Chat with the royals

"So what are you planning?" asked Sekke as he looked towards Mimosa with a curious look on his face.

"Umm....let's go to our room, we can talk there." said Mimosa.

"Absolutely not, I cannot let someone like him taint my beautiful room where the beautiful me will have a beautiful sleep." said Krisch.

But neither of the two listen to him as Mimosa led Sekke to their room while she asked him some questi inons.

"...That commoner already tainted my sister in such a small time....commoners really are scary beings." said Kirsch.

"I need to purify my sister, Wait for the beautiful me you two." said Kirsch as he followed the other two.

Once they got inside the room Sekke looked around and said, "...They really prepared a better room for the nobles."

"Of course, they know how to treat the people above them." said Kirsch.

Sekke didn't say anything in return and just found a wooden chair to sit upon, he was not willing to hear the endless rambling from the narcissist royal for sitting on his bed.

And by seeing how the royal gave him the stink eye when he sat on the chair, his doubt was confirmed.

"So Sekke-san, umm....what type of magic do you use?"

"Well I used Bronze magic what about you Mimosa-san?"

"Me, I use plant magic."

"Fufu, my magic is just as beautiful as me." said Kirsch as he stood in a dramatic pose and sprouted cherry blossoms around him.

"Oh, cherry blossoms really are beautiful I agree with you on that." said Sekke but in his mind there was only one thing that was going on.

'Bankai: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.'

Sekke closed his eyes as he thought, 'Damn that would be hella cool if I could use that. But sadly not even Extase-chan can help me with that.'

"Atleast you know how beautiful my magic is, even though you are a commoner." said Kirsch.

Hearing that Sekke snapped out of his thoughts of him using the Bankai while standing with a cool and composed expression on his face.

Sekke just nodded his head and all three of them continued their talk.




"...and today my dad told me the actual value of that mana beast and I came to know how much that Will person took advantage of me." said Sekke as he told them about his experiences.

"...Even though all people cannot be as beautiful as me, hearing all that I can tell that that man is even below and uglier than trash." said Kirsch with a slight frown on his face.

"It's really horrible of him to use a child as a bait and then taking advantage of them even further. And to do that with Sekke-san who is so kind..." said Mimosa.

Hearing that both the boys looked at her curiously and thought, '...How did she got that impression from me/him?'

Both the boys then glanced at each other and gestured asking if the other knew what is she talking about.

Noticing that the room got awkwardly silent Mimosa looked towards the two boys and said, "I saw Sekke San helping a poor kid and his friends during the day....He really is kind."

Hearing that Sekke widened his eyes as he didn't expect someone to see at that time.

"Well thank you I guess, though I am not kind. It just happens to be that we had excess of the mana beast meat left with us, and it would have gone bad if not consumed so, I gave it to the boy and his friends." said Sekke.

"...You are poisoning them you know?" said Kirsch.

"Well you can say that, but it's fine. I felt good by doing that and they too felt happy when I gave them the food which will allow them to live longer....I also advised the boy what he should do to get a better life, so now it's upto him. I cannot help him everytime." said Sekke.

"Hmph, whatever. I cannot change your mentality if you have already etched it that strong." said Kirsch.

"...So where are you two heading? It must be rare for royals like you to go to the forsaken realm?" asked Sekke.

"As if the beautiful me woul-"

"Father had some work in one of the villages, so we two tagged along with him as well. He need to make some round around the kingdom from time to time anyway. What about you Sekke-san?" asked Mimosa with a smile making her brother stare at her.

"My father too had some work in a village where the ores from the mine he supervises are sent. Apparently there are some issues regarding the distribution there. So I tagged along with him since I was curious about the forsaken realm as well." said Sekke.

"...Where are you headed to?" asked Kirsch.

Sekke thought about what his father told him and then replied to Kirsch. Kirsch and Mimosa on the other hand widend their eyes in surprise as Mimosa immediately stood up from her spot and held Sekke's hand.

"Sekke-san we are heading there as well.....why don't you tag along with us too?" asked Mimosa.

"Hey that cannot be all-" Kirsch tried to say something but Sekke interrupted him and said, "Sorry, but we cannot. Dad will need to deal with this soon so he will be required bto arrive there soon as well. And with your schedule of making a round around the kingdom it will take a lot of time."

Sekke said that with an apologetic expression on his face which made Mimosa sad seeing which both the boys felt that they did something wrong.

"H-How about this Mimosa-san, if I am still around by the time you arrive in that village, we will meet again." said Sekke.

Hearing that Mimosa's eyes shined as she nodded her head and said, "Alright, I will make sure to reach there in the time you are still there."

"Hmph, looks like there is a chance that the beautiful me have to bear with a commoner like you once again." said Kirsch as he crossed his arms and snorted.

Sekke just sighed as he was already familiar with the narcissistic way of talking and just nodded his head.

After that the royals told him about the noble realm and continued their talk for a while before Mimosa yawned informing that she was sleepy seeing which Sekke told them that he was sleepy and went back to his room.