Initiation ceremony

All the black bulls got outside their base to look at the initiation ceremony.

Firstly it was Asta's turn since he wanted to get his robe as soon as possible and asked Sekke to let him go first.

Sekke being the generous dark lord he was let him go first as his own were, "The final boss shows up at the end."

Asta and Magna played Fire baseball and Asta got his robe, well rather easily.

After the others were done congratulating him it was Sekke's turn who along with the overly excited luck stood forward.

"Oi, you all take some more distance from the two of them." said Yami who came out of his base smoking this cigarette.

All of them were surprised seeing Yami come out but none the less were happy about it and followed his order.

"Hey Hey, let's begin already." said Luck as he was literally jumping from excitement.

"Alright then, you want to start?" asked Sekke.

"Since Magna didn't let his opponent start, I will let you make the first move." said Luck.

Sekke took a deep breath and turned serious and said, "Don't make excuses after losing to the dark lord, okay."

[Bronze Creation Magic: Weapon make-]

"Hahahaha, he was just all talk, where the hell is your spell!!!" laughed Magna out loud.

But Sekke just smirked at that making Yami narrow his eyes.

'Up' thought Yami as he glanced towards the sky.

[Gaster Blaster]

A large amount of mana which was gathered inside the mouth of the animal head shot forward towards the ground producing a bright light.

Luck looked up with a smile as he saw the beam coming towards him

"Hahahaha amazing amazing!!" said Luck as the beam hit the ground.

Sekke smiled seeing the attack hit its target but all of a sudden he heard a crackling noise and turned around.

"You really are powerful. it will be fun." said Luck who was standing in front of his eyes.

[Lighting Magic: Lightning God Boots] said Luck as he rushed towards Sekke.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Magnum Cannonball]

A spiky shell appeared around Sekke protecting him from all sides.

"Too slow." said Luck who was standing behind him inside the shell.

"Nope you were just too fast to notice." said Sekke as he his hand suddenly changed into a club.

[Bronze Magic: Bronze Body + Weapon Make]

Sekke then smashed his club with full force towards Luck sending him flying. out of the shell which opened for Luck to be sent flying before it closed

"All out firing." said Sekke as bullets made out of pure mana started firing towards Luck out of the spikes.

"Hehe, I felt that one." said Luck as his Grimoire started flipping pages.

[Lighting Magic: Lightning God Gloves]

A pair of gloves made out of lighting appeared on Luck's hands as he started dodging and slicing through the bullets.

'Damn, he have got a fu*king Chidori for a hand.' thought Sekke as his hand which was covered in a bronze coating started changing.

[Bronze Magic: Weapon make - Minigun]

Luck who was now close to the sphere suddenly saw Sekke's hand come out of the shell and change into something he haven't seen before.

The gun started rotating and projectiles started coming out of it at a great speed.

'Fast' thought Luck as he immediately jumped back and started running around.

But because of the [Magnum Cannonball] which was an omnidirectional defense and attack spell, Luck was not able to outright attack him giving Sekke enough time to rotate the shell.

"You are getting better and better hahaha." said Luck while laughing as he jumped far away from Sekke.

Sekke though didn't stop firing and said, "What happened giving up already?"

"Haha don't worry." said Luck as his face turned threating though he still had a smile on his face.

"I am just getting started." said Luck as he vanished from his spot making Sekke's eyes widene from surprise.

'Shit, I can see his with magnum fireball active it is not easy to follow his movements.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Golem Assist]

A huge arm made of Bronze Magic appeared out of nowhere and threw the ball up in the air much to everyone's surprise.

"Hey Hey, now who is running away?" said Luck as he looked up at the ball.

"No one." suddenly said Sekke who appeared in front of Luck with Extase in his hand.

"Ha-" said Luck as he looked at the sword coming towards him.

In the next instant he took a great distance away from him.

'What was that dreadful feeling just now?' thought Luck as every hair on his body stood up when he looked at the blade coming towards him.

"I have caught you now." said Sekke.

"Huh?" said Luck as he looked at his hand which had a glowing rope like thing wound around it.

Sekke smirked as he threw Luck up in the air with the absorption line.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Giant's High-five]

Two huge hands sprouted from the ground and then started moving towards Luck with great speed and clapped luck in between them.

Sekke smiled, from this spell he has squashed an army of elephant sized mosquito mana beasts, and smashed boulders without any difficulty and was quite confident in the spells power.

But suddenly electric speaks started coming out of the huge bronze hands and in the next instant they explode making Sekke frown in anger.

[Lighting Magic: Thunderclap Crumbling Orb]

Luck bolted out of smoke caused by the explosion covered with blood and started firing orbs made of pure electricity towards Sekke who started dodging the attacks.

He immediately retracted the absorption line and used it's long whip to smack the orbs away.

But contrary to his thoughts the orbs started exploding out of nowhere.

'He is blinding my vision.....never though a battle maniac to use that.' thought Sekke.

"Don't get distracted or I will kill you."

Luck suddenly appeared to Sekke-san left with a wide grin on his face and his lightning glove heading towards Sekke's head.

"Right back at ya." said Sekke with a grin"

His left hand started glowing all of a sudden and a long and solid pillar came out of his hand and smashed into Luck's gut making him spill some saliva.

[Bronze Magic: Bronze Club]

"Haha don't think that the dark lord will give you op- Awawawawawawa."

Luck who was smashed by the Bronze Club tried to move away and touched the bronze club...and it was at this moment Sekke got fu*ked up.

Since Sekke didn't have the power of plot, electricity passed through the bronze club and electrocuted Sekke.

Luck got on top of the bronze pillar and saw Sekke getting electrocuted.

And soon a malicious smirk appeared on his face as his Grimoire started flipping pages.

[Lighting Magic: Thunderclap Crumbling Orb]


"I thought the newcomer was very strong, didn't know that he had such a weakness." said Vanessa

"It's attribute disadvantage for the brat." said Yami as he looked at the fight.

"Beat the crap out of him Luck!!! Show him his place!!!" yelled Magna.

"Ah! Marie!"


Sekke's magic got cancelled as he lost concentration due to getting electrocuted and fell on his knees.

"Hehe, it was fun. But it looks like you lost." said Luck as he walked towards the fallen Sekke.

"Heh, you must be kidding me. That wasn't even my 2% you know." said Sekke with a pained smile in his face.

"Really? Doesn't look like it, but show me what you can do. It's exciting after all." said Luck as the his gloves started crackling up with electricity.

Sekke sighed and said, "Looks like I need to show you what a dark lord's 2% is." said Sekke as his other Grimoire came out of the holster and started flipping pages.

"Eh? What is this?" said Luck as he all of a sudden fell down on the ground and coughed out some blood.

'What the hell is this pain?' thought Luck as he looked forward to see Sekke standing once again totally fine.

[Body Debuff Magic: Damage Transfer]

Sekke stretched his hands and said, "You wanted to see more right? Let me show you one of the most dangerous moves which haven't killed anyone."

Sekke then rushed towards the fallen Luck who being in an adrenaline rush stood up almost instantly ready to intercept the attached head on.

"Mana Bullet: Rasengan!" yelled Sekke as he went past Luck and slammed the spiralling orb of mana on his back.

'Shit!' thought Luck as his face met the ground once again, only this time he went deeper into the ground and got engulfed in an explosion.

By this time Sekke had already taken his distance from him and looked at his opponent getting engulfed in the Explosion.

'I need to find a bed and sleep before the recoil hits me....but first let's make sure that he remain is stopped for good.'

He then went towards the crater where Luck was lying covered in blood still able to move and was trying to get up.

"No you don't. I need to sleep."

[Bronze Transformation Magic: Midas Touch]

Sekke touched Luck's body and his body started turning into bronze.


"Just sleep already, I will fight you some day again." said Sekke making Luck stop and a few seconds later an identical status of Luck made out of Bronze was in front of Sekke.