
The next day at the black bulls' HQ a man could be seen sitting on top of the building with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The said man was Final, the ride *cough* *cough* the space magician of the black bulls. And currently, he was in a great dilemma about who to invite for a mixer that he arranged.

'Asta's a delight so I am definitely taking him.' thought Finral as he nodded several times.

'Now the main question is, who to take in as the third member. Someone who won't spoil the mixer and also not make the ladies too much attracted to himself.' thought Finral.

Deciding to do the thinking as he looks over all the members, Finral opened a portal and jumped through it.


After looking at most of the members of his squad Finral decided to invite Luck as the third member since the other members were somehow not fitting his criteria.

"Yosh, now let's just get Asta and be set on our way!" declared Finral.

"Yeah! I will beat the crap out of everyone at the mixer! Hahaha!!" said Luck in response making Finral asking to himself whether bringing Luck was a fine idea or not.

But soon he stopped thinking about that and went to look for Asta as he was nowhere inside the HQ which meant that he must most probably be in the training area and just as he thought Asta was indeed there, though he was not alone as Sekke and Ainz we're there as well making Finral groan.

Out of all the members whom Finral considered to be the third member, Sekke was not one of them, because currently, Sekke's popularity amongst the people of the kingdom was very high, and taking him along might lower the chances of him hitting up with a girl.

'Well, I can just hope that he would not be interested in the mixer and if not I can just say that the three people are already selected.' thought Finral as he decided to call Asta.

But the moment he decided to call Asta he saw Asta and Sekke who were sparring with their respective swords throw their swords away and glare and the skeleton who was looking back in their direction.

"Oi, why did you take over my body again!!!" yelled Asta as Ainz immediately fired a magic bullet from his finger at the mana less boy and possessed his body once again.

"But didn't you two say whether I would like to join the sparring session or not?" asked the possessed Asta.

"We meant on your own not by possessing him. I was just curious whether you have some kind of attack magic or not," said Sekke.

Smacking his boney fist on his boney pal Ainz gestured that he understood and gave a thumbs up.

He then gave the control back to Asta and took some distance from the two who took their swords back and just waited for the skeleton to use his magic.

"Ainz you need not worry just take it at your own pace!"

"Yeah, you boney bastard, bring it on."

But just as the two teens who were holding swords said that the atmosphere around them started to change and a huge amount of mana started gathering around Ainz and his grimoire started floating beside him.

Sekke who felt the amount of mana that started gathering around Ainz widened his eyes in shock and got serious.

Even Asta who could not feel mana could somehow tell that the situation was serious and took his stance as well.

Ainz who noticed the two swordsmen prepared to take his attack started gathering even more mana but soon realized something and started looking around when suddenly his eyes fell on Finral and Luck.

Not wasting any time Ainz pointed his finger at Finral and fired a magic bullet at him. And not even a moment later he was now in possession of his body.

"Hmm, that shorty doesn't have any mana, but being in a body with a little amount of mana is not that great of a feeling as well."

Saying his part the possessed opened a portal and appeared beside Ainz's real body and said, "Now as you asked Sekke-kun, twerp, here comes my attack magic."

"Eh?! Why is Finral-senpai fighting as well?! And why at his side?!" asked Asta with a shocked look on his face.

"Idiot! That's not Finral-san. Ainz has taken over his body so that he can speak."

"Oh! Got it!"

Ainz who let the two kids in front of him finish off their talk moved his bone arms to the side as a vortex of wind started forming.

[Possession Magic: Mana possession- Elemental Burst]

Thrusting his hands forward Ainz fired the two giant and powerful vortex at Sekke and Asta.

Both of them immediately took some distance from each other as Asta held his sword up preparing for an attack, while Sekke sheathed his sword as his grimoire started floating beside him.

"That certainly is a string attack, but not something that the dark lord can't handle [Bronze Creation Magic: Hands of Giant]"

"Tch, now even the bone bastard is using magic similar to Yuno's! What's so great about that handsome bastard and his magic!!" yelled Asta as he saw the vortex of wind coming towards him and slashed it with his anti-magic sword making the wind dissipate all over the area.

Meanwhile, Sekke opened his hands wide and so did the two giant bronze arms as well. He then smirked as he moved his hands with full force and clapped his hands together making the two giant arms clap as well which in turn made a strong gust of wind push back the vortex coming towards him and soon the two of them canceled each other out and pushed everyone back from their spots.

"Haha, see that was nothing for me!" said, as he narrowed his eyes to prevent dust from entering.

"Heh, that what you get for using Yuno's crappy magic." said, Asta as he trusted his sword in the ground so as to not get blown away by the wind.

"Hey, this looks fun I want to fight as well!!" said Luck with an excited expression on his face.

"I JUST WANTED TO GO ON A MIXER!!!" yelled Finral who was now back in control of his body desperately clinging onto a tree branch as he saw the parts of a skeleton being blow away by the wind.