Chapter Five

(A meeting is being held between Sonia and the teachers).

"Any suggestions?" Sonia inquired gazing from one supervisor to another on the round table. When she saw that no one was taking initiative to talk, "At this point, I hereby conclude the the meeting is over" she declared.

The teachers and Sonia (the head of the island) have been having a meeting about the teens first mission and others things inside the conference room. There was a difference in suggestions about their mission. Sonia instructed all the teachers to let the children practice more than they have been practicing before.

As the meeting came to an end, the teachers bowed their heads to Sonia and waited for her to leave the room before they also took their leave. She stood up and started shaking hands with all the teachers for the jobs welldone. She then headed for Sir Sam's spot in the meeting room immediately. As she reached where he was sitting, her smile broadened and she said, "please see me in my office" then she left the room.

All the teachers started to walk away to their various departments to begin working on what they discussed in the conference room, because the mission was to commence in two weeks time, and if any of student failed to carry out his or her job, it's the teacher that would be dealt with. All of them knew that Sonia's words were not an empty threat.

Sir Sam was about to leave to Sonia's office when he heard miss Stephen calling him. "Sir Sam, please wait" she called.

"Miss Stephen, hi" he greeted her. He brought his right hand forward to shake hands with her and she returned the gesture. Sir Sam then moved towards the doorway. "Are you leaving for Her Highness's office?" miss Stephen asked as she picked up her bag and the files off the table. "Yes I'm going to her office" he answered. They took their leave as soon she reached his side.

"I wanted to asked for more time because some of my students don't really know how to mix some chemicals well" she suggested. The only person who could talk to Sonia is sir Sam and she took a lot of courage to talk to him.

"Ohhhh, okay I will tell her. But I don't know if her response will be positive. Prepare yourself for the worst though" he advised. Stephen nodded her head in appreciation and she beamed. She bowed her head and left his side.

Sir Sam rung the bell to Sonia's office, he put his hands in his pocket as he leaned his back on the wall at his left side waiting for the door to open.

Inside the office, Sonia was behind a table sorting some files on her table. She heard the bell ring, looked into the monitor in front of her to see who was there. She opened the door immediately with the remote control device in her locker as she saw it was sir Sam there.

"Welcome to my office" she greeted him but she remained seated on the cushion seat made of feathers.

Sir Sam stepped inside the room, he had a small smile on his lips as he greeted Sonia. "Thank you ma'am" he responded.

"Please I'm coming. Let me sort these files first" she pointed to the files on her table.

Sir Sam just nodded his head and he utilized the opportunity to examine the room from where he stood.

Close to the entrance where he stood was an office table and the feathered cushion where Sonia was sitting and two office chairs in her front. At the center, you could see three couches and one sofa with a glass table in the middle. There was also a green rug underneath. At the other side of the walls, you could see a big book shelf which covered the entire wall and also a shelf that contained wine bottles was beside Sonia table.

Sonia looked up from what she was doing and she saw sir Sam still standing. "My bad, please go take a sit over there" she apologized as she pointed at the couch at the center of the room.

Sonia stood up from her chair, went to her collection of wine, she took one with two wine glass. She went over to where sir Sam was seated, she took a seat opposite him, and crossed her legs facing him.

Sir Sam collected the wine from her, he opened it, poured it inside the two glasses. Sonia took hers, she took a sip from it. She loved the taste that this particular wine gave her taste buds. It was as if she had never tasted the wine before.

"It's been how many years now?" she asked as she gazed at sir Sam as if she was trying to read him.

"It's been twelve years ma'am" he answered.

Sonia chuckled, "how time flies. t's been twelve years!!!" she muttered to herself while taking a sip from her wine again, but sir Sam left his own unattended to.

"They are seventeen years old, right?" she asked.

"Yes, the girls are seventeen old while the boys already eighteen" he answered truthfully. He put his hand on his lap as if he was doing an interview.

"Did you spare those kids?" she inquired making sure of something.

"Yes ma'am, they are all alive" he answered with straight face.

"Wow, you did a great job" she smirked. She stood up from her seat, went to the window side looking at the view outside. She was already carried away by the outside view when she heard sir Sam's voice. "The children are 28 all together, how many do you need?" he asked.

"Just ten of them, five boys and five girls" she answered.

"What should I do to the remaining? Should we kill them after the mission?" he asked.

"No, we are gonna sell them to the people who need them" she answered. "Those in the basement, releas them after the teens first mission and discard all their teachers. I don't need them anymore" she instructed. "Yes ma'am". He responded affirmatively.

She chuckled as she thought about the past. "Now it's high time I took my revenge, and it will be nice for those fools to chase their children". She gave out a wicked laugh while sir Sam smirked.