Next day we both left the house and started off to fetch a map. I went to the east of the city and Salaam went to the west. First, I went to the famous cartographer of the city. Thanks to Allah, no posters stated I am wanted. I opened the shop's door and asked permission to go in. A voice came "yes. Come in." I went in. The shop was filled with the sweet scent of roses and there were huge paintings and maps of the countries in the world. I went to the table of the cartographer. He was short in size about 4 feet, as well as fat and was looking very bad tempered by his face. He asked in a grumpy way "yes, what do you need, young man?" "hi sir. Actually I want to make a...a...a kind of sketch of the king's palace. So I am not able to look it completely from outside of the walls. I was thinking that if you have an architectural map of the design and view of the king's palace. Do you have any of that kind of thing?" I replied and was going to sit on the chair in front of his table that he said in an ill-mannered way "I didn't give you the permission to sit on the chair. Stay still where you are. Okay. Where were we? Oh yes. Listen kid I made about 30 maps about king's palace but every map was useless because if one map didn't contain a thing the second map contained it and the thing second map didn't contain that was in the third map and the thing the third map... ah it's waste of time. I don't have anything you want. All is useless junk which is in my garbage box right behind the entrance door. If you want it take it and go away." I just was getting angry about his manner and so I went to the garbage box and looked in it. Thank god it was not smelly cause it only contained drawings and useless papers. I took those paintings, put in a sack, and started to the house. I knocked the door and aunt opened it. She was sleepy so she just opened the door and went in. She wasn't able to see the sack. So I quietly went in my room and hid the sack under the bed. Now I was waiting for Salaam. Near 6pm the door knocked. I went to open it. Salaam was there sad. We both went to the room he said "that painting cost a lot even if we both put money we will not be able to get that map." I said "I got the painting free of cost." And told him how.