C25 Resemblance 2/2

She must've slaughtered them all by herself. I don't see why it's not possible so I nodded and ignored them.

What caught my attention was what she said while standing on top of the pitiful bunch, with her arms crossed like some kind of big shot gamer who won a shooting competition.

The world is in danger? That's quite troubling to hear. Is that why God sends people with specific missions? I thought saving the world was just a pretext.

While I was busy trying to send people back, I gained information about the outer walls and dad's location.

Apparently, the source of the monsters were found, and it wasn't some kind of 'nest', but rather, a 'gate'. Somebody has been sending the monsters in this world from another. It was probably from the other world from the option 'reincarnated to another world' when people die.

I wonder if the missions are for the sake of stopping or maybe sealing that gate.

"That's right, cute 'little' Isla. Now line up failures! We'll be giving you quests before you go back!"

She announced while walking down the failure's bodies.

The emphasis she placed on 'little' irked me a bit but I ignored it as I was busy counting how many men were there to give missions to.

Now this is a sale!

"Get off me man! She'll kill me again if I don't hurry!"


"Joe won't hurry!"

Paying no heed to the hastened men, the Goddess turned to face me with a wide smirk on her face.

"So how does it feel to be small and cute while dealing with dead people?"

Ticked by her already anticipated taunt, I batted,

"It's really convenient! I know now why God made you like that! It's a really great favor! You should stic- toaaaaahhhh! Waaah! Oiee stuppp!"

"Waaeeehhiii! yuuu stapp!"

Enraged by my suggestive retorts, she pinched my cute cheeks and in response, I pinched hers too.


Both of us fell to the ground and rolled all over while we continued having our cute fight. We never planned on stopping yet, but one of the audience watching us eventually spoke up.


Prompted by the deep sounding voice, we placed our endless cat fight to a halt and quickly stood up straight, like soldiers woken up in the morning by the morning call.

"Men! Are you ready!?"

Startled by the little Goddess military-like shout, I swiftly pulled her hair and said.

"Stop! You're scaring them!"

The men lining side by side grew straight stiff with lips trembling in fear from the Goddess' shout.

"Aw! Sorry!... Wait! Why am I apologizing!? This is how I originally planned to treat them!"

She originally planned to militarize these people!? Is heaven becoming dictatorial now?

"Don't do that! They'll run away before even accepting to be resurrected!"

After giving a deep thought about what I said, she suggested:

"Hmmm... You have a point there. You do it then, with your 'onii-chan act'. As you've said, it's really convenient looking like this as it makes this type of work easier."

"I'm not really…"

Before I could state my refusal, the guy whom they've been calling 'Joe' intervened.

"Uhm… Is that you, Isla? How are you so friendly with the monstrous little girl and also, why are you so small?"

I thought that he just had a similar name but it was actually the guard named Joe from where I was staying. Or was his name Frank?

Joe and Frank resembled each other, someone might say they are twins. That's why they are often mistaken for one another.

They were both bald and had dark skin with black eyes.

"Frank!? You got into this mess too?"

"I'm Joe, Frank is over there."

Who cares anymore!?

"How did you two get involved in this? Aren't you guards of our apartment building?"

Just what happened down there? Did she ram into the building?

"We'll… It was an emergency-"

"Don't explain any more! Leave the explaining for later. Hurry up and give them the missions."

Before he could give his part of the story, the little Goddess beside me interrupted us to hasten the process of resurrecting procedures of the dead souls. She probably got annoyed by the word 'monstrous' used to describe her.

I handed her the papers where the missions were written on. There were 10 men who died so I had 10 papers ready for them.

"Here you go. Why are you in such a hurry anyway?"

"I still have to go down again to finish the job. It'll probably take a while before you can go back, so please wait here patiently until your time is up."

She said while waving her hand above me to return my appearance into what it originally was.

"Thank you."

"Don't misunderstand I still hate you. I just can't stand the feeling of having someone, other than me, be cute."

There wasn't a hint of hesitation in her expression as she said all that, which proves that she was serious and actually likes being cute.

"Okay, If you say so."

"Don't make fun of me!... You people line up here. I'll hand you your missions. Your world is in a crisis and you are the only ones who can save it, so don't complain and just follow."

The men, as she instructed, did not complain about the missions and lined up in front of her.

After everyone got their respective papers, the little Goddess waved her hand and sent all of them back to the world.

"By the way, what happens after they get resurrected? Won't they start rumors about this place?"

If people were to remember what happened up here, then no one would be scared of dying anymore and everyone would just relentlessly charge at the monsters without a care of their bodies, knowing that if they're qualified, then they can just go back and also the fact that life on earth was actually not the end.

"God already made proper preparations for that. Those men will slowly forget everything from the moment they died and got revived."

So that's how they keep humans from learning about the afterlife. Maybe I too, have been resurrected before and just forgot about it?

"No. It's the first I've seen you since I was born."

Ah right, she's the same age as me, so she would have eventually seen me and if I was reborn or reincarnated in this world, she probably wouldn't have known anyway.

"What about the missions? Wouldn't they forget about it too?"

"They'll forget about it too, but the moment their fingers touched those papers containing information about their missions, it becomes their fate and they will complete it unknowingly."

Well that's convenient.



I was startled by her sudden shout so I answered weirdly.

"Never forget about handing them the paper, otherwise their fate will never be set, just like what someone did before. It was such a huge blunder, she had to make something up and forced the mission on him just to cover her own mistake."

Someone? Did someone forget about handing one of these papers?


"I have to go now, so you take care of the person who'll be coming here next, make sure he doesn't come back until I give you the signal."

I wanted to ask her about what happened but she cut me off and walked away as if to avoid the topic.

"Who and what kind of person is that… person?"

I need to know what I'm dealing with, so that I can prepare myself. I've only dealt with kind people so far, so if it's an old perverted man, then I can change my appearance in advance to prevent him from ogling all over me.

"She's actually someone you know, and I recommend you change your appearance into the little girl from earlier beforehand so it won't cause complications."

A girl that I know? Is it the one of the twins? or maybe mom?

Yeah, it would be better to disguise myself in front of mom, otherwise she'll ogle all over me seeing me standing in great condition, especially after dying in front of her unconscious self.

Watching me think seriously on how to deal with the 'she' that's going to appear later, the little Goddess left me while smiling wildly, trying to hold her laughter.

"She was acting really strange just now and why was she in such a rush?"

Just who is that girl that's going to die later? I don't remember having a female friend that is worth giving that wild smile though.

While thinking about the information she gave me, something started to glow in front of me. It was the person in question, her soul finally reached the afterlife.

It's too late to try to think about that now. I'll just stick to what I always do when someone comes up.

I waved my hand above my head to change my appearance and greeted the girl:

"Welcome home Onee-chan!"

"Onee-chan? what are you doing here Sis?"


What a cheep trick!

This person is not a 'she' but a 'he'.


In front of me was Seth. The Seth whom I left behind to take care of mom, died and is lying on the floor of the afterlife?