, feel the vibrations and the force of the gravity pushing and pulling me sideways whenever the car stops or moves. I opened my eyes only to realize that the area surrounding me is dark, with only a tiny bit of light seeping through on my right. My hands and legs are bounded tightly by a rope. I moved around a bit but I can’t seem to stretch a lot. I figured that I must be in a trunk of a car.
Someone kidnapped me.
I try to think of all the people who had the guts to kidnap someone in broad daylight when suddenly Britney’s face came to mind. In my groggy state of mind, I try to feel around me with my bounded hands.
Other than the carpet feeling interior of the trunk, there is nothing that I could do here. I thought of screaming but that would alarm my kidnappers and besides, no one can hear me inside the trunk. A wave of drowsiness washed over me and my eyelids became heavy. I can feel the car slowing down and I try to keep my eyes open for as long as I can to stay alert but I passed out.
“Please! Help them! Help my family!” A teenage girl shouted at the top of her lungs, desperate for her family. Alas, it was useless. They already died in the impact of the crash and she can see that her brother was still breathing his last.
“NO! MOM! DAD! YOU SAID THAT WE’RE GONNA BE TOGETHER ALWAYS! WHY!? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME ALONE!?” The girl cried in despair, still in disbelief that this accident has happened. She suddenly noticed that her brother is breathing weakly.
“KYLE! PLEASE HANG IN THERE, THE AMBULANCE IS GOING TO BE HERE ANY MINUTE SO PLEASE! DON’T LEAVE ME! I BEG OF YOU,” Kyle Sweetheart just smiled at her and whispered ‘I love you, sis.’
He then closed his eyes while Martha looked on with eyes wide open and jaw hanging, not being able to bring out any words. She fell onto her knees, her heartache overwhelming her entire being. Tears poured out continuously like a waterfall and she can’t help but sob out loud. Her figure started to shake violently under the starry moonlight then the paramedics came to pick her up.
On the way to the hospital, Martha was given a tranquilizer because she has been crying and screaming, kicking up a fuss about how her family should still be with her.
She looked peaceful on the hospital bed and while the nurses are doing their rounds checking up on her, they couldn’t help but gossip about what happened to her and her family. “The girl is so pitiful; she just lost her family just like that. One accident and her life changed forever.”
Martha became conscious and heard what they said. She opened her eyes a little just in time to witness the nurse shaking her head while looking sadly towards the girl.
“Please…” Tears welled up in her eyes and that’s what alerted the nurses in the room.
I woke up with a start, cold sweat running down my back. ‘The nightmares… When do they stop?’ I cleared my mind and focused on my current situation.
My eyes are blindfolded and the scent that I inhaled smelled like I am inside a cemented building. ‘Where am I? What happened before I blacked out?’ I can’t seem to remember what happened. The only thing that I could remember is walking out of the classroom before feeling all numb and falling into someone’s arms.
I tried to lift my hands to support my throbbing head but to no avail, I am tied to the chair. My heart started to race, thinking of reasons why I’m kidnapped when I heard footsteps coming close.
The door opened with a *clang*. They turned on the lights and the white light seeped right through my blindfold, enlightening my eyes with a bit of brightness.
They walked towards me and I hear them stopping before me. One of them removed my blindfold and I looked at my surroundings with blinking eyes as my vision is blurry from viewing the darkness the whole time.
When my vision cleared, the person I saw is exactly what I thought of in the first place. Britney looking at me with a smirk but she’s better off if she doesn’t do that. The expression on her face looked stiff on her but I snapped myself out of my thoughts as what she looks like doesn’t matter. What mattered is the fact that I am kidnapped and Britney is the one behind this.
“So, I can see that you’re still quite well despite the rumors spreading about you and MY boyfriend.” She sneered at me. Hearing her words, I start to fret, looking around to find a way out but there’s only a single door.
“Looking for a way out? Sorry to burst your bubble Miss Grim Reaper, but this is our newly built home, right outside of town.” She released an evil smile and I can feel my face go white at the news.
Britney laughed blissfully when she saw my reaction and called for someone from the outside. “Hey Alyssa, hurry up and get over here with the equipment already because I’m starting to lose my patience!”
“Right here!” She brought in a big black bag and I can hear metal clanking as the bag moved.
“Bring the table over here so that we can show her what’s waiting for her for a long time,” said Britney with an evil smile on her face. Alyssa brought it over and laid the tools on the table. A huge towel, a sharp knife, a saw, some clamps, and a small knife.
When I looked back at Britney, I can see immense hatred in her eyes. I don’t understand, why would she hate me so much?
She picked up the small knife and inched towards me, “So, it’s not enough that you took someone from my life already, you’re trying to take Hayden away from me too. Since most of my threats didn’t work, I’ve resorted to using this method on you. You can only blame yourself for being so foolish as to not follow my orders.”