C6 Twice The Failure 2/2

Mission? I do remember something about having a mission, but was it 'that' important? and I can't deal with something that even the city has trouble finding a solution, you know?

"Looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson so that you'll start treating me with more respect!"

"Have we met before-"

Before I could ask, a tiny ball of black light swirled towards my chest.

"With this you'll never be able to be a blessed one until you remember what you were sent here to do!"

After that, she flew up and the illuminating light which enveloped the church slowly died so I went out of the church with tears flowing.

They had a conversation but I didn't hear any of it as I was too focused on the words:

'Never become a blessed one?'

These words crawled into my brain and haunted me until now.

Am I cursed?


I recall Isla going out earlier.

"I can't sleep. Did she leave food for me?"

I went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and saw vines crawling over my wrapped food.

These things just can't stop growing can they? Now they're even trying to steal my food!

I took a knife and shouted:

"Be gone you wicked plant!"

As I held the knife high to gain momentum, the voice of the little angel echoed my head and I lost grip on the knife. It fell on the floor after hitting my toes with it's handle.


I yelled with all my breath.

I took the knife again and began slashing the vines around the fridge.

"Dammit! You stupid! Stupid! Stupid…"

My voice slowly faded as I was losing energy from slashing too much with all my strength.

I dropped the knife and took the wrapped food inside then went out the building through the stairs.

I munch on the food in my hand as I was walking to the direction of the hospital.

While walking I recall having been cursed and I began to tear up again.

Just then, before the tear on my eye was about to fall I remembered my sister having a 'Break spell'.

Break spells were spells that remove negative buffs on the target.

Despite her working in a hospital she's still a high level blessed person.

Hope grew bigger within me and I ran to the hospital as fast as I could.

The hospital was really far from where we were staying but I still ran all the way there instead of waiting for her to return.

I arrived at the hospital entrance only to see police tapes blocking it.

It looked like an accident happened.

There were a lot of people standing and gossiping about what happened.

With all the voices murmuring here and there, one particular topic was popular.

It was:

'the accident happened on the third floor'.

If I think back to the time we went here earlier to check on Isla's mom, we were at the third floor at that time.

She was taking care of a pregnant patient.


I let out a loud curse and slipped into the hospital ignoring the surprised police blocking the path.

I ran towards the elevator only to see more people blocking the path.

"Dammit! Dammit!"

I quickly took a turn at the emergency exit door and saw stairs leading up to all the floors. I ran up breathless.

*huff *huff *huff

Second floor.

"Third floor!"

I let out a loud voice as I made it to the intended floor.

My powerful voice echoed throughout the hall which grabbed the attention of some guards on standby.

"Who was that?"

"Don't mind that! Get those patients out there before anyone else gets hurt!"

It looked like the problem hasn't been resolved yet.

I don't know if it's a good thing, but it works for me as no one will try to stop me.


I shouted out as I ran to where most people were gathering.

"Seth? Is that you Seth?"

I couldn't see Isla because of the nurses and guards arced around her.

"I'm coming Isla!"

"No! no! Why are you here?! Stay there Seth! It's not safe here!"

Her voice trembled as she yelled at me.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Let me through!"

I forced my way through and saw the situation.


I let in a silent gasp as I saw an ominous ghost blocking the path to where Isla was.

The ghost noticed my presence and glanced my way.

I saw it's warped face.

It was the same ghost that attacked me back at home.

"Seth! Go back! I can handle this!"

Her voice cracked as she declared that.

I know she can easily purify the ghost with holy magic, but why doesn't she do it?!

I looked around and saw the ghost standing in the middle while Isla's mother was knocked unconscious on the floor beside a door on the left.

"Seth? what are you trying to do?!"

The only way to go was right.

I took a few steps backwards and took a running stance.

I planned to glide on the wall like those in the movies.

I took a deep breath then pushed the ground with my right leg and started running towards the ghost leaning right, I jumped at the wall still facing forward with my palm rubbing the wall and legs walking on the wall.

At least that's what I had in mind.

I made a mistake. The floor was too slippery because of the shoes I was wearing.

It was the same shoes I wore when we went to the cathedral.

"Curses! This is so uncool."

I slipped before I could even jump. The speed I had while running was good so when I fell over, my whole body glided on the floor instead and brought me closer to the ghost.

"Seth! Stop fooling around and get away!"

The ghost stared at my pathetic state and reached his hand out to grab me.

My second life was short.

'This is the end for me.'

"Holy Sacred Barrier!"

Before I could bid my farewell, a blinding light wrapped around my body and the ghost stopped its hand a few inches away from me.

The ghost probably felt the holy aura brimming out my body and realized it was bad for him. He quickly averted his view from me and faced the caster with anger.

Isla flinched in fear and… hesitation?

I stood up and shouted:

"Isla cast purify!"

The shaking Isla gazed on the angered male ghost with sympathy.

What is she doing?! Did she run out of mana?

The ghost slowly made his way to Isla until she was at arm's length


The ghost grabbed Isla on her collar and raised her body up near the window.

Worried about Isla's predicament, I ran as fast as I could to grab the ghost only to feel air on my hand.

While I was busy trying to find a way to stop the ghost, Isla teared up and extended her hand out to his face as if to sooth the ghost's worry.

I tried to grab Isla too but there was some kind of pressure that was preventing me, maybe it was the effect of the spell she casted on me earlier, it was pushing away my body from the ghost.

Purifying was the only way out of it.

I also started to tear up out of despair of the situation.

Knowing the end was near, I dropped my knees on the floor with my hands covering my face and started crying.


"Isla… Please cast Purify. Why won't you purify the bad ghost Isla?"

"No… This ghost is not bad! He's just lonely…"


An undead ghost was lonely?

"Lonely, because her sister didn't tend to him more and left him alone in that room together with the evil person..."


"What are you talking about Isla?! This is an undead ghost!"

"This undead ghost is my real little brother."

Real little brother?

"But… me… but isn't that just a ghost?"

"I'm sorry Seth but I miss my little brother. I want to comfort him, spoil him… I don't want to be separated from him again Seth. I want to be with him."

Guilt was showing on Isla's face, that was then I knew what she meant, but I was selfish so I said to her:

"What about me? Where will my place be if you're not here? Didn't you say that you'd be my family?!"

The ghost dragged Isla's body out the window.

She smiled at me and said:

"Take care of mom Seth..."

Those were her last words as the ghost removed her from his grasp.