Talk with the royal Tsundere

The next morning Sekke who was sleeping in his new room suddenly got woken up by Secre pecking his head.

"Ow Ow Ow, I am up. I am up." said Sekke as he protected his head from the bird.

Secre who had done her job went back to her bed and stared at Sekke.

Sekke just patted the bird and said, "Good job." and then left the room.

'Gotta do the deed before Yami goes on his dumping quest.' thought Sekke as he rushed to the toilet.

Once Sekke was refreshed and finished with his morning routine he went back to his room took his sword and Secre and went out of the HQ for his morning training.

On his way back Sekke felt some noises near him and decided to check.

Suddenly out of nowhere a huge water ball crashed into him making both him and Secure wet.

"What the hell was that!? You okay Secre?" asked Sekke as he took Secre in his hands and checked her for any injuries.

Secre shook the water of her body and then gave a thumbs up... feathers up to Sekke indicating that she was fine.

Sekke sighed and then looked at Secre and said, "Well I am glad that you are fine. Go and dry up." and let Secre go and dry herself up under the sun.

Sekke on the other hand went towards the source of noise as he guessed what probably the the source of the noise was.

Na just as he expected, after walking for a bit he came across a silver haired tsundere practicing her magic.

Sekke being the fearless dark lord he was didn't hide and just stepped forward.

"Good morning." said Sekke as he greeted the silver haired girl.

The girl yelped in surprise as she heard Sekke's voice and turned around to see who it was.

"You!...What are you doing here?" asked Noelle.

"...Well that's now how you greet someone who wished you good morning, but it's not like everyone can have good manners like me.... anyways I was just on my way back from training, when all of a sudden I got hit by a huge water ball and decided to check." said Sekke as he showed off his wet clothes.

Noelle got nervous seeing that her misfired magic hit the boy in front of him and said, "H-Hmph, it's not all of a s-sudden. I was aiming for you to begin with."

"...You didn't even know I was here until I called you." said Sekke as he stared at the silver haired noble.

Noelle blushed as Sekke pointed out her mistake and just averted her eyes.

"Anyway, what are you doing here.... looking at the tree and the target, I think that you are practicing you magic....though seeing how dry the tree is from being hit by water magic..." said Sekke as he left at that and saw that the girl was trembling a bit.

'...Let's not like her more.' thought Sekke as he said, "Anyway show me your magic. I am interested in seeing how powerful it is."

Noelle looked up at Sekke who was looking back at her and said, "W-why would I show my magic to an insect like you."

"Language, lady. If you call yourself a royal then carry yourself like one too." said Sekke with a stern tone making the girl flinch.

"H-How dare yo-" said Noelle but Sekke released his magic power and glared at her making her stop.

The noble turned around and pointed her hands towards the tree and gathered her magic making a huge water ball appear in front of her hands.

'...That's some magic power she gathered in a single spell....but the control is just shitty.' thought Sekke as he saw the ball totally missing the target.

Seeing that her attack missed once again she prepared herself to be mocked again and looked down.

"If you are having trouble controlling that much magic, then lower the output to the point which you can control." said Sekke as he walked towards her.

Surprised by what Sekke said Noelle looked up and saw him coming towards her and said, "What do you mean by tha- I mean, How dare you come closer to me like this!!! I am a royal you know?!"

"And I am the dark lord, the one who is at the very top." said Sekke as he snorted and said, "Now do as I told you."

"Why should I?" asked Noelle.

"Because I said so, and I am currently your superior here." said Sekke.

"When did you become my superior?!" asked Noelle.

"From the moment you showed me you cannot control your magic, while I can." said Sekke.

Noelle opened her mouth once again to say something but Sekke gave an annoyed sigh and said, "Listen here, if I am going out of my way to help you improve a bit, then just keep that mouth shut and accept it. Not everyone has the privilege of getting help from the dark lord."

"Hmph, I didn't ask for your help. And what is this Dark Lord thing anyway?" said Noelle as she crossed her arms.

"You don't need to know that right now. I will tell you when you get to my level. Anyway see this." said Sekke as he raised his hand.

Noelle was about to say something but then she noticed some mana gathering in Sekke's hand.

"Hah, what are you even going to accomplish with that meager amount of mana." said Noelle as she pointed at the small amount of mana glowing on Sekke's hand.

"Smack you." said Sekke as the mana bullet flew towards Noelle and flicked her forehead.

"Ow! How dare you hit a royal!?"

"Like this." said Sekke as he fired another magic bullet at her.

"Ow! Y-YOU!" said Noelle as she growled from anger.

"Now try to do the same with your mana. Slowly." said Sekke.

Noelle glared at Sekke and raised her hand to attack him.

Sekke who saw the water ball forming in front of Noelle's hand sighed and thought, 'Its getting unstable.'

Sekke's sacred gear appeared on his hand as the whip shot forward from the black gauntlet and wrapped around Noelle's hand.

"Wha-!" said Noelle as she saw her hand getting caught by something.

Sekke started absorbing the excess mana from her spell and sajd, "Try to control this much. Aim at the target."

Noelle looked at the smaller water ball in her hand and then at Sekke who was just staring at her.

'What does he want to do anyway?!' thought Noelle as she pointed her hand towards the tree and fired once again.

And as Sekke still misfired.

'... Yup just like I thought, a totally shitty control.' thought Sekke and then looked at Noelle who was looking down.

"...Since you are doing this without even using your would be pretty difficult to lower the power output." said Sekke as he started thinking.

"....Why are you doing this anyway?" asked Noelle.

"No reason, I have nothing better to do anyway,the other are still sleeping and I am already done with my training.... although if you want a proper can say that you are a bit similar to my dad." said Sekke.

'....Dad....not mom?' thought Noelle as she felt a bit pissed hearing that she is similar to man.

"He too puts too much and ruins most of the things and never accepts that and try that again....a total pain in the butt, if I have to say so " said Sekke with a deadpan look on his face making Noelle even more pissed at the insult.

"I am accustomed to taking care of that old man of mine, and seeing that you, who is somewhat acting stubbornly like him....makes me work on my a way you can say I am just preventing you from annoying me." said Sekke making Noelle look up at him with a confused look on her face.

"That doesn't make any sense." said Noelle.

"Doesn't matter it made sense to me." said Sekke making Noelle stare at him.

"Anyway, I am feeling a bit cold in these wet clothes. I better go and change." said Sekke as he pulled the line back from Noelle's hand and deactivated his sacred gear.

"You on the other hand try using that mana bullet I used to flick you, earlier. I will come back after changing my clothes and will babysit you until breakfast is ready." said Sekke as he rushed back to the base.

"I DON'T NEED SOMEONE TO BABYSIT ME!!! AND DONT COME BACK!!!" yelled Noelle with a blushing face.