A walk around the village

Sekke entered the room along with Zuk who snapped out of the spells effect some time ago.

Once they got in the room Sekke stared at his father and said, "...If you don't want me to tell mom about how you acte-"

"1000 Yuls." said Zuk as he took out the money.

"2000, or this will reach mom's ears." said Sekke as he moved his hands forward.

Zuk immediately took out the money and gave it to Sekke and said, "...Keep what you saw upto yourself Bah ha."

Sekke nodded and said, "Alright, but no flirting during the trip. Mom told me to take care of you."

"It was the other way around Bah ha." said Zuk but he knew that it was Sekke, who had more power right now.

Sekke narrowed his eyes and asked, "Do you really think that you can keep the dark lord under your control?"

"If I told Elaine about what this Dark Lord has been doing in the forest Bah ha, your freely going out would be banned." said Zuk.

Both father and son stared intensely bat eachother and Sekke said, "Let's pretend this conversation never happened." said Sekke as he walked towards the door.

"Where are you going Bah-ha?" asked Zuk.

"Well, it's my first time out of the town so I want to look around. I will come back before it turns dark." said Sekke.

"Wait then I will go with you too Bah ha." said Zuk as he kept the luggage in the room and then went out with Sekke and said, "It's our first father-son trip so let's enjoy it together Bah-ha." and smiled at Sekke.

Sekke smiled back at him and nodded his head, no matter what type of person he was or how much he tried to make him learn the Bah ha. Sekke like this man as his father since he really reached out to and helped him.

Both of them walked around the village getting attention from the others since many people knew them as the ones who brought the mana beast, though most of them thought Zuk as the stronger one since well...the dark lord was too good at deception.

Sekke also took care of the remaining meat by selling it to the inn lady who was excited to get some mana beast meat and by that Sekke earned the money for their dinner.

"So is there anything that you want Sekke Bah ha? We have quite a bit of money to spare so think if you need something."

"....Hmm let's see if I can get a new sheath for Extase, this old one is quite worn out after all." said Sekke as he showed the beaten up sheathe to Zuk.

"....You gave a name to that sword which I gave you such a long time ago Bah ha....Hey why not buy you a ne-"

"Stop right there, Extase-chan is my soul mate and I am not parting with her." said Sekke as he tightly hugged his sword and glared at Zuk.

Zuk was surprised by the sudden outburst from Sekke and became speechless and thought, '....Did he love my birthday gift that much.....but that was just some last minute thing that I got since I forgot that it was his birthday.'

He then became slightly guilty about that but felt happy that his son liked the gift that much.

"Alright then Bah ha. Let's look for a new sheath for your sword." said Zuk as he laughed out loud.

Sekke stared at his father for a while before he put his sword back on his waist and started following him.

After looking around for a while Sekke found a new sheath for his sword, a dark leather and metal sheath and though it didn't have any design, Sekke thought of making one later. 'No way something that belonged to the dark lord would not have his mark' were the thoughts that Sekke had.

Happy with the purchase Sekke admired the sheath for a while seeing which Zuk felt happy as well. He just stared at his son and felt happy that he came together with him on the trip.

On the way Zuk's eyes fell on a liquor store and stopped for a while before he glanced towards Sekke.

Sekke who understood what his father's dilemma was said, "It's fine if you want to go, but don't spend too much on alcohol. We already have quite a bit of luggage with us, so adding more would be troublesome. Go, I will wait here."

Zuk smirked as he gave his son a thumbs up and said, "Here I come bah-ha." and rushed towards the store.

'Now then, let's deal with the main task for which I wanted to go out.' thought Sekke as he looked around with a normal expression on his face.

Doing that he noticed atleast two people keeping an eye on him.

'...It really was a bad idea to sell something like the mana beast in a village like this. Should have taken the longer route to go to the bigger town.' though Sekke as he could guess what these people wanted with him and his father.

But he just let them be as long as they don't mess directly with him or his father, he didn't want to get his father falling into trouble because he needlessly stepped forward.

He just stared directly at the two men and released his magic power clearly indicating that he knows where they were and that his magic power was not something appropriate for his age.

'Shit, if he has that much of mana how much would his father have?....It's not safe to deal with them.' thought one of the men who were looking towards Shun. He tapped his partners shoulder and told him to leave them be.

The partner didn't want to but knowing that it will be dangerous since 'that man' was strong and his son seemed competent enough as well. So their plan of taking his a hostage would not go well.

Reluctantly walking away the two people sighed seeing which Sekke sighed as well knowing that the situation would not es-....let's stop there no need for flags.

Waiting around for a while Sekke soon noticed a familiar looking cloaked kid he met in the morning coming towards him.

"Umm...mister can you please tell me if there is an inn nearby? Me and my brother are looking for one." asked the kid.

"I am new here too so sorry I cannot help much, although I can tell you about the inn me and and my father at staying at." said Sekke.

Hearing that the girl thought about it for a while and said, "Let me tell about this to my brother." said the girl as she ran away.

Soon she returned back with another cloaked figure clearly a boy older than her.

Sekke also noticed a few people following the two of them in shadows and thought, 'These guys are not simple....either some big shots, or someone trying to lower our guard to rob us.'

"Nii-sama this is the person I told you about."basis the girl.

"Ah, what have my beautiful eyes laid their sight upon....though you are not that ugly compared to the others." said the boy in a dramatic tone.

Sekke who heard that thought, '...Forget that they are just a pain in the ass.'