Chapter 15

Enjoy reading!!



- Hmm, and you have changed a little over the past time. Hina grinned, examining me closely as we walked along Garganta.

- You mean my dazzling smile, which has become even more dazzling? - I smiled, examining the girl in response. She became noticeably more mature: a finally formed figure, a serious look, a confident gait ... Not a trace remained of the girl whom I decided not to eat after the attack on the shinigami.

- No, about the eyes that have become even more insolent. As well as yourself: it is necessary to arrange an attack on Seireitei with the Hollow army to steal a poor, innocent girl.

- It's not me, they came themselves. - I smiled from ear to ear.

- Yeah, I got it. But judging by the way you avoid answering the question, I am not supposed to know how you became so like a shinigami? She asked seriously.

- No, it's not difficult for me to tell. - I shrugged. - While you were mastering the art of being a shinigami, I didn't slack my ass and continued to evolve. What you see in front of you is the final form of Hollow.

- Hard to believe.

- Why? - I do not understand.

- We were taught that the last, strongest "form" of Hollow is Vasto Lorde. But we were not told anything about the human form, or about the broken mask, or about reiatsu, which remotely resembles Shinigami reiatsu.

"You were taught correctly. - I smiled. - They just didn't tell the whole truth. Vasto Lorde is Hollow's latest "natural" form.

- You mean there are unnatural ones.

- Yeah. I nodded. - I can tell you about the process, but soon you will see everything with your own eyes, so just be patient.

- As you say. She shrugged.

- And how is progress for herself? I haven't seen you since the Academy, but judging by the changed tsuba on your asauchi, that is, zanpakuto, you at least mastered shikai?

- Shikai has mastered it. - The girl nodded. - As for progress, during this time I managed to take the position of the third officer.

- The third officer? - I grimaced. - And I thought you had already thrown Captain-Commander from his throne and sat down there yourself.

- I tried to restrain myself. Otherwise, the universe would not have withstood my strength and collapsed. - She parried.

- But as I understand it, it was because of the service that you could not appear at the appointed place?

- Yes, sorry. I tried to snatch myself at least a week of free time, but it didn't work.

- Nothing wrong. - I brushed it off.

- In general, wouldn't it be better for me to stay in Gotei 13?

- Why?

- If we establish a more reliable connection, then I could transfer information to you, and in extreme cases, I could eliminate ...

- Ha ha ha ... - I could not resist.

- Information? Eliminate? Sorry, I don't doubt your skills, but you also understand one thing: Gotei 13 is a military organization, and onmitsukido does not just eat his bread. If you started leaking information to me, you would quickly be shut down. And about eliminating ... I don't need to eliminate anyone weaker than the captain, and to pull off such a thing, you must be about the same level. And this is assuming that I need this or that.

- Don't you need it?

- Not. - I simply answered. "I have all the information I need, and little things like patrol schedules don't interest me. I also don't need to eliminate anyone, so I don't see any reason for you to stay in Gotei 13.

- Well ... you know better.

- What, you miss already?

- For the hypocrites who claim to be fighting for justice, but turn a blind eye to everything that happens outside the immediate regions of Rukongai? I miss being able to kill them.

- What? Were there precedents?

- There were a couple of cases ... - she answered evasively. "Even though they hit me on the head, I had a convincing enough excuse so that the matter would not go beyond the reprimand.

- And how does it feel?

- Wonderful. - She smiled a little bloodthirsty.

- We came. - I declared, opening Garganta in the Forest of Menos, where not so long ago I left Loly with Menoliy. - Girls, are you here?! - I shouted.

- I came, not dusty! - There was a voice of Loly, crawling out from behind the nearest "tree" with Menoly. - Shinigami?

- Good day. - Hina nodded affably to them.

- What other good day ?! - Loly howled, and immediately began to move, heading for Hina.

- Set aside! - Sonido and here I press the head of Adjuchas to the stone ground.

- What are you doing?! She's a shinigami!

- Do you think I'm blind?

- Why are you letting her ...

- Because she is my student. - I cut it off. "And you two will treat her the same way you treat me, otherwise I'll crush you like cockroaches. Clear? - I asked, increasing the pressure so that the shell of Loly, where my foot stepped covered with cracks.

- I got it, you bastard! Got it!

- That's fine. - I let go of Loly. - Meet Hinata, my student. The girl nodded again to the two Adjuchas. - And this is Loly and Menoly. Are they ... Um ... Servants? Sort of...

- You don't even know who they are to you? - Hina was surprised.

- Shit! - I made a compelling argument.

- And where now? - Hina asked.

- In terms of? I didn't understand.

- Where do you live?

- Here. - I shrugged my shoulders, in response to which the girl looked around.

- Here ... In the middle of this stone forest ... Just like that, in a stone clearing ...

- Well, as it were, there are no Adjuchases in the Forest of Menos, and simple Hollows and Gillians bypass someone with my reiatsu level, so it's quite safe here.

- And where will you order me to sleep?

- Um ... - Good question! I don't need sleep. No, becoming Adjuchas, I can sleep, but there is no need for it.

- Everything is clear, I will have to sleep on bare stones.

- Well, don't exaggerate! In about ten minutes I'll have enough Hollow skins for a perfectly soft bed.

- Skins Hollow ... - And looks at me with such pity. - Do you offer me Hollow too?

- Do you need to eat? Hueco Mundo is very full of reiatsu ...

- I noticed it, only this is Hollow reiatsu. And not good for me.

- Why are you messing with this disgruntled bitch ?! - Loly does not know how to keep her mouth shut for more than five minutes. - Cut off her arm or leg, so immediately stop complaining!

- Can I practice cutting off your legs on you? You have a lot of them, one more, one less ... You won't even notice.

- Fuck you!

- In short, the situation is clear to me. - Hina ignored Loly, and sitting down on a stone nearby, curiously ran over my burnt inscriptions on the stones. "You took me away from Soul Society, but forgot to take care of all the necessary supplies. We are responsible for those we tame, aren't we?

"Don't worry, I'll think of something." "Hmmm, I somehow forgot that shinigami have much more needs than Hollow.

- Sleep on skins, and eat Hollow meat? No, thanks. Better open Garganta to me in Soul Society, I'll go and buy myself food there, a sleeping bag ... - Hina critically examined me. - Yes, and you need to buy clothes.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

- Yes, she will surrender us to her own, there is no need for a special mind to understand her plan! - Loly again with her ideas. Again she was ignored. Menoly, all this time, sat on the sidelines and listened with curiosity to our conversation.

- What am I hearing? - Hina smiled. - Are you worried about me? Have you become softer in the intervening time?

- Of course, I'm worried! Do you know how much effort it took me to get that Hollow army to go to Garganta and then leave where I need to? If you get caught, then all my work will go in vain. I've invested too much in you to be so stupid to lose.

- Ha ha ha ha !! - The girl laughed merrily. - What a shithead you are, Master! No, to say how much you missed me, or how glad to see me again ...

- Oh, you're right. - I smiled. - I'm glad to see you: without you, I was surprisingly bored.

- I ... I'll take that as a compliment. Open Garganta for me though, I'm not going to sleep on Hollow skins.

- If you insist. - I shrugged. - You surely won't be found? They find me without difficulty ...

- So it's because you are Hollow. - She shrugged, going into the open Garganta.

- We are with you. - Loly and Menoly jumped into the Garganta right after Hina. "I don't trust this shinigami.

- Does it matter? Hollow or not, we both have reiatsu to track us down.

- You're wrong. - The girl shook her head. "I knew that sooner or later I would become the enemy of Gotei 13, so I carefully studied their methods of detecting a potential enemy. With Hollow, which presents problems, everything is simple: if there is an example of reiatsu, or reishi, then a rather simple Kidо can detect it in the farthest corner of the Society, but with shinigami everything is much more complicated. Since there are many times more of them in the Society than Hollow, an attempt to detect any individual shinigami, in the same way, gives a disgusting result: inside Seireitei it is possible, but the further, the greater the error, and a hundred kilometers from Seireitei the detection error will be so great that such Kido will give nothing but a general direction for search. To search for shinigami criminals, an ancient method is used - onmitsukido. But if I don't stay long in the Society, and you don't open Garganta in the same place, then I will never be caught.

- What about space gaps?

- Close to Seireitei, they will find them immediately, but the problem is that they use some crap in the scientific team to detect gaps in space, and as I was told, the work of this crap is a very expensive process, and the cost of this work grows in proportion to the scanned area. So if we get out on the outskirts of Rukongai, no one will notice us.

- I see you have everything thought out ...

- Something told me that everything will turn out exactly like that. Hina grinned. "So I even made some stash in different regions of Rukongai in case I needed money. Of course, doing this during assignments was not easy, but I did it.

- Well, since you are sure that you will succeed, I will believe in you too. I beg. - A gap in space opened before us. - Exit to our old house. So that your conscience tortures you. - I smiled.

- I didn't expect anything less from my Master. - She answered with the same smile. - Give me six hours, then I'll wait at the same place.

- Agreed. - I nodded, closing the Garganta behind her.