The treasure room





"...Will you two stop that already?!" said Sekke as he looked at Asta and Yuno who were staring intently at him.

"...I will defeat you!!" said Asta as he pointed his finger at Sekke.

"...You are way stronger than I expected but I will surpass you." said Yuno as he looked at him with a confident expression on his face.

Seeing the two of them like that the other magic knights felt awestruck at their declaration since after watching how easily Sekke dealt with the diamond guy that was currently being sealed by Klaus's magic. But still felt a bit confident themselves and thought that they will become stronger as well.

"...Well there is no harm in trying so good luck." said Sekke with a deadpan look on his face.

"Y-You bastard!! You are totally making fun of me!!" yelled Asta.

Sekke widend his eyes in surprise and said, "You are smart enough to tell that."

Various tick marks appeared on Asta's face as he could guess that Sells was saying that he was stupid.


All of them suddenly heard a snicker as they immediately turned towards Yuno who was looking away while covering his mouth.

"...He laughed..."

"He clearly laughed."

"Yuno can laugh?!"

"How dare you laugh at me!!"

Yuno turned around and stood straight with an expressionless face and said, "What are you all talking about.

"Whatever let's stop talking about this." said Sekke as he stretched his body when suddenly his eyes caught something seeing which a mischievous smirk appeared on his face.

He slowly moved towards Noelle and whispered, "Oh my someone is intently looking at Asta's exposed body."

Noelle immediately flinched in response and turned around to look at Sekke with a huge blush on her face.

"W-who said that I was looking at his bo-bod.....that!?!?"

"I never said that it was you...Ah, whatever enjoy your youth Noelle." said Sekke as he patted Noelle's shoulder making her even more embarrassed as she was about to yell at him once again.

"Ah, and congratulations on being able to hit your spell correctly in the previous battle. You have improved a lot." said Sekke as he gave a pat on the back of the silver haired Royal.

'He..He praised me.....Yes!! I totally hit that spell earlier!!!' mentally cheered Noelle as she felt slightly embarrassed on being praised.

She snorted and said, "Hmph, of course I have improved. I am a royal you know."

"Yeah yeah, you are great." said Sekke with a deadpan time making Noelle annoyed but soon a smile appeared on their lips as they both felt happy for this improvement.

"...T-Thank you...." mutter Noelle in a low tone, but Sekke who was just beside her was able to hear it and said, "You are welcome Noelle." making the tsundere even more embarrassed.

"Oi what are the two of you doing?!" asked Asta as he looked towards Noelle and Sekke.

"N-Nothing!!" replied Noelle as she hurriedly beloved away from Sekke only to lose her balance after a few steps which resulted in her getting save by Asta who caught her from falling.

"Oh my, Noelle is so bold." said Sekke with a playful tone as he looked at Noelle.

Mimosa who saw that covered her eyes with her hands but still peeked through in between her fingers and said, "How bold of you Noelle-san."

"Are you fine Noelle?" asked Asta who was holding Noelle's body.

"W...Wh... WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!? And besides aren't you embarrased!" exclaimed Noelle as she smacked Asta's head and then started complaining.

Asta who heard that looked at his clothes and widened his eyes in shock.

"My robe's all tattered up! Magna-senpai will kill me."

"Don't worry Vanessa will fix that up in no time." said Luck as he showed a thumbs up.

"*Cough* Anyway getting to the important point....Since we are the ones who reached here first then that means that we are the winners." said Klaus as Yuno and Mimosa stood beside him.

"Huh?!" said Asta as he looked at the glasses wearing noble.

"Hey now, wasn't the best about reaching the treasure room first? How come you are the winners?" said Sekke as he looked at the golden dawn members.

"Huh, what are you talking about? This is the treasure room. Right in front of you." said Klaus with a confused look on his face thinking whether Sekke was blind or not.

"Yeah, how did you know that this is the treasure room for sure. Did you perhaps already looked inside?" asked Sekke making all of them look at him with surprised look on their faces.

"For all I know this room could be here to decieve people and there are a lot of traps set inside there." said Sekke as he shrugged his shoulders

Hearing his thoughts the other magic knights started thinking about what Sekke said except for Asta who was. chewing onto some leaf.

Sekke who done distracting the others smirked as his glance fell onto Secre who just landed on his shoulder.

"You weren't injured, right?" asked Sekke to which the bird just shook her head.

Sekke smiled hearing that as he caressed the bird's head.

"A-Anyways since we were the ones who reached here first we will be the ones who will check it and find out if this room is the treasure room or not." said Klaus as he shifted his glasses.

Hearing which Sekke just smiled and said, "Be my guest." and then gave a bow while pointing his hands towards the door.

"Oi, Sekke they will win!!" complained Asta.

"Idiot focus on your injuries first. What kind of wizard king are you gonna be if you get this injured after every fight." said Sekke.

"Just you wait and see! I will be a great wizard king and will then marry my beautiful sister Lily." declared Asta with his eyes twinkling a bit at the mention of this sister Lily.


Noelle on the other hand started coughing after hearing the declaration.

"That's some damage." said Sekke as he patted Noelle's back trying to ease her out a bit.

"...You do know that door is made up of magic, right? And it will take a lot of time to open that normally." said Luck.

" will give us enough time to grab a bite. I am hungry." said Sekke as he took out a small bag that was hanging on his waist and took out a lunch box from it.

"I asked Charmy to make us something. Want to eat it?" asked Sekke as he opened the box which revealed a lot of different types of sandwiches in it.

"Yes please!" said Asta as he was about to take out some from the box.

"Wash you hands you idiot." said Sekke as he pulled back the box and pointed at the pond where Mars was sent flying earlier.

After the black bulls were done cleaning up all of them found some rock to sit upon and had their snack while also "curiously asking" the golden dawn about their situation which made Klaus pissed at them as he watched the black bulls enjoying the meal.

"Here." called Sekke as he walked towards the golden dawn members and called them out.

All of them turned around to look at him and saw him offering them a box.

"We had way too much stuffed in there so might as well share some with you all." said Sekke as he handed the box to Mimosa.

"A-Ah thank you." said Mimosa.

"Hmph, there is no need for that." said Klaus in a slightly pissed off tone.

"Now now, Klaus-san no need to be that salty. You guys need a break too bisides..." said Sekke as he looked at Asta and gestured something to him.

"You guys are taking way too long." said Sekke as Asta appeared in front of them and cut off a huge chunk of the door making an opening for them to go in.

Sekke's eyes widened from shock after seeing all the gold in their to the point that he even forgot to breathe for a second.

"He then stepped inside the room and said, "All right the black bulls reached the treasure room first. We win."

"Yeah!!" cheered Asta as he raised his sword up in the air.

But immediately after that he started bickering with Klaus about how it was technically Golden Dawn's win.

"T-This is amazing.....but how are we going to take all this back?" asked Noelle.

Sekke turned around and looked at her but soon noticed Mimosa nibbling onto a sandwich and stared at her for a while. Seeing that Noelle followed his gaze and also saw Mimosa nibbling onto the sandwich and stared at her as well.

Yuno who had a sandwich in his own hand looked at the two of them and looked away so as to not get stared at by those two.

Mimosa who felt the gazes on her looked back at Sekke and Noelle and tilted her head in confusion.

And immediately both Noelle and Sekke felt a jolt to pass through their bodies.

'That was cute!!' thought both of them at the same time and then looked at each other only to avert their eyes as they understood that the other person had the same thoughts as well.

"About that, we will have someone carry the news about the dungeon back to the magic knights head quarters and then we will wa-" said Klaus.

""Read the mood atleast!!"" said both Sekke and Noelle in unison as they looked at Klaus making the spectacled man took a few steps back because of shock.

Sekke and Noelle snorted as both of them turned back to their normal selves and started looking around the room which was soon followed by the others as each of them started roaming around.

Secre who also felt something nudged Sekke and the flew off.

'Probably the new anti magic sword..... anyways let's start searching for something useful as well.' thought Sekke as he was finally alone.

'Now then from my understanding of dungeoning 101 in anime and manga, a protagonist will get everything that is in the storage room if it's the first dungeon. And for that the protagonist must have some kind of storage magic or-' thought Sekke as he started going deeper and deeper into the treasure room.

'-a storage ring nearby a coffin or a skeleton.' thought Sekke as he soon came across an opening which led to somewhere and soon passed through the dark path and saw a majestic coffin kept on a raised platform.

"Heh, what can I say, I am just smart." said Sekke as he flicked his hair.