Learning About Life From Now On

I sat in the backyard. In front of me was a candle, a cup of water, and a lump of dirt. I gave all my focus on each of them one at a time, glaring so hard my eyes started to become dry from the not-blinking.

I sighed. There was no progress to any signs towards me having any magic. What happened when Lisa fell might have really just been the wind.

I put my hands on my knees and got up. There is still much more important things to do. Nyle was probably going into hiding for the time being, as expected from the top information guild, Black Rock's guild master.

The next thing that bothers me is Anthony. What was he doing yesterday in the castle?

Could he perhaps be a villain that's behind these catastrophes? But then why would he be alone running around in the castle? I would think that the villain would send a pawn as a spy. Or maybe that's who Anthony is?

Once again my mind is riddled with questions. Nothing about this was told in the book "The Lost Princess". All of the important information seems to have happened behind the scenes. This really frustrates me.

Maybe I could try digging into Anthony's past. I don't know much about him after all.

'Lady Elaine, it is time to go to the academy,' Lisa said next to me. I was so deep in thought that I did not pay attention to the fact that she was beside me this whole time. But she really was quiet as a statue.

I simply nodded and told her to get the carriage ready. I wonder how school would be from now on. People would have already caught on to the fact that I can't perform any magic. I would be the ridicule of the entire school.

The great Elaine Castelle from the esteemed Castelle family can't do magic. People will laugh at me. A felt a sense of dread. Going to school seems like such a bad idea. Sure I was a scholar in my previous life, but who doesn't hate school? The only reason I worked so hard for the scholarship was because I didn't have any money.

That reminds me, I have money now. Money have been coming in more frequently from the cafe and boutique. Especially since Evangeline decided to work for Blue Ribbon. Her talent was truly amazing and as her boss I am especially glad to be receiving more profits from her hard work.

Of course I still gave her her fair share, more than what she made at her own boutique. Still I was part owner of Blue Ribbon meaning more of the profit was for me and, well, Cedric.

Plus with Cedric working with my father on other businesses, money has been flowing in to our manor and this means a more stable power for the Castelle family.

I am a villainess after all. I should be able to held my head up high even with having no powers. With that a little chuckle left my mouth and I walked towards my carriage in the morning sun.

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I walked through the hallway of the academy heading for my class that was in the third floor of the main building. On my way there, there was a lot of glances given my way and I knew the rumor mill has started.

People must have heard that I did not perform magic yesterday.

Life from now on is going to be.... complicated. Not that it wasn't before. Just more complicated now.

But still, I walked with long confident strides towards my classroom and as I was about to open the door, a hand touched mine.

I looked up to see whose hands dared to touch mine and turns out it was Anthony. He smiled at me with a glint in his eyes. His hand immediately left mine and he bowed a little showing me that he was waiting for me to walk in first.

That attitude of his was first charming, but now that I suspect he might be one of the people behind the disasters, I know to keep my eye on him now.

Giving him a glare with furrowed eyebrows I opened the door to the classroom and sat down on my seat in the class. As if on cue, the three girls that surrounded me yesterday was back once again.

Perhaps this time they would come up with a better insult that befits a villainess.

'So you had the guts to show your face in this school again? Even after knowing you can't do magic?'

How disappointing.

Not giving them a second of my time I opened the textbook and began to read the theory of magic. This prove to be a good response to them because as soon as I did that, I could see the girls faces begin to redden. Maybe out of anger or perhaps embarrassment, who can say?

They were about to start shouting again, but before they could say another word, another person's voice spoke up.

'Everyone, it's not good to fight.'

How can a person's voice sound so angelic and pure? I then look to the person who said such peaceful and naïve words. Guess who it was?

Yup, Anastasia.

She was holding her hands together and giving the others teary eyes. It was smart of her to say this out loud so that everyone in the classroom can hear. It really painted her as someone who is nice.

I have to hand it to her she does fit the typical heroine of a romance novel, but I could sense that there was more to her than that. She's smart, the words she says and her actions are quite strategic in a way that always gains her favor.

Perhaps instead of making her my enemy, we could work together? If she was going to be the next queen of this nation she should know that there are people trying to destroy it.

Yes, why fight when you can cooperate?