Dark lord's good deed

After defeating the mana beast instead of continuing their journey, the father-son duo decided to deal with the mana beast first since first, it will sell well. Second, If the corpse was left behind various animals and other mana beasts will gather in the area and could be dangerous for other people.

"Ready Sekke?" asked Zuk as his Grimoire started floating up.


""Bronze creation magic: Large carrier""

A carrier big enough to hold the whole mana beast appeared. Sekke and Zuk then loaded the mana beast on top of it and then came in front.

"Bronze creation magic: Zuk's shining star"

"Bronze magic: Bronze bike"

Both of them then connected their bikes to the carrier and then started pulling it along.

Soon they reached a nearby village where the people were slightly vary of them since they made such an entrance.

But still none of them stopped the two since they didn't want to bother the people who could defeat such a mana beast.

Both of them stood in front of the place where they could sell the mana beast. Zuk went inside to talk about it while Sekke stood behind to keep an eye on their catch.

'...A lot of people are gathering to look at the mana beast.....well the dark lord himself defeated it, no wonder all of them are amazed by it.' thought Sekke as he puffed up his chest.

"Anyway..." muttered Sekke as he looked around the village and thought, 'This village is poor....I need to make sure that no one tries something 'funny' with dad, mom told me to take care of him after all.'

Sekke sttld there for a while and then noticed a few people coming closer to look at the beast.

Sekke just let them be, if they want to look at his achievement then they are more than welcomed to do so.


Sekke heard some noise and turned his head to see a young kid wearing a robe to cover it's face trying to look into the carrier. Though because of its height the kid was unable to look.

Sighing, Sekke used his magic and made a platform for the the kid to stand up on.

"Wha-" helped the kid as the ground below its feet suddenly raised up.

The kid looked at the platform and then at the carrier. Noticing that it was the same type of magic the kid turned towards Sekke and nodded it's head.

Sekke who saw the kid turn towards him now recognized the kid as a girl.....or a trap.

Still Sekke nodded his head in response and then waited for his dad.

"Sekke, bring it to the back." said Zuk as he called from inside the building.

Sekke nodded and then walked towards the back of the carrier.

"You should get away from it since I am going to move it now." said Sekke to the girl who was looking at the beast.

"Ah, yes. Thank you for earlier." said the girl as she politely thanked him and got off the platform.

Sekke nodded and then connected his bike to the carrier once again and pulled it towards the back of the establishment.

There the people from the establishment checked the beast and after making sure that everything was alright they went back to bring in the money.

Meanwhile Sekke secretly used his sacred gear to absorb the remaining mana of the beast to recharge his own mana and then asked the people incharge of butchering the beast to give them some of the meat from the beast as well.




".... Isn't that meat too much bah ha? What are you even going to do with all that?" asked Zuk as he saw a big parcel in Sekke's hands.

It seems like the people who bought the beast were too excited to get their hands on a mana beast after a long time and gave slightly larger portion to Sekke when he asked them about it.

Sekke didn't refuse them as it was his profit anyway.

Sekke smiled and looked towards Zuk and said, "I will ask a stall that I saw on the way to prepare it for us to eat."

Zuk smirked at that as well. He knew that mana beasts whose meat is edible taste great. And knowing that his son was going to let someone prepare it for them made him slightly excited.

Soon both of them came to the stall which Sekke talked about and asked the owner about him preparing the meat.

The owner agreed to that. though he said that he wanted some of the meat for himself as well, to which both of them had no problems since it was way too much for them anyway and by this they didn't need to pay for the preparation.


"Bah ha, that was some good meal. Thanks to Sekke I was able to eat something so great." said Zuk as he ruffled Sekke's hair.

Sekke just laughed as both him and his father hand their bellies buldging out since they ate a lot. But still quite a bit was left behind and it would surely soil jf not consumed soon.

"...Well don't worry much Bah-ha. We will finish it all by the evening even if we have to overeat again." said Zuk as he patted his bulging belly.

Sekke just sighed at his father's antics and just walked silently.

"Wait here Sekke, I will go and ask for the directions to reach an inn." said Zuk to which Sekke nodded.

Once Zuk was gone Sekke turned his head to the side and saw a kid peeking towards him and said, "You can come out. I know that you are there."

The kid panicked and wanted to run away but stopped himself as he knew that it wouldn't change anything.

He walked out of the corner and showed himself to Sekke.

"You have been following us for a while. Unfortunately for you I have quite some experience being looked and followed like a prey and you were not that good at hiding." said Sekke making the boy slightly embarrased.

"...So what do you want?" asked Sekke

"....Umm can I have some of that food?" asked the boy.

Sekke who heard that question glanced at the boy and then towards an alley further away from them and saw a group of children younger than the boy in front of him looking towards the boy.

Sekke then glanced back at the boy and asked, "I don't mind but what can you give me in return for this?" asked Sekke.

Hearing that the boy fell into dilemma, he started thinking about what to do before he started searching through his pockets and then took out everything he had and showed it to Sekke and said, "This is all I have, you can take whatever you want."

Sekke looked at the boy's palm which had a lot of things and sighed seeing which the boy got dissapointed thinking that Sells was not interested.

But suddenly he felt someone touching his arm and saw Sekke taking something from him and said, "Here, take this....it should be enough to let you and the other kids that are waiting for you, be full for today.....Also a word of advice from me, start practicing magic so that when you receive your grimoire you could atleast earn enough to fill your stomach through your hard work....it's not necessary for you to get a good affinity, but hey there is alway work for every affinity.....heck I know someone who will become great without even having magic."

Sekke then gave him the quarter of what he had left and let the boy go.

The boy though teared up and thanked Sekke for help while also promising him that he will do as he said.

Sekke smiled as he saw the boy and the other kids jump in joy and thought, '...Well even the great dark lord has a heart, it feels good doing good things for others now then.....onto the main topic....'

Sekke took a deep breath and took out something from his pocket and thought, 'WHY THE HELL DOES THAT KID HAVE A FU*KING MAGIC STONE!!!'

Yelling mentally Sekke looked at the golden decagon stone in his hand with a four sides star made on top of it.