
The next day after Sekke had a training spar with Yami and got his ass kicked by the captain was is a very bad mood bad enough for not even Luck was asking him to fight him.

"Hey, do you think he is alright?" asked Vanessa.

"I don't know la, show I give him something delicious to eat." said Charmy as she ate some cake.

"My friend is in a really bad mood and it really pains me to see that I cannot do anything to help him." mutter Gordon.

"...Should I as a senpai take him and hook him up on a date with some girls?" asked Finral.

"Maybe looking at my angel Marie's photo will cheer him up.....but I won't give it to him." said Gauche.

"Oi Finral! there is no toilet paper in here!" said Yami during the process of breaking his limits.

"Just drown in that shit then!!" yelled Sekke as he looked at the toilet door with an annoyed look on his face.

He then stood up from his spot and said, "I will be going out for a while." and walked out of the base.

"Phew, that took long." said Yami as he came out of the toilet.

"We are back!!!" yelled Asta as he entered the base along with Noelle and Magna.



In the forest close to the black bull's base Sekke was practicing the few movements that he Yami showed him yesterday.

He made a thick pillar of bronze using his magic and was repeatedly striking it in the way Yami showed him yesterday.

"Fuck it! To hell with break your limits." said Sekke as his speed increased making the movements of his sword faster than a normal person's eye could see.


After striking continuously for a few hours, the sword made out Sekke's magic shattered from taking too much damage making Sekke stop and fall down back on the ground while taking deep breaths and his whole body being covered in sweat

"Seriously, I really don't like how pitiful I looked yesterday..." said Sekke as he took deep breaths.

Suddenly out of nowhere a towel fell on his face making Sekke move it away from his face and look at the one who brought it for him.

"Secre? You already came back?" asked Sekke as he saw his familiar.

Sekke sat up and wiped his face seeing which Secre flew and landed in front of him.

She looked at Sekke or more like his hands which were bleeding a bit and jumped towards Sekke's pouch.

She then took out a small box out of it and hopped back to be in front of Sekke.

"Hmm?....The ointment?" said Sekke as he look at his hand which had a small amount of blood on them.

"Don't worry Secre, this is nothing for the dark lord." said Sekke with a grin on his face.

Secre just looked at him with her usual expression as she pushed the ointment forward telling him to use it.

Both of them stared at eachother for a while before Secre took the ointment in her mouth and hopped onto his shoulder and shoved the ointment in front of Sekke's face.

"... Alright, no need to act that stubborn." said Sekke as he took the ointment from her and used it on her wounds. Seeing that Secre opened her wings and patted Sekke's head as if telling him that he did a good job.

"Oh Secre, you will make me blush..... anyways how was the mission?" asked Sekke.

Secre just gave him a wings up seeing which Sekke smiled and said, "Well let's go and meet Asta and Noelle then."

Secre just jumped back into his pocket since it was the most comfortable spot for her and she really missed it for the whole day she spent away from Sekke.

"Aren't you acting spoilt....well it's fine with me though." said Sekke as he patted the bird's head.


"I am back." said Sekke as he came inside the base and saw Asta, Magna and Noelle laughing out loud.

"Yo, brat." said Yami as he raised his hand and gestured him to come closer.

"What is it Yam-"

"It was you right who told me to drown in shit." said Yami as he grabbed Sekke's head and started crushing it.

"Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow!!" yelled Sekke as he tried to move the hand away from him.

"I will kill you." said Yami as he used reinforcement magic to increase his strength.

Sekke used his magic and turned to bronze so as to strengthen his strength and defense to move the hand away from top of his head.

Seeing their captain going on like that the rest of the members also got wild as a fight broke out between Magna and Luck which soon pulled Asta in it as well.

"Oi! Stop breaking everything!!" yelled Yami as he let go of Sekke and smashed the nearby wall.

All of them immediately stopped and apologized to Yami and just after that Yami realised something.

"Oi, brat." said Yami as he looked at Asta.


"Looks like the wizard king appreciated your work on your first mission and it seems that we won a star." said Yami as he took out a golden star and showed it to everyone.

Asta being Asta immediately got excited over it only to question what the star was.

Once the explaination was over Asta said, "How much stars do we have captain?! We cannot lose to that golden dawn!!"

Yami smirked and said, "With this star...we finally get at a total of negative 30.... exactly hundred away from the golden dawn."

"It will take forever to defeat Yunk like that!!" yelled Asta.

Yami totally ignored him and then glanced at Sekke.

"And about you brat....it seems like you did quite good on your missions....the wizard king have awarded you a total of 7 stars." said Yami as he took out another seven stars and showed it to Sekke.

Sekke widened his eyes in surprise and said, "7 stars from just 5 missions..... sometimes my talent and excellence even scares me."

Sekke smirked at he looked at Asta and said, "Congratulations on getting a star from one mission."

"Sekke you bastard!!! Just you wait, I will beat you in no time!" yelled Asta as he realised that Sekke was mocking him.

Sekke just laughedin amusement after hearing that seeing which Asta just got more pissed at him.

After that Yami gave them their salaries which made even Sekke's jaw drop for a moment seeing how large the sum was.

"Alright, you all can take a day off tomorrow so do whatever you want." said Yami as he was immediately pestered by Luck and Gauche.