We covered the secret entrance with its lid and picked up the broom and a mop, which we brought with us from the cleaners. I went to the window and said to Salaam "don't bring the cleaners' things. Leave it here and follow me." I exited the bathroom through the window and slowly went to a window at the edge. We used the same technique and went in. There was a guard in the entrance of the room. I once again became stealthy, knocked the guard down, pulled him, and threw him through the window. Luckily, he became hidden in a haystack, on the ground of the palace under the window. Now we entered the corridor, in which the soldiers were standing by the doors of the rooms, by crouching. There was no one there at that time. I don't know where they went. Then we went down the stairs in crouched position and came back up in normal walking position. The soldiers were all there. I said to the soldier who was by the bathroom door "hey, there are our things in the bathroom. We want to clean the floors tonight. We are getting real bored. Can I take those?" he opened the door and said "go." I went in there and picked up the things and came out." We both went downstairs. I knocked the door on the prison block entrance. A man swiped the sliding metal window on the door and asked "what?" I said, "We are sent by king's orders. We are said to clean the floors in the corridor. Open up." the man shut the sliding window and opened the door. "Come in." he said. We both went in and walked some steps ahead. While the man was closing the door, I quickly hid beside the cabin in which he sat to perform his duty. The man opened the cabin door and I quickly stood from behind him and knocked him down with the metal mop. He went on the floor. I checked his vein along the neck. He died. I curtained up the windows in his cabin. Then I started searching up the cabin. There was a list of prisoners' name and their cells. I started to search baa's name. There it was with cell # 59. There were deceasing dates in front of the cell numbers on the list. Baa's date was of tomorrow. I quickly locked the cabin and kept the key with me. Then I opened the prison block's door. I went in and started searching baa. In the lane of50's, I found a cell with a board, which had the number 59. I gazed at a weak man whose face was towards the wall in front of me. I said in a low voice "baa. Baa. Baa do you hear me, baa." Gradually he turned and glanced at me. As soon as he saw me, he jumped up and came towards the cell poles. He was having bruises and cuts on his whole body. He said in a dreadful voice "Farad is it you? Son?" I held his weak fingers, which were leaning out of the cell poles. I said, "Baa. It is I Farad. I have come here to take you." I said Salaam to go and get the keys from the cabin. He went and returned in 2 minutes. I opened the cell door quickly and hugged baa. I said him to come with me. He walked twosteps and fell on the floor. He was not able to walk due to weakness. I picked him over my shoulders and said, "Baa, for god sake please stay quiet until we reach home. Okay?" he nodded. I went to prone with baa lying on my back when we reached on the top of the stairs. Then I quietly went to the store room from which we came last time. Then I stood still with baa on my shoulders. I said in a low voice, "I will not be able to walk through the shade with baa on my shoulders." Salaam whispered in my ear "I have an idea but it's the risk of life. What do you say?" I whispered, "I need to do anything to get baa freedom." Then he said, "Why don't you jump into the haystack with baa on the shoulders?" I said, "But that would break my legs. Don't you have any safer idea?" then I got my sight on a king size, huge and springy mattress. I got an idea. I pulled it. It was very heavy. I got help by Salaam. Then I threw it from the window in the haystack. It went straight into the haystack. Then I said, "Will you come as well? Or you want to take the safe, gutter way?" He said, "Consider me you tail?" and he smiled. I jumped with baa on my shoulders. As soon as I touched the mattress, it made my legs hurt very badly. Thank god, baa was okay. I stood up, wriggling. I dragged baa out of the haystack. I indicated Salaam to jump. He jumped and straight in to the haystack. I low voice came "ouch. That hurts." However, he stood up perfectly. Actually, I was having baa on my shoulders so it had extra effect on my legs. It was almost dawn. Therefore, as we planned, we both hid again in the gutters. The gutter was not far away. We went in. We went in one of the rocky caves and sat there on the floor. I hid baa behind a big rock in the room. I also sat with him behind the rock. Salaam was sitting on the floor with a take on the other side of the rock. Now we had to wait until midnight.