Learning How to Save a Princess

The last thing I saw was the desperate face of Anastasia asking for help. I reached out my hand to hers, but the crowd swept me away and I could not run to her.

Within seconds I lost sight of where she and her kidnappers had gone. I ran to the alley where I saw they were headed but no sign of them could be seen.

'ANASTASIA!', I shouted as loud as I could, but my voice were drowned by the crowd watching the play. The streets were busy with people walking everywhere and chatting between themselves.

I did not know whether I should continue looking after her myself or alert the authorities.

'ANASTASIA!', I shouted again hoping I could get a reply. My throat felt sore from shouting as I was not used to it, but I kept shouting and shouting her name until the end of the alley.

The end of the alley lead to an intersections. There were three ways the kidnappers could have gone and I didn't know which way the left.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt my breathing constrict. I turned my head left and right hoping to catch a glimpse of blonde hair, but there were too many people in the streets.

Oh why did Anastasia have to get kidnapped? Damsel in distress much? Though that's not really her fault and she could be in real danger. I decided to go back and get some help in finding her.

Going back to the crowd watching the play I see blue and blonde hair standing side by side. You could say they were eminating serious lead character vibes with young ladies around them fawning over their looks.

'Alex! Cedric!' I fought my way through the crowd to get to them. After lots of pushing and shoving I finally reached the two guys surrounded by women.

Their eyes turned to me and the realised that I was alone and not with Anastasia. Immediately Alex's eyes turned to a glare and I could feel his anger through his intense glare.

'Where is Anastasia?', he questioned me immediately. No "Hi Elaine" or "Where were you Elaine". Such a caring fiancé.

'I need your help! She was dragged away by a couple of guys that took her I don't know where.'


'Okay let's just calm down and assess the situation,' Cedric kept his calm but I could see the worry lines forming in his face.

'This is your doing isn't it? What did you do?', Alex accused me. What the heck does this have to do with me. Just because I'm meant to be the villainess in this story doesn't mean you can accuse me with no evidence. I couldn't believe he thought I would stoop so low. More than that, how is it possible that I was the one who planned this? We just met today, before this afternoon I have never even met Anastasia.

'You are unbelievable.' I then turned towards Cedric at least he wasn't immediately persecuting me of something I didn't do.

'Where did you last see her?', Cedric asked me.

'She was dragged away to a nearby alley that split into three streets. I don't know which street they went,' as I talked I guided them towards the alley that I was talking about. The alley was dark and empty with not a soul in sight.

No person in their right mind would go into an alley like this unless they wanted to get robbed. But we have to save Anastasia. She could be in real danger.

'Ok. Let's split up and cover more ground. I'll go to the right, Lady Elaine will go to the left and Alex you go search the middle street.' Cedric then ran into the alleyway looking around furiously for any sign of Anastasia. Before he disappeared into the dark, I see him turn a right.

I was about to follow looking for Anastasia when a hand grabbed my arm tightly. Alex turned me around to look at him and he had this intense look in his eyes filled with anger and distrust.

'Tell me the truth. Did you plan this? Were you jealous of Anastasia since you can't bear to see me with other women?' As he said that I let out a little laugh. His face turned to confusion at my laugh and he waited for my response.

'Get over yourself. I wouldn't do something like endangering someone's life for your sake. For your information, I don't care who you surround yourself with. But right now the most important thing is to find Anastasia safely and you're preventing us from doing that.' I snatched back my arm and held up my skirt by a hair's length so I could run in my dress into the alleyway. He was left with a look of disbelief, but quickly regained his composure to look for Anastasia.

I ran to the left intersection and saw an empty street. There was a garbage can filled to the brim with trash. It was an eerie aura surrounding the place as if danger could happen at any moment. I felt like I shouldn't be here alone, but if I went back without thoroughly checking the place then I would only be blamed by Alex of wanting Anastasia to be in danger or something.

I wished I was back in my world where I had pepper spray in my bag and could defend myself. Luckily I learned a little bit of karate when I was younger at the community center near the orphanage and earned a red belt so I know some self-defense. Red belt was only two belts away from a black belt so I was quite skilled.

I looked around for any clues in the dark and quiet street and walked as fast as I could.

I went past several dubious looking stores selling guns and liquor and hoped that I could find Anastasia soon. None of the few people I passed looked like the men who took Anastasia. One of the men should be bald and the other had a scar over his left eye.

I couldn't find any signs of them and just as I was about to give up I hear a high pitched scream that could've only belong to the female lead. Sprinting forward in the direction of the scream, I turned around the corner to see Anastasia being held by the two men I saw earlier. They were trying to put a cloth over her mouth to shut her up.

I thought about what I could do. Just shouting "Let her go!" wasn't going to work. It was two against one and they were stronger than I am. If I ran back to get help then by the time we got back here they would be gone already.

I just pray that my body stills remembers the karate training that I had. But if I was going to save Anastasia, then I would need the element of surprise.

I went back around the corner and spotted a dirty cape put on the garbage can and took it to hide my dress so I don't attract attention. I then walked as if I had a hunchback and walked passed the two people holding a Anastasia. She was scared shocked by the blade that was put on her neck.

As their attentions were on Anastasia, they payed me no attention so I was able to sneak up on them and.....