C18 A Day With Isla and Seth's Past 6/7

"Yeah yeah, for now he's just drained… I went too far earlier and almost killed him."

He said with a creepy look on his face.

"You bastard!"

I searched around to find something to throw at his disgusting looking expression but I didn't find anything.

He saw my restless search which made him laugh.

"Yess! That look on your face is not bad! not bad at all!"

I crawled over to mom and grabbed her precious cheap wine while asking permission first before throwing it with all my strength to the devil's direction.

"My wine!"

Mom cried.

Is she really feeling despair right now?

The wine flew to Lai's direction but the force was too weak because of my paralyzed leg, he caught the wine with his right hand.

His hand covered his face when he gripped the bottle that I threw, he slowly revealed his face showing an angered expression.

"Thank goodness! Please give back!"

Really now!?

I was already frustrated because it didn't hit him but mom just had to say something stupid again.

Lai threw the bottle back to mom's direction with full force but it didn't hit her, instead it hit the couch and bounced off to the direction of the door of his room and made a loud thud.

Both mom and I showed him an obvious smirk which drove him mad.

"You bastards really don't know your situation, huh!?

Oops! Force of habit!

There's no way out of this, he's furious.

I'll change my approach!

"Calm down Lai! We were just kidding! You know like always?"

"Oh I know you were, and I always hated that cheeky attitude of yours!"

"Are you really going to do this to us? Don't you remember the times when we had fun together?"

Recalling the past should at least give him a sense of nostalgia, if not then...

"'We' had fun? You mean 'you' had fun! I had to put up with every annoying game you had! I never liked any of that!"

I want to cry.

Ignore it for now, suppress it for now, don't give in for now.

I was surprised by his sudden revelations, but this is do or die.

Somewhere in there, there must be something!

"You didn't like it? I can't believe you played with me at night! That time when we kissed! Was it all a lie too!?"

"Kissed!? You kissed my 12 year old daughter!?"

Mom bolted when she heard all my lies.

"No I did not! She's lying!"

Well, it wasn't all a lie. I did kiss him when he fell asleep on the sofa back at our place.

On the cheek.


"How could you!"

"Just because you're quite handsome *gulp Doesn't mean you can play with a pure girl's heart!

"Enough! I know you're just buying time for the police to climb up here, but too bad! I blew up the police cars yesterday! But damn why did these reporters come here instead? I should've known. Still, it doesn't matter. If you haven't noticed, I am actually taking my time so that your brains can finally internalize that I am not your friend. To me, you are just but another human who I spent precious time to grow and harvest. You see, when harvesting human emotions or knowledge the more they think the more I can take."

Mom and I jolted. It was probably mom scaring them off from the hospital so they went here instead after hearing about some kidnapping.

He got us! But he was mistaken for one thing.

We weren't waiting for the police but we were actually waiting for the paralyze buff to wear off and make a run for it, of course we're taking little brother with us.

"Don't try to change the topic young man! We know the police are having trouble with transportation so we didn't expect for them to be here anytime soon! More importantly, take responsibility and marry her!

Looks like I was the only one with the plan in mind.

But this was somehow a good thing.

Lai ignored my mom who keeps on talking absurd things brought by the misleading statements and started talking to the rational one.

"Isla, please shut your mom up."

"I'll think about it-"


Before I could finish my taunts, the three of us flinched when we heard a sleeping voice coming from the room.

"It's already troublesome dealing with two Carson's in this small apartment. Adding another would make it worse. So I'll have to deal with the annoying one for now."

By troublesome, does he mean mom?

"Mom! She means you!"

"Just so you know I'm not sucking any life force from her, I don't want to catch her idiocy. I'll end her painlessly."

The bottle of wine rolled to mom which made her pick it up and throw it to Lai and of course he caught it again then threw it back at her.


Only this time it hit her shoulder and bounced off to the door with a loud thud… again.

"Aw! Damn cheap wine I hate you!"

It's your fault!

Probably prompted by mom's cheap wine cry, little brother hurriedly opened the door out of worry.

"Little brother! stay in the room!"

"Huh? Why?... Sis? Mom? Why are you on the ground?"

I glanced at Lai's face to see his reaction and I saw his burning blue eyes with black smoke circling inside.

He was really mad.

The air suddenly grew thin.

It was really hard to breathe.

"You ignorant CATTLES! You will not be forgiven!"

His speech changed. He sounded really formal, like a fancy man who got angry because the wine tasted bad.

The smoke circling inside his eyes oozed out of his pupils.

I grew stiff as I knew the terror of his power.

"Son! Pick up the bottle!"

I heard mom speak about her bottle of wine to little brother.

"Enough of this idle talk!"


Two irregularly shaped swords formed in his hand.

On his right hand was a sword made out of black flame and on his left was a sword with pinkish lightning crawling all over the blade.

"MOM! Run!"

Mom and little brother faced Lai as they heard me shout and their faces trembled seeing the angered Lai's true form.

"So you showed your true colors."

Everyone turned to face where the voice was coming from.

My little brother with his expression already calm as if he knew everything happening around.

"Little brother what with the cool line? We're going to die you know?"

"I know… He's been sucking life force out of me for a long time now. He probably doesn't know that I noticed what he was doing. My body often felt weakened and my complexion turned white whenever he touched me on the head."

What's this? Little brother!?

"As expected of the genius tactician Jimmy Carson. His son is as great as he!"

"Dad was a genius!?"

I looked at mom with a surprised expression.


"I tried reporting it to the police but they didn't believe an 11 year old's words, saying it was just my imagination, so I went to the reporters. They already had suspicions about you, and I was their very first lead. Today your reign ends!"

So this means my brother inherited dad's brains and I got mom's!? Am I going to turn into mom when I grow up!?

"With reporters on your side? Do you think those weaklings could even lay a hand on me!?"

"Nope! I gave up on them. After reporting to them what was happening in the house, they started saying, 'I knew it!' and argued on who would anchor the news tomorrow."

Just what was up with those reporters?

I know they do this to make money but they should take lives more seriously. If they knew something was suspicious, they should've looked into it more closely and quickly.

"So I suppose you have something different in mind, little Carson? You gave up on those utterly useless reporters, isn't that right?"

What is his plan? He said Lai's reign would end here.