Learning How to Dance (For Real This Time)

Should I have accepted his offer to learn how to dance? Hmm..... But then I would have to admit to him that I really have suddenly forgotten how to dance. Which I'm not willing to do, he might ask more questions that I'm unable to answer once he confirms that it is true.

Right now I was sitting on a bench at the back garden, hiding from my supposed family. I don't really know whether I should feel that they are, as I don't really feel like Elaine yet.

I took a deep breath and had a hard time thinking what I should do from now. Right now Anastasia should be living in the town somewhere working as a maid. Probably wouldn't see her for a while, she should show up when we are just entering the Academy a year from now.

I decided to go out in the town hoping there was a dance academy or something that can teach me how to dance properly in a matter of one week. If I don't people might start to question why I suddenly lost the ability to dance.

I put on a hooded cape to hide my face along with a scarf as I left the manor. Walking on the streets was fun. I got to see many wonderful stores and stalls. Unfortunately, none of them was a place to teach people dancing, which is probably because ballroom dancing is only for nobles in this world.

What caught my eye is the orphan boy who seemed to be stealing bread from a bakery. The owner saw him and is yelling at the top of his voice. He reminded me of when I was living at the orphanage, having to fight for every scrap of food available to us to fight off our hunger.

I wanted to do something for the boy, but realized that I had no money on me right now. I took off my earrings and went to a pawn shop to sell them. I got three gold coins for them. Going back to the bakery I saw the boy was still sitting in the alley next to the bakery. I went and bought five pieces of bread to give to the boy. I don't know if it was enough since he looked so skinny, but it was all my arms could carry without any bread toppling to the floor. I purchased the bread and went to the back alley to give the boy the breads I bought.

'Thank you Miss!', he looked up at me with such admiration and gratefulness that I felt like I did really good today. I still had two pieces of gold coins with me and a few silver ones, so I decided to give the few silver coins I have to him.

'Don't show anyone else you have this ok? You need to keep this hidden,' I was worried that there might be street thugs who will steal the money from him if they ever found out.

With that I squeezed his tiny hands and said my goodbyes, what I didn't know was that someone was watching us.


I went around town to ask people if anyone taught ballroom dancing, but had gotten a lot of 'no's.

In the end I felt tired and went to sit in a nearby café. It was cute and quaint with pink and white decorations. Ordering a cup of tea I thought about what to do now.

If I can't learn from someone how to dance then I need to come up with a reason why I'm suddenly unable to do so. Maybe I should just claim I have amnesia, that's what they do in movies and dramas right?

Plus it will solve any questions as to why I cannot remember other things and it will be my excuse if people think I'm acting odd.

I drank my tea and was about to pay and leave when a guy sat on the opposite side of my little table. He was rather tall and handsome with dark blue hair and black eyes. He looked like a noble, yet from his clothes I can tell he was not one. But why sit here? My instincts are telling me to run and not get involved with him.

So I called a waiter to bring me the bill whilst ignoring him and he just chuckled.

'Oh come on! Why are you leaving when I just came here?' He proceeded to put his arm on the table and used it as a resting place for his head.

'Do I know you?' I really didn't want more trouble in my life. I just got reincarnated yesterday, can't I have a day of peace without meeting my future murderer or getting talked down to by my own maid?

'No, but I think you want to. I heard you're looking for a dance instructor. Well, here I am,' he opened his arms.

'You're a dance teacher?' I raised my eyebrow at him.

'Not really, but I can teach you how to dance.'

'Why teach me then?', he was saying some really suspicious stuff, I really should avoid him. But a small part of me thought this was a chance for me to know how to dance and I should hear him out.

'Think of it as a thank-you gesture. You helped a stranger, so a stranger should help you.'

Yeah that didn't make any sense to me. He's spouting some real nonsense here. I gave him a look that said "I don't buy it." Then he gave in and sighed, 'Alright, remember that kid you helped out earlier? He's sorta my responsibility and I just wanted to help you to pay you back for helping him earlier.'

'Your responsibility? What do you mean? And are you sure you know how to ballroom dance? No offense, but you don't seem like someone who should spend their off-time dancing.'

'Well, I might not look it, but I do know how to dance. It's up to you whether you want to give it a try or not,' he then leaned back on his chair as the waiter came and handed me the bill. I payed for the drink I ordered and decided that it was worth a shot.

'Alright. Teach me how to dance.' With that he lead me to his house which seems to be full of orphans, guess he was their caretaker. He told the kids to clear the room for us and he really did taught me the proper way to dance like nobles do. He was a great teacher, even when I stepped on his foot, he didn't complain even once. At one point he twirled me around and brought my face closer to his which made me a bit nervous to be so close. My eyes widened a bit and once again we were dancing.

I thanked him for the lesson and left the orphan house. I realized that I never got his name.

I went back to the manor and went inside when I can hear some whisperings, curious what they were talking about, I quietly went near them and eavesdropped hiding behind a wall.

'You don't know that.'

'Yes I do, the miss is acting strange. Usually she would cower when we scold her, but today she had the gall to slap me.'

'That b*tch. She deserves it. No wonder you pushed her off the railing.'

Wait, what?

'I know right? Even the gods are at my side. Making her lose her memory of that day so she cannot tell her parents about what happened.'

'Huh! Even her parents don't like her, perhaps they'll give you a reward for teaching her a lesson!'

Oh I'll give her something alright, but it's not a reward.