Vs the Third eye

'Different from the world that you know of?' thought Sekke. He knew that they were not in the DXD world from where the sacred gears originated but he thought that his brother would have done something about that.

"Yes, although this world mainly circles around mana which is both purer and concentrated than the world that I know of there isn't any speck of demo- LOOKOUT!!" said Vrita in Sekke's head making the dark lord snap out of his thoughts as he noticed the black haired dude in front of him as he casually touched his grimoire holder successfully touching his grimoires.

"Ho, two grimoires on a single man aren't you quite the player? Two-timing is not good you know." said the black-haired dude as Sekke immediately tried to punch the guy, only for him to move away at light speed.

"Hey, no hitting faces." said the guy as he stood beside the other two. But soon his eyes widened as he looked at his hand and said, "Got nothing at all..." He then looked back at Sekke who looked back at him.

'Let's talk later Vritra.' thought Sekke as he focused back on his enemies.

"You tried something with my grimoires huh?" asked Sekke though he already knew what the guy tried to do.

"Eh? I don't know what you are talking about." said the black-haired guy.

'Heh, trying to copy my magic? Well, bad news for you I keep my grimoires in a transparent cover so that they don't get dirty.' thought Sekke as he internally smirked.

"So, are they done with their introductions?" asked Sekke making the black bulls look at him with confused looks on their faces.

"Oi, dumbass. Don't tell me you were spacing out in front of the enemy?" asked Yami.

"Why else do you think I was not able to respond in time?" asked Sekke back.

"Huh? And you dare tell me not to space out in front of the enemy."

"I saved your ass, so I got the right to do so."

"Huh, I would have taken care of him on my own. You just stole my thunder."

"Oi oi oi, are they seriously arguing at a time like this?" asked Finral with a horrified look on his face.

Seeing the two black bulls arguing amongst themselves once again the injured Licht frowned and said, "To have the audacity to ignore not only me but also the third eye. These foolish creatures..."

Sekke and Yami looked toward the eye of the midnight sun.

"You should be more serious you know, the third eye surpasses me in combat," said Licht proudly.

"Well considering how weak you were, they better be stronger than you if they are acting as your reinforcements," said Sekke as he looked toward Licht making the said Light magic using elf angrier.

"Oi Sekke-Kun!! Don't make the situation worse!!!" scolded Finral as he panicked a bit.

"And he must be bluffing, about them being stronger than him," said Finral.

"*Yawn*It's too much trouble to bluff. If you don't believe it then I'll just show you. Even though it's a pain in the butt*yawn*." said the black-haired dude with a katana covered in dark magic in his hand.

"That's the same as Captain Yami!!!" said Asta.

"Your kingdom uses the clover leaf as its symbol, right? With each leaf representing faith, hope, and love. Well, the name of these three is the opposite of that."

And as if on cue the black-haired dude moved with the speed of light and appeared closer to the group.

[Copy Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash]

"Rhya the disloyal."

The dude named Rhya then swung his blade and the black bulls and fired the dark magic slash at them.

"Tch, don't go using other people's magic at them." groaned Yami as he fired a counter of his own.

[Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Avidya Slash]

The two slashes intercepted canceling each other out but not even giving Yami a chance to think the burly-looking dude approached him.

"Vetto the despair," commented Licht.

[Beast Magic: Bear Claw]

"Pay attention!!" yelled

"Same goes for you dude."

[Bronze Creation Magic: Giant's fists]

Hearing Sekke's voice Vetto looked toward him only to notice a giant fist made of bronze heading toward him.

'Shit' thought Vetto as there was no way to dodge that in mid-air.

Crossing his hands to guard his body against the full force of the attack, Vetto got sent flying as his body crashed against the wall.

"Well, seeing that the light show is giving introductions let me introduce myself as well," said Sekke as the giant fist hovered above him.

"Sekke Bronzaza, the ass-kicker dark lord."

"Oi dumbass! How dare you act cool in a situation like this," said Yami as he pointed his katana at Sekke.

Sekke looked toward his squad captain and shrugged, "I don't act cool. I am cool."

"I hate you... I'll never forgive you." said the pink-haired girl as a small creature similar to a dragon appeared on her shoulder.

"Hoh...I am sensing some draconic aura from that thing...though it's mostly a spirit. A spirit dragon." said Vritra as he commented on feeling Salamander's presence.

"And last but not least Fana the hateful."

[Spirit Magic: Salamander's Breath]

The spirit started charging mana feeling which Sekke's grimoire started flipping as well.

"Careful there, even though small that thing is still a dragon," said Vritra.

'And I am the dark lord.' thought Sekke back as his sacred gear appeared around his limbs.

[Sacred Bronze Magic Gear: Prison Dragon's Roar]

A draconic helmet appeared around Sekke's head as the cables from his sacred gear attached to his helmet.

Fana, being the one who started first, fired a huge stream of fire toward Sekke.

And just a moment later huge amount of mana gathered around Sekke as the month of the helmet opened a stream of similar-sized black flames shot forward.

The two flames clashed and fought for supremacy only for the dark flames to turn out superior and overwhelm the normal flames.

"...Never thought someone would be able to use my flame breath without any backlash," commented Vritra.

'What can I say? I am built simply different.' thought Sekke as he stopped channeling mana knowing that the spirit's flames were taken care of.

"I will crush you like an ant!!!" suddenly yelled Vetto as he appeared above Sekke who just looked up at the burly dude.

[Beast Magic: Bear Claw]

Detaching the absorption line from his helmet Sekke shot it toward Vetto who just swatted it with his magic-covered hands, only for the whip-like cables to wrap around his body.


Using his full Strength Sekke threw the giant man away as the line retracted back.

"Phew, Oi Yami-san! Deal with some of them as well!!" said Sekke as he looked towards Yami only to see him fight against the copy magic dude.

"Nevermind...looks like I will be busy with you guys," said Sekke as he looked towards Fana, Licht, and Vetto.

Vetto looked back at Sekke with a crazed smile on his face and said, "I will make you scream in despair."

Saying that Vetto got back in action and started to run toward Sekke.

[Beast Magic: Cheetah Charge]

"What the-" was all Sekke could say before he noticed the guy running faster with magic surrounding his feet.

Seeing the surprised look on Sekke's face Vetto smirked thinking that Sekke was surprised because of his speed but soon that smirk turned into confusion as he noticed the smile appear on Sekke's face as well.

"That form, that speed...you really know how to make a hunter excited for his hunts," said Sekke as he remembered the days he used to regularly hunt in the forests.

"Alright, a hunt it is," said Sekke as the two giant fists appeared over his body.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Giant's fist]

Ignoring Sekke's words Vetto started focusing on the giant fists that attacked him earlier and noticed one of the fists heading toward him.

"That won't work twice," said Vetto as he started running haphazardly trying to confuse Sekke.

[Mosqito Slammer]

And immediately the first that was above Vetto opened its hand and smacked the ground below it trying to squish Vetto like a mosquito.

Seeing the incoming hand Vetto dodged it and started rushing toward Sekke once again as the blond just smirk and gestured to the beastly man to come and get him.

Vetto grinded his teeth and focused on the other giant fist that was above Sekke, only to notice it move up in the air.

"Don't look away from me, or you will be the one who will be in despair."

Hearing that Vetto got surprised and looked in front of him only to notice Sekke near him with his fist aimed at him.

[Bronze Magic: Bronze Body]

[Beast Magic: Rhinoceros armor]

And just as the name suggested an orangish translucent rhino-like armor appears around Vetto that protected him from the attack.

The fist still connected which sent Vetto a few meters back but Vetto took the opportunity of Sekke being out of stance and lunged at him.

[Beast Magic: Bear Claw]

Attacking the blond magic knight in front of him Vetto smirked seeing that Sekke didn't even have the time to block the attack.


But just as the sharp claw connected with Sekke's body a metallic clank was heard as close to no damage happened on Sekke's body.

"Try harder!!" said Sekke as he too took the opportunity and punched Vetto who was the one out of form now.

Planting his fist in his opponent's gut Sekke made the man move back a few meters as the man who got hit wiped the saliva that came out of his mouth.

"Not as strong as I expected," said Vetto as he smirked and lunged back toward Sekke.

Seeing that Sekke got back into stance.

'Damn...shouldn't have made that whole show about hunting....well gotta deal with him in this way now, even though he has the advantage.' thought Sekke as he got a bit more serious about the fight.

[Beast Magic:Cheetah Charge + Bear Claw]

And just as Vetto got close to Sekke he sped u with his magic making Sekke a bit surprised but still crossing his arms to block the incoming attack.

Grinning after seeing Sekke being the one who went to defense Vetto struck him and sent him flying in the air.

'Damn....that packed some punch.' thought Sekke as he felt some pain from the recent attack despite using his bronze body.

'Talking about punch...'

Sekke who was now up in the air gathered his mana as the two giant fists that he made earlier came towards him and caught his body.

"This is going to be a bit of a challenge," said Sekke as he felt a shift of ki in his surroundings and immediately punched to his right without even looking at who it was.

Rhya who appeared near Sekke with a dark magic katana was punched away even before he could do anything.

Vetto looked back towards Sekke with a crazed smile and said, "But it will only end with you being in despair." and similarly punched Yami as Rhya was punched earlier.

"All right things are going to get crazy, Yami-san and others make sure to maintain some distance from me and that guy if you don't want to get hurt,"

"As for you my dear prey...just try to keep up," said Sekke in a cold tone as both of his grimoires started flipping.

"Now you will understand why you shouldn't entice the dark lord to hunt," said Sekke a malicious smirk spread across his face.