Learning How to Bow to the Emperor

I can't tell him that I know the future, but what else was I supposed to say.

'Call it ladies intuition. I believe that those shops would do well in the future, what else is there to say?' I kept my cool and sit up straight hoping no body language would show that I'm lying.

'No, no. I don't think that's it. You're keeping something from me,' Cedric leaned forward to look at me. His suit really fit him and I felt like I was under heavy scrutiny under his gaze. His eyes seemed to read every single movement I made.

'What could I possibly know that you don't? You're the expert merchant,' I looked at him straight in the eyes hoping he would believe me, but he was already onto me.

'Fine you don't want to say it. But if for some reason those businesses "do well" as you said, I feel their value is more than four hundred gold coins. Add another hundred, or else no deal,' he took out a piece of paper beside him and threw it to the glass table between us.

'Ok,' I just wanted this to be done with so he doesn't ask more questions.

'R-really?', he seemed to be taken aback by my response. Sure, right now five hundred gold for those businesses seemed overpriced, but in the future that money will be more than doubled.

'Is there a problem?,' I tilted my head slightly in his direction.

'No, not at all. Just slightly surprised,' he then coughed slightly as if embarrassed by his reaction to my answer.

'Well I guess we have a deal then,' he held out his hand and I shook it, we then got to do the paperwork and I signed my name on the contract which finalizes me being the co-owner of "The Blue Ribbon" and "The Little Bell".

I left his house finally feeling like I can breathe a little that in the future I will have cash coming my way. The sun seemed a little brighter and the air felt fresher. I could hear the children's laughter in the streets seemingly flowing through my ears. This is a good day.


'We're meeting the emperor today,' said Elaine's mother when we are sitting together in the living room. If there were any comedic actors, I bet they would clap at the instant spit take that I did. I then kept coughing and pounded my fist on my chest hoping to breathe again.

'What? Why?', I asked in exasperation to her. I don't want to see the emperor, what if I did something that angers him and he decides to kill me? I didn't work this hard to keep my life only to lose it by doing something stupid.

Elaine's mother quickly handed me a napkin to wipe the drips of tea off my mouth and wipe the stains off my dress which was now ruined.

'You are going to be the future empress of this kingdom, I should think that's why he'd interested in meeting you,' she continued to drink her hot tea.

It was supposed to be a regular day in which I could relax and not think about my impending doom. No need to meet characters in this novel that seems to have come alive, but I could not get a break. The sun seemed to not shine as brightly, but I thought I could've relaxed by taking a walk in the beautiful garden and rest. Apparently not.

'You must prepare yourself, wear your best dress and be on your best behavior. I expect you to be your best self. I can't handle more gossiping about our family, we need to rebuild our reputation.'

As if meeting the emperor wasn't a big deal.

'I understand, mother.' What else was I supposed to say? That I was rejecting a meeting with the emperor? They would send the guards to bring me to jail first.

I took in a deep breath and let out the heavy weight that seemed to have appeared on my shoulders. Looking out through the window, I felt more relaxed as I saw a little bird woodpecker working hard to make a house for himself in the tree.

I then excused myself to my room and had Lisa dress me in my best dress. Looking at myself in the standing mirror I saw a beautiful girl with red hair and hazelnut eyes that didn't belong to me.

Closing my eyes, I took a silent moment to gather up my courage to meet the emperor. I am Elaine Castelle, I can do anything.

Leaving the manor with Elaine's parents on a carriage, we made our way to the castle that was on the north side of the town. It looks amazing.

There were high white walls surrounding the castle with guards every few meters. A purple flag signifying the kingdom's symbol of a golden lion was on the walls of the castle. The gates were made of gold and when they were opened to welcome us in, it was like a lion has opened their mouth and we were entering the most dangerous place in the nation.

We were welcomed inside the castle with a red carpet. There was servants on each side welcoming us into the castle, one led us to the throne room. If things could get more amazing, then it would be this room.

Two thrones were on the head of the room. The Purple carpet underneath lead down to some marble stairs and and to the rest of the room filled with the most amazing decorations, paintings that seems priceless and statues of a lion made of gold and many more. We were standing in front of the emperor sitting on his throne and next to him was an empty seat.

I couldn't look at him in anticipation of meeting someone with so much power in this world. He was also the one that agreed with Alex to kill Elaine in the book so I wasn't really fond of the idea of meeting him.

'Welcome to my castle.'

Even his voice seems to vibrate through the entire room like an emperor should be. His presence was heavy like a single wrong word to him could (and probably would) lead to sever consequences.

But why did it feel like I've met him before?

'Thank you for the invitation, your majesty.'

The three of us bowed before him and once I lifted my head up, I saw the face of the man who held my life in his hands.