Men Dressed in Blue

Busy. It was busy. This was the word that can describe the situation.

Cars can be seen nearly speeding through the brick roads, honking their way nearly in every direction they went to avoid accidents, as the smoke coming out from their exhaust pipes had polluted the city nearly dust white.

While the carriages powered by horses run in the side. Stomping loudly in the brick road, and fast that it can compete with a car, some even faster than an average car.

In the streets, people can be seen carrying large amounts of luggage as they run towards the nearest train station, just to get out of the city early before the others. While some hurried to go to their apartments to gather their personal positions and travel to the nearest station as well.

The buildings they once built are being abandoned one by one. The people who had once lived their lives left nothing, and the jobs that were made were being disbanded and shut down. However, big corporations were not affected by this.

The men who worked, the women who help, and the children who looked confused all had the same expression that can't easily be rubbed off away from their faces.

They all looked worried and afraid.

The city nearly sounded like a large factory from all the noises that were occurring one by one. However, not all the people cared that the humans were only right beside their city's doorstep.

In a bar on the side of the road, both men and women were drinking liquor and eating meat in joy, as they waved their cups filled with rum as they sang songs, thinking as if the money they were spending grew on trees.

However, even in a place filled with joy and pleasure, there were still some who looked around very suspiciously to stay on guard.

Those were the three soldiers dressed in blue, signifying that they are enlisted in the Adrain army, as they sat down at the corner table of the bar. If their uniforms aren't enough proof that they are in the Adrian army, their pointy ears tell otherwise that they are pure elves in blood.

Thus, the people inside of the bar looked at them with respect and pride, even treating them nearly a more higher status than a normal citizen. To their minds, they were the shield of the country and the sword of their future empire republic.

"Those dirty human peasants really did a major toll against us," The soldier on left whispered, gazing down as he watched his reflection to the rum.

The soldier on the right soon grabbed his mug of rum from the table, taking a few sips as he closed his eyes and thought for a few seconds.

"It doesn't matter that much either way. Most of our officers escaped, and our losses didn't really change the course of the war. We're still winning from other fronts, even if we lost our last valuable trench. Besides, I'm sure you've heard the rumor." The soldier on the right said, slowly placing back the mug of rum to the table.

"So. What the sergeant had told us about General Bonnet's dream, is it true? Those dirty human peasants' plans to defeat us had been actually leaked?" the soldier on the left whispered.

"It sounds surreal, I know. but it's true, it seemed that General Bonnet had predicted the enemy's plans," the soldier on the right replied, as he took a sip on his rum.

"If I remember correctly from what I overheard, coming from General Bonnet himself. He told his officers below him that a young man wearing a robe colored in white showed up to his room. He looked like an angel messenger shining bright. Something like that." the soldier on right stopped, as he again took a sip on his rum.

"He also said that the angel instructed him about the plans of what the humans are going to do," the soldier on the right continued.

"But are the plans really that certain that it would occur? If all I know that so-called 'angel' could be just a human in disguise, messing our intelligence and ruining our coordination!!" The soldier on the left retorted in a whisper, as he gazed to the window next to him.

"If it were a trick from those dirty human peasants, They could have just killed General Bonnet, completely destroying our intelligence," The soldier on the right rebutted.

"And Like I said before. It sounded surreal, but the plans were really coordinated. The general even coordinated the weakest parts of our defenses and to where they would attack," The soldier on the right answered, again, sipping on his mug.

The soldier on left drank the cup, swallowing it whole as beads of sweat started forming up his forehead. He then slammed the mug back to the table with his eyes closed and his mouth twitching, he was uncertain and had doubts but at the same had complete trust in his superiors.

His uncertainty ended, when the third soldier spoke.

"I don't really care what plans we are using, as long as this bloody war would be over as sooner possible, I'll be down," the third soldier spoke with an idly manner.

He had been sitting on the right side and leaning his head on the table for quite a while now. Not once did he even tried to drink the rum in front of him, not even a slight sip.

He was only listening to them talk, or probably just been sleeping because of the nights the soldiers had to stay up late to guard the city roads.

The soldier on the left looked at him with a face of ignorance, as he converted his fears into anger, with his eyes glaring in hate.

"Hey, don't you dare disrespect our Field Marshal's efforts! Speed might be our main goal, but I want to show those human peasants what our republic can really be capable of!!" The man on the left said boasting his self-esteem.

The lazy soldier didn't reply nor gave out a single reaction to what he said, which made the soldier on the left slightly annoyed.

"Hey, you!! Just because your a big shot and had been performing better than most of us soldiers in the army doesn't mean you had the right to disrespect your superiors!! You have a remember that I'm a corporal, private!!" The man on the left yelled, purely pissed at how the private is not doing anything other than acting lazy.

The idly soldier sighed in frustration, as he talked again as if each word he spews felt like a chore.

"Sure thing, bud, besides a corporal isn't that big of a promotion. If you really want my respect, do more effort in your work until you become an Adrian officer or something," The lazy soldier replied, without even giving a single glimpse back to the corporal.

The soldier on the left glared towards him in anger, while the soldier on the right just scoffed a little and sip on his mug again.

He soon found his eyes wandering through the window, as he could see dark clouds coming from the north and moving down to the south, slightly covering the morning sky.

He smiled, sipping his mug.

"It seems that the battle that would occur would be slightly interesting."