C28 Living The Real Life 1/2

-So here I am wondering what the hell was going on with their head that they want to take a corpse out of its grave?!

"I resurrected you so we're doing the same with his sister!"

I think they're assuming that they were the ones that brought me back to life which was unlikely from my perspective. It was just coincidence that I got brought back the moment she was casting spells on my body.

"That's not really a good idea. You may think it was because of you but it actually wasn't. It was somebody else-"

"Just be thankful Char that you're alive right now."

"No, I'm telling you-"

"Please help us Char. Just this once."

It took several hours before I was resurrected and they waited for me so this should be the least I could do to thank them.

"Okay fine."

And I wasn't actually convinced myself, after all, I'm still seeing monochrome.

Was it just a dream? Did Puchi really resurrect me?

Those thoughts kept flying inside my head.

"Oh right! Char! I have something for you."

Seth called me and took something out from his pocket. It was a small rectangular container coated with thick silk. It wasn't something a normal boy would be carrying around. It was actually quite fashionable, so I thought girls would love these kinds of stuff.

He open it while kneeling and said:

"For you"

There was a circular concave glass inside it with a soft looking cloth keeping it safe from scratches.

"Uhm, Seth it's empty. I don't think anyone proposes with glass."

I'm used to getting proposals in my country, so it doesn't surprise me anymore if somebody do so, especially after witnessing my abilities as a mage.

"What? Wait-... you don't know what this is?"

He stood up asking with a confused face.

"It's... glass, right?"

"No it's- I mean yes it's a type of glass or maybe it's plastic? It's contact lenses."

He explained.

"Contact len...ses? Ah! Okay! I see... Then what does it do?"

"Really? You-"

"What are you two talking by yourselves about? Ah that! Where'd you get that Seth!? Don't tell me you stole it!?"

Puchi joined that conversation and suddenly accused Seth for stealing the 'contact lenses'.

She seemed to recognize what the glass was.

"Yes and No. I unconsciously took it in the midst of confusion last night."

"Pay for it when we get back okay?"

"Alright, I'll have Char pay for it."

The conversation went smoothly after a short explanation and Seth just casually made me owe a random store some amount of debt.

"Wait, why me?"

"First of all, I'm broke, next is you're the one who's going to use this and lastly is, you broke the other one."

I get that he's broke but when did I broke the other one?

"This is the first I've heard of this! I'm the one who's going to use that? What's that for, anyway?"

"This girl is from the old period so explaining could take a while, I'll hold her and you put it on her!"

Puchi jumped on my back and tried to make me fall, but she was too light and I also have buffs on me so I felt like I had nothing on me. I was light as a feather.

"What are you doing?"

"Just fall please, Seth will probably be blown away if he'd do this so I'm doing it in his stead."

Puchi was struggling to make me fall as she explained. She was so cute so I played along with her not knowing the consequences of my actions.

"Ahhh you got me~"

I pretended to fall to the ground and laid flat on it but then, Puchi took her circlet and placed it on my chest.

"Okay, that's enough. Hmmp!.. Huh?.. Hmmmp! Hiiiiyaaa! What the?"

My body won't move an inch.


I struggled to stand because the circlet was too heavy for me to remove.

"Of course it's heavy, it's 'MY' sword. Seth, carry on with the ritual."

Seth stepped closer after assuring I was fully unable to move and took out the glass from the container.

"What ritual!?"

"Boom shakalaka boom shakalaka!"

"What's with the special effects Seth?"

"I was joking, sorry."

Seth was making weird ceremonial noises with his mouth so everyone felt silent to join the mood except the little girl snap out of it quickly and stopped Seth.

"Ah! I dropped it!...hmm... Found it! Good thing it didn't break"

"Just hurry please-wait! Why my eyes? Waah! Nooo!!! My eye!... I'm blind now! No! Not the other one too!"

"Don't be such a baby! Open your eyes!"

I opened my eyes and realized that; what happened before I was resurrected was not a dream.

"Thank you!"


"Seth! Seth!"

I tugged Seth's shirt while calling out his name as he happily hugged a boxed cake in his arms while walking towards our destination. The cake wasn't really there, it was just a big box without anything inside.

The box was from their house by the way, it was weird because they had a lot of those kind of boxes.

"Yes? Yes?"

"What color is that?"

I asked while pointing to the direction of the sign which we were planning to enter.

"Hmmm. I think that's green. Wait… you already know what color the leaves are, right?"

Seth answered after looking closely to where I was pointing.

"I know, I just wanted to know again."

I said while smiling at him.

Even though I was being an annoying person, Seth was still docile to my questions. I think he was really happy about the fact that we were finally putting his biggest plan into action.

"You were able to move my circlet a bit. I praise you for that."

"What do you mean?"

I did make it budge but it took a lot of strength to do it, so it wasn't really a praise in my ears.


"Okay?... By the way, why are there so many guards here? Are corpses really that valuable?"

The graveyard was a few meters ahead and I was still scared about what's going to happen, that's because despite the fact that we were still a long way before the gate of the yard there were already so many guards looking our way.

"I don't know either, but I think something is really wrong with how things are out here."

"Hey Seth, should we really be doing this?"

I tugged Seth's shirt once more but this time with stronger force to stop him from walking.

"We already talked about this Char. Don't tell me you're backing out now of all times?"

He stopped to face me as he noticed the way I was tugging him and reminded me about how I agreed to join them only this once.

"I know but-"

"You two keep quiet. Look how intently they are staring because of the noise you're making!"

"Sssshhhh!" x2

We shushed Puchi when she shouted at us for being too noisy.

"*Sniff Why me!? *Sniffle"

"You made her cry, Char!"

"Wha? me!?"

Puchi was starting to cry because of how we placed the blame on her, so Seth dodge the fault once more and directed it at me. I was surprised about what he did for a while but calmed down and apologized because I wasn't really all that innocent anyway.

"I'm sorry little Puchi."

"I was kidding, don't make me feel guilty-"

Seth admitted that he was wrong too but Puchi already stopped crying and asked:

"Who's Puchi?"


I said to her.

I saw Seth turning his back on us while the little girl was still confused and because of that, I knew instantly that her name wasn't really Puchi. I already had my doubts from the start but this was the first time I directed the name 'Puchi' at her so I didn't really have the luxury of knowing the truth.


The little girl also realized what the root of the problem was, and scolded the perpetrator.


-It took time before the trial ended, and Seth was declared innocent as he was in a position where he couldn't let my dying ears be disappointed. We continued walking towards the entrance after that.

"What's your name anyway?"

I asked the little girl.

"Call me Goddess if you must-"

"Okay enough talk, we're here."

"At least let me finish!"

"At least let her finish Seth, she'll cry again if you don't."


The entrance was finally in front of us. I was getting chills because there was a big guy standing in front of us looking intensely at my eyes. I took a deep breath and braced myself to answer the question he was about to ask.

"So? What are you kids doing here in the middle of the night?"

"We came to celebrate my sister's birthday."

"You're sister's?"

"Ah! No! She meant 'my' sister's birthday."

Seth corrected me while showing the big empty cake box he was carrying.

"I-I messed up my line! Sorry Seth! Let me try again!"

"I think you've done enough Char! This time let me handle this!"

The little Goddess said with her hands on her waist.



She said while pointing at the big guard. The guard had no hair, black eyes and had a dark complexion.

"You're Joe right?"

"No! I'm Frank!.. You know Joe?"

The guard was surprised to hear that the little girl knew his friend Joe so his intense eyes softened.