C20 Ghost Story 1/1

After eating dinner, I went outside the apartment leaving Seth behind in his room to go to the hospital and bring over food to Mom.

I walked through the stairs because the elevator was jammed again. The overgrown plants were blocking the path so I held my hand out to their direction and shouted:

"Die plants! Inferno!"


"Critical hit!"

I said to the burning plants.

Doing this again and again until I reached the ground floor, I then exited the building.

I rode the scooter going to the hospital and arrived within a few minutes.

After parking the motorcycle, I went over to the front desk and asked the freckled short girl standing on a box where mom was.

"She's on the third floor Isla!"

She answered gleefully.

"Oh right! Can you tell your sister I'm coming to her shop later to pick up a cake? The 'better luck next time' cake is what I'll be taking tonight, please tell her that."

"Okie! I'll tell her exactly that-I mean, I'll wrap it when I teleport later after I finish my shift."

Ignoring her obvious lie, I walked in front of the elevator waiting for it to reach the ground floor.

To think that they themselves haven't realize that their trick is already known throughout the hospital.

While thinking about that, the elevator hit the ground and I walked inside to take a lift up to third floor.

I saw mom waving at me at the corner of the hall. I walked over to her raising the bag of wrapped dinner I had on my hand.

She smiled widely because of that, which made me giggle.

She never changes.

She worked at the hospital because she wanted to wait for dad to come back. She figured that if he were to come back, he'd definitely be injured and go straight to the hospital first.

I thought it was a good idea too, dad wouldn't go home while bleeding would he? It would be a problem he bled to death at our front door.

He's a genius so he'd probably take precautions to the max.

After reaching the room where mom was, a cute newborn baby greeted me with a loud crying face.

The baby was a boy with a pinkish complexion.

He had very thin white hair growing on his head.

His eyes were dark blue and glowing.

When a baby's eyes glow, it means he is blessed by God to live a happy life.

I wonder when I'll have a child.

I'm still too young so it'd be about 6 years or so.

I turned to look at mom and gave her the food then went outside, closed the door and sat down on a chair outside the room while she and her colleagues ate the food inside.

As I was thinking about Seth and how his ceremony went, the lights suddenly flickered.

After the flickering, the chairs at the hall started making creaking noises.

I stood up to see all the chairs beside each room.

Nothing was out there, I walked slowly towards the end of the hall.

Reaching the end, the noise suddenly stopped.

Using the window and I looked outside to see if I could find something.


Loud voices of girls laughing echoed the whole place, which made me jump in surprise then I turned around to see no one.

It was probably mom and her friends.

I tried walking back to where I was sitting earlier, but something cold suddenly grabbed my feet and pulled me back to the window.

I had great balance of my body so I didn't fall on my face, rather I was still standing like a skater rolling backwards.

"This is both creepy and fun."

I don't really believe in ghost stories but I do believe in ghosts so I cast an easy holy magic on myself.


The ghost let go of my feet and white smoke came out from where it held me.

I turned to face the ghost and saw a familiar boy's face.

Everything was black smoke but my eyes filtered it as if it was from back then.

He had a cute pale face floating above a small body.

A brown short messy hair on his head.

He was smiling but his gray colored eyes were filled with sadness.

My eyes suddenly teared up and I covered my face with my hands hiding my mouth.

I fell to the ground while trembling and shouted:

"Mom… Mom!"

Mom walked out the door while the ghost glanced in her direction.

"Oh my God!"


She fell to the ground unconscious, it was probably due to the shock of seeing the ghost with her son's face.

"Kyaaah!" x2

Mom's colleagues started shrieking as they saw mom collapse on the ground and the ghost in front of me.

The guards rushed toward us after hearing the loud shrieks. They backed up after seeing the ghost floating right there.

They were not mages but regular humans, so they probably thought that they couldn't do anything in this kind of situation.

After a while I heard the police sirens ringing outside the building.

The police station is close by, so somebody must've called them the moment they saw the situation.

"Who was that?"

"Who cares about that?! Get those patients out of there before somebody else gets hurt!"

A few nurses and guards gathered at the other side of the hall while watching me lie on the floor.


I heard a familiar shout with footsteps running towards my direction.

"Seth? Is that you Seth?"

I couldn't see Seth because of the nurses and guard.

"I'm coming Isla!"

"No! no! Why are you here?! Stay there Seth! It's not safe here!"

My voice trembled as I yelled at him.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Let me through!"

Seth forced his way through and saw King's ghost.


Seth let in a silent gasp as after seeing the situation The undead King's ghost was floating in front of me.

King noticed his presence and glanced his way.

He probably knows the ghost because his face irked just a bit

"Seth! Go back! I can handle this!"

My voice cracked as I declared that.

He knows I can easily purify ghosts with the power I have so he'll back up after hearing those words.

Seth head looked at mom's direction for a while and then back to me.

He took a few steps back and kneeled on one leg to take a stance as if to run a marathon then took a deep breath.

This guy is really stubborn!

Is he trying to run over King?

"Seth? what are you trying to do?!"

He started running and slipped midway because the floor was too slippery. His body was brought near King due to the force he had while running.

"Curses! This is so uncool."

I saw the King starring the busy Seth trying to wipe his knee, so I warned him.

"Seth! Stop fooling around and get away!"

King extended his arms towards Seth, trying to grab him.

I can't let him die.

"Holy Sacred Barrier!"

I casted a very powerful barrier around him, his body glowed in blinding light while King stopped his hand from reaching Seth's holy aura.

I saw King get angry at me and I flinched in apology.

I've never seen King get angry at me before.

"Isla cast purify!"

Hearing the sudden shout I faced Seth then back to King.

If I purify this ghost that would mean erasing King from the surface.

I averted my eyes from him and trembled just thinking about it.


After hearing Seth's call I was already at King's reach. He gripped me on my collar and raised me up.

Seth ran towards us with a worried expression and attacked King's ghostly body.

Ignoring Seth's futile attacks, my face bore a sympathetic look as I extended my palm to King's while still staring directly at his eyes.

My eyes started to fill up with tears.

King's body was transparent so I could see Seth's eyes also tearing up as he saw mine.

'Purifying is the only way out of this.'

Knowing I already gave that idea, he dropped his knees on the floor with his hands covering his face and started weeping.


"Isla… Please cast Purify. Why won't you purify the bad ghost Isla?"

Seth pleaded once more

"No… This ghost is not bad! He's just lonely…"

I had him handle Lai all by himself while mom and I casually brought him over talking to him enjoying ourselves.

"Lonely, because her sister didn't tend to him more and left him alone in that room together with that bad person..."


"What are you talking about Isla?! This is an undead ghost!"

"This undead ghost is my real little brother."

"But… me… but isn't that just a ghost?"

It's so long and I really can't handle the guilt anymore.

"I'm sorry Seth but I miss my little brother. I want to comfort him, spoil him… I don't want to be separated from him again Seth. I want to be with him."

If this ghost is here then that would mean King is already dead.

"What about me? Where will my place be if you're not here? Didn't you say that you'd be my family?!"

I'm sorry Seth you're not my real brother.

'I was only using you as a ticket to get King back.'

Those words were what I wanted to convey to him but my heart couldn't bring up the courage to break Seth's heart.

"Take care of mom Seth…"

King finally let go.

Ahhh. I left mom all alone.

-What?... I died didn't I?

I opened my eyes and saw myself sitting on a tall chair in a clouded white room. In front of me was an adorable little girl standing arms folded together as if she was angry at me.

She had green eyes, blonde hair with a circlet keeping it clean and still.

She was wearing a pure white one piece dress which accented her middle school girl's body.

'An adorable angel'

Am I in heaven?

"Of course not! If anything you should be in hell!"

She's right, after all I did back on the surface I don't deserve to be in heaven.

So this is hell? This is quite unexpected, I thought hell would be like a sea of flames and I would see myself swimming in fire, burning all my sins in pain as punishment.

"This is not hell."

If this isn't hell…

"Then what is this place?"

I asked the little girl who somehow seems to know what this place is.

"Welcome to the afterlife!"