Learning About the Academy (Pt 4)

It was in the afternoon.

Our class was standing in the field at the back of the school. There was human sized wooden mannequins stood up next to each other on the other side of the field.

It was the practical class. We were supposed to showcase our powers on the first day of school so the teachers can know what level of power each student is.

'Okay class line up and use your powers on the mannequins.'

I was at the end of the line not psyched of what was going to happen once its my turn and everyone will see that I have no magical powers.

I looked at the mannequins, took a deep breathe and let it out.

First in line was Alex. Ready and excited to show his magical powers. He had his hand out and fire came out in a direct line to the mannequins burning them. Part of the mannequin he burned turned to ashes.

The whole class was in awe of him. Of course he was the golden boy of the empire, nobody sees him for the jerk he is. I rolled my eyes at him.

'So he's a show off huh? Figures.' Anthony was standing in front of me. He looked back to talk to me and I gave him a small smile.


'Hey, you ok?' I guess I showed it on my face that I was nervous about showing that I had no magical powers.

'Nervous I guess,' I gave him a small shrug.

The line kept shortening. One by one the students showed their magical powers. There were all kinds; fire, water, air and earth. There was also Anastasia who could do light magic which was really special and rare.

Soon it was only Anthony and me.

'You'll do fine.' He squeezed my shoulder trying to calm me down. I must have looked really nervous. The rest of the class was standing on the side watching those who haven't done their turn yet.

Turns out being last might not have been a great idea.

It was Anthony's turn now. He stood straight and straightened out his hand towards the mannequins. A great ball of fire went out from his palms. It was even bigger than Alex's which was saying something since Alex actually had great magic power.

The whole class was quiet and wide eyed at the remains of the mannequin. Even the teacher was surprised by Anthony's show of magical powers. He stood up from where he was sitting on a tree stump and slowly clapped his hands.

'That. was. amazing. I didn't know you were so talented Anthony.' The teacher clapped his hand on Anthony's back.

Unlike Alex, Anthony didn't boast and went straight to where the rest of the class was gathered. The rest of the class parted way for him. I could see from where I was standing that Alex was frowning, unhappy that he was showed up in his moment of glory.

'Now for our last student of the day, Lady Elaine.'

It was my turn now. But instead of embarrassing myself in front of everyone, I headed to where the teacher was sitting.

'Um sir, I actually don't have any magical powers. Can I skip my turn?' I tried to say the words as quickly as I could. The rest of the class wasn't able to hear  what I said to him and were curious what the hold up was.

'You don't have any magical powers? Then what are you even doing here in my class?' He wasn't exactly angry, he didn't show it on his face. Though he did cross his arms together which made me think he was a little angry.

I didn't know what to say because it is true that I didn't have any magical talent. So.... I stayed quiet and looked slightly to the left of where the teacher was because I didn't want to look at anyone right now.

Eventually the he sighed and got up.

'Class is over. We'll meet again tomorrow,' he shouted to the class. Slowly everyone dispersed while Anthony was giving me a worried look.

I know there was one person whose expression I did not want to see right now. Alex. He's the only one who knows that I don't have any magical powers and he was probably laughing to himself right now. So I quickly turned my head, but as I did I could've sworn to see the edge of a frown on his face.

I turned my head again to check and both Alex and Anthony walked towards me as everyone else left. But before Alex reached me Anastasia talked to him and got distracted. In the end, Anthony was the only one who walked towards me.

'What happened?' While he asked we started walking off the campus behind the rest of the class.

I was in a very truthful mood so I told him, 'I don't have any magical powers.' I smiled while doing so, glad that someone else knows.

He raised his eyebrows looking at me, but didn't say anything else.

'Nothing to say?'

'Well I'm just surprised is all.'

'Why? It's not uncommon to not have powers.'

'Yes, but you seem..... I don't know.... Special?'

What did he mean by that?

'Special?' I furrowed my eyebrows at him while kicking off a pebble on the ground.

'Yeah. Like you would have magical powers.'

'Well I don't.'

'Are you sure your powers just haven't showed yet?'

Usually people's powers show up when they are around ten years old so the chances that I simply haven't received my powers yet are very little. According to the book Elaine did have powers, the little of them she had.

So I think it's because I am not from this world that I don't have any. It's the only think I could think of. I hoped I have magical powers since that was supposed to be pretty cool, but well....

'No, I don't think that's it.'

'Too bad.'


By class tomorrow, everyone would have figured out that I have no powers. I just hope that isn't going to change much.

I went inside the carriage that was waiting for me with Lisa and headed to the Castelle manor. What is going to happen when Elaine's parents find out I have no powers?