Water and Frustration

"This isn't fair!" Kazuto complained, letting himself free to speak or do.

With every abrupt movement he makes with his body the cold waters would splash away from the wooden tub and into the floor, creating puddles that would reflect the luminescent of the lamp.

"Where the hell are my abilities! My overpowered abilities!!"

Kazuto continued with his complains, even punching the water as hard as he could to the point it overflows.

He then grabbed the dipper that had sunk under the tub and raised it above his head as he slowly pour down the water that was carried to his hair, face, and chest until all of it falls back where they began.

"In the movies and shows I've watched, the main character who gets reincarnated always gets a badass superpower that makes his life easier!!!" Kazuto reminisce his time being alive in the modern world, even remembering the time he watched a movie with his friends.

"And sexy hot girls! Where the hell are my sexy hot girls!!" Kazuto complained even more.

"I mean, this is a fantasy world, right? I saw an elf with my own two eyes- no doubt about that, but why aren't they depicted like in the movies and shows I've seen back home," Kazuto thought.

"They're supposed to be elegant, attractive, sexy, and tall. But in this world why are they the same as humans, but with sharp ears!" Kazuto continued in frustration.

His rambling later became louder and more detailed as his time in the bathroom felt like it had no end. However as time goes by his voice had become too loud to the point it can be heard nearly everywhere inside the residence.

With the walls not even close to being as thick as a brick as he thought, the soldiers started gazing to where the loud voices are coming from. Their expressions written with a mix of confusion and annoyance as some started to exchange glances to one another not even know what to do next.

One of the soldiers couldn't handle it anymore and yelled, "Will you shut up already!" Raising his fist as he threw a large large jab to the wooden wall.

As his fist impacted the wall it left a small thud as it showered the room into a blizzard of silence as the soldiers gaze at him. Some were shocked and others were bewildered as the man's fist started to tremble.

His face still hardened like steel, however as he gently removed his fist he squealed like a squirrel as he fell the same fate as Kazuto. The wooden wall was nothing more but cement, detailed only to be nearly identical to the real thing.

The soldiers couldn't hold but burst their laughs of how he made a fool of himself, while others scoffed watching the man turn to them with a face that was about to cry and a fist that was as red as a ripe wine.

"Does he even know that the bathroom isn't soundproof?" One of the soldiers far from the crowd asked as he chug his glass of beer.

"It's likely. I mean, he does look like an incompetent fool," Adolph drawled with his head leaned to the wall as he gaze through the window.

Flicking his coin as it hopped from his hand reaching the height of his head, daring to gaze eye to eye with the heads of his coin.


"There's no point complaining about this, It's just pointless bickering. Why am I even here, I just... I just want to go home," Kazuto sighed, slowly dumping his body further into the tub, completely submerging his body other than his eyes and hair.

His eyes later widened, moving his back up from the soaking waters as he said to himself with confidence. "No! There's no time to be demotivated! I have no choice but to deal with this! Magic abilities or not, this is my reality!"

"First I need to focus on the more important things, and that's to gather information," Kazuto muttered as he slowly slammed his fist to his other hand.

He then straightens his hunched back, as the water around his chest swashed away from his skin and back into the tub.

"As far as I learned the weapons that are used here are somewhat similar to the weapons used during World War one. The rifle I used during that time are no doubt a Gewehr 98, the bolt action weapon and its form are no doubt similar. While the approaching elves were using a Lebel model 1886. However, the wood that was used is more darkish here. Maybe a walnut tree? No, perhaps darker than that. And the rifle itself. It is somehow giving an unfamiliar blue glow that I have ever seen before. What even is the purpose of that blue glow?" Kazuto thought to himself, closing his eyes as his eyebrows clenched, troubled pondering more about it.

He later opened them back, disregarding the less important details as he washed his hair again using the dipper as he continued.

"For the history of this world... I don't really know much about what is happening. I could only guess is that the conflict is somewhat similar to the conflict that happened during World War One, knowing that the weapons here are quite similar," Kazuto muttered. "But I could be wrong, same weapons doesn't ultimately mean same conflict."

A glimpse of silence surrounds the bathroom once again as he submerged his body back to the cold waters.

"Maybe I could ask Otto about it.."

All of the sudden it ticked in his head, a memory that happened during the front lines showered his head. It was the words that had Adolph yelled towards him.

"Some of us are exhausted and most of us are already dead, and you're out here celebrating as if we didn't lose more!!"

Kazuto sighed in frustration remembering those words as bubbled formed in his bath.

He then gently raised his head and gaze towards the ceiling. Feeling somewhat uneasy and regretful, with his teeth grinding towards one another.

"What he said during that time is probably nothing but a bluff just to justify himself beat me up," Kazuto convinced himself with both fists clenching.

Even though Kazuto muttered that he was still doubting if what Adolph said was really true. The look on his face when he yelled, it seemed genuine, but the hatred in his heart, it wouldn't calm down.

Nonetheless, his hardened fists softened, and his bitter lips turned quiet in uncertainty. He then slowly relaxed his body back to the water, as he slowly closed his eyes, thinking.

'What would Lief do if he was in my situation,'

Two knocks soon sounded in the door, as Kazuto who was in a relaxed state opened his eyes and slowly gazed towards the door.

"Who is it?" Kazuto asked.

"It's me, Otto. I'm back with your new clothes, so can you hurry up already!" Otto replied. 

"That was quick of you!" Kazuto said sarcastically with a chuckle.

"Can't waste too much time here. I suppose you already know that," Otto responded with a smirk.

"Anyways, I've heard from my pals that you were being too loud in here," Otto said with an unimpressed tone.

Kazuto's eyes widened in shock as he slowly gazed down with a nervous expression. Eyes darting, and forehead forming beads of sweat.

"These walls... These walls aren't soundproof!?" Kazuto asked as he slowly chuckled brokenly.

"Of course not, what made you think of that conclusion. Also, can you hurry up and open this door!" Otto responded.


Kazuto slowly stood from the wooden tub, with water washing down from his body. He then steps to the cemented floor and grabbed his clothes from the ground, as he covered his privates.

After doing so, he walked towards the door and opened it, as he saw Otto leaning down the wall, gazing to the hallways waiting for him.

He was carrying new clothes as he promised, and to Kazuto's surprise, it was completely ironed and folded, as if a girl took her time and effort to clean this uniform. Not only that, there was also a towel placed above, nothing too special.

"You took a while," Otto said.

"Those are neatly done," Kazuto replied.

"We have logistics crews stationed here. Just between us, some of there are really hot. wouldn't be too bad if you take your chance with them," Otto chuckled as slowly stood up and walked towards him with a grin. He then extends his arms giving Kazuto the clothes he needed.

Kazuto took the clothes and towel from Otto's hands and thanked him. However, Otto wasn't paying attention as he was too busy getting a glance at the amount of water Kazuto had splashed all around the floor.

"You wasted a lot of water, huh. Didn't anyone tell you not to waste water?" Otto asked him with an annoyed gaze.

Kazuto responded with a chuckle as he remembered what Adolph said word by word of reminding him not to waste too much water. However, instead of remembering it inside of his head, he instead indulged in releasing all his anger and frustration in the bath alone.

Otto sighed after not getting a response from Kazuto, as the chuckle and the badly looked poker face was enough to know that Kazuto was reminded but instead chose to not listen.

"Just hurry up in wearing these clothes and meet us in the living room of the residence," Otto informed him with a serious tone and expression.

He then walked away with footsteps faster than the usual walk. However, before he could get far Kazuto stopped him.

"Wait!" He asked in confusion

Otto halted and gaze back towards him. His eyebrow raised, waiting for Kazuto to respond to what he stopped him for.

"Why are you in a hurry? Is there an

occasion or something?" Kazuto continued.

"No occasion, more like a rally," Otto responded.

"A Rally? What for," Kazuto asked.

"I don't really know, but the sergeant wanted to gather all of the troops who are relieving here in the village that are from sixteenth division to meet up there right now," Otto informed him.

Kazuto nodded in response after hearing Otto's answer, while Otto waved his hand and walked away with his pace somewhat faster than before.

'Maybe I should take time here much more seriously,' Kazuto pondered.

Kazuto soon closed the door and quickly put on the clothes of his uniform, as he now looked like an infantryman ready to fight rather than a naked boy complaining about everything.

He then opened the door and gently closed it shut as he was now walking to the hallways with a firm expression trying to make himself ready, both mentally and physically for what might happen next.