The Star Festival - 2

After celebrating for a while Kahono proposed a double date, but soon panicked after realizing that there was an extra man amongst them as well.

She looked at the three men in the group and didn't know what to do. Her brother couldn't be left alone as he wasn't familiar with the town, and she was doing this whole thing to get Asta and Noelle together.

She then glanced at Sekke and didn't know what to do, he was their benefactor, and asking him to leave them so that the rest of them could enjoy themselves didn't feel right at all.

Sekke understood the dilemma the girl was in and just sighed.

"I will be going around the festival on my own. Enjoy you all." and just took his leave. He was fine with Noelle and Asta but Kahono and Kiato were a different case. He wasn't going to just be the fifth wheel when the four of them were on a date.

"Well Secre, looks like it's just the two of us once again," said Sekke as Secre just gave a nod and patted his back with her wing.

'Don't feel lonely, I am here for you.' thought Secre as she continued to pat Sekke.

Sekke smiled at the anti-bird's action and just browsed through the festival.

"Well then since it's just the two of us. Let's do it our way, right Secre?" said Sekke with a smile on his face.

Secre who understood what Sekke meant gave a nod as well.

"Great! So start pointing at all the stuff that you want to eat," said Sekke as the anti-bird pointed her wing in the direction she wanted to go.

On their way, Sekke met many of his admirers who were happy to see "The Dark Lord" once again. They were people whom Sekke helped during his missions or saved during the capital attack incident.

Meeting his fans Sekke was happy as well. Knowing that his work brought smiles to the faces of the people was a great source of happiness for him, not to mention many kids who met him told him that he was their role model and all of them were aspiring to become a magic knight like him as well.

This made the dark lord tear up as he immediately grabbed the group of kids and hugged them tightly making the kids equal in joy....or groan in pain.

Secre looked at her partner and felt happy for him. Though she cannot convey it to him in words, Secre was actually his biggest supporter. She wholeheartedly believed in Sekke's dream and was ready to help him in whatever way she can. She might feel a bit frustrated because of his antics from time to time, but she didn't mind them because somehow or the other they looked charming to her.

The only thing that she doesn't like about the scenarios when Sekke's hard work gets appreciated is-

'...You sure are enjoying the attention from all these women...' thought Secre as she looked at Sekke with a cold gaze, which was totally ignored by the dark lord who was enjoying his celebrity moment.

She knew that her partner for a better word, was slightly dense to women's advances and had no ill intention towards those who appreciate him. She still felt slightly pissed at Sekke.

'...Calm down Secre, he said that you are special to him. You don't need to worry.' thought Secre as she tried to calm herself down.

Sekke soon got out of the crowd that was surrounding him and decided to focus back on enjoying.

He started buying food items from various stalls as both he and Secre enjoyed the treats that were being sold during the festival.

While having his hands full Sekke's gaze fell on Yami and Captain Jack who was about to fight with each other.

Sekke looked towards the anti-bird on his shoulder who just shrugged and took a bite from the food that Sekke offered her.

Walking closer to them Sekke asked, "Yami-san! Something wrong?"

"Huh, dumbass. Nothing, just trash-talking this green bug and making him remember his place," said Yami as he glared at Jack.

"Kekeke, yes which is obviously higher than yours," said Jack as the two of them continued to glare at each other before they snorted and went back to their respective stalls.

"...Ok. So what are you guys selling?" asked Sekke.

"Grilled Squid," said Yami.

"Meat dishes," said Jack.

Sekke looked at the dishes the two captains cooked and then glanced at the anti-bird on his shoulder.

Secre who noticed her partner looking at her gave wings up to him making Sekke nod.

"I will take two of both."

"Huh! You are buying his shit as well?!?!" said both the captains in unison as they glared once again.

"So you guys gonna sell it or not?"

"Of course I am! I will prove that my food is better than that bug's!" said Yami as he got back to grilling.

"Kekeke, Yami's squad brat, you are gonna lick your fingers off after eating this!" said Jack as he sliced up some meat and started heating it.

The two captains cooked for a while and soon they placed the food on the counter.

"Tch, here, take it brat, and tell us which of these is better."

"Of course, if I lose I am gonna beat the crap out of you," said Yami.

"Kekeke, I will slice you up real good as well," said Jack.

"Mess with me and you are gonna have an incredible urge to shit," replied Sekke in a cold tone as his grimoire started flipping.

Yami's face immediately turned pale as he remembered the extremely dangerous shit urge enhancer spell.

Sekke and Secre then ate the two dishes and were pleasantly surprised because of the taste. The two dishes were good, not anything extraordinary, but still good. They didn't expect the two savage captains to be good cooks, so it was a pleasant surprise.

"It's good Yami-san, Jack-san," said Sekke as he and Secre finished the food.

"Hmph, obviously it's good," said Jack.

"Whose was better?" asked Yami.

"Hm, Yami-san's was better. The meat dish wasn't heated properly but the flavor was better in the meat dish."

The two stared at Sekke for a while not knowing how to interpret that answer.

"...So who's was better?" asked Yami once again.

"Both were good," replied Sekke.

"...You sure you want to stick with that answer?" asked Jack as a menacing aura surrounded the two captains.

"If you two don't like my answer then make one dish and give it to the other for tasting. You will know. Not to mention, it's a festival so don't ruin it with competition, let the people enjoy the food." said Sekke as he took out the money and gave it to the two captains, and walked away.

"...Like hell, I am gonna accept that!!!" said Yami.

"Kekeke, make something for him?! Over my dead body!" said Jack as the two jumped out of the stall and started quarreling once again.

Sekke just ignored them and continued his exploration with Secre.

While they were walking Sekke noticed some familiar faces talking to each other and decided to greet them as well.

"There is no reason to be nervous. We will undoubtedly come out on top," said Klaus.

"Right. But I think the Black Bulls worked rather hard, too," commented Mimosa

"Indeed, they might have...No, I know they have. We must especially keep an eye on all of Sekke's and Asta's achievements," said Klaus.

"B-But they're still just Black Bulls! They're full of problems, regardless of their achievements! They are no match for us, the Golden Dawn!" said Klaus trying to hide his embarrassment.

Seeing that Mimosa smiled thinking that it was funny for Klaus to do this when they all know that he likes Sekke and Asta quite a bit.

"Right Yuno?!"

"The Black Bulls are the lowest of the low. They, beat us? You can't be serious." said Yuno in a calm tone.

"Ho~ looks like you all are gonna feel very funny after losing to us tonight," said Sekke who just wrapped his hands around Klaus and Yuno startling the two of them.

"Sekke!" exclaimed Klaus as he saw the man's face beside him.

"Sekke-san!!!" said Mimosa in panic, she still remembers the days that they went on, and how she told him to wait for her to sort out the feelings. But despite all that, she wasn't able to do so and didn't know how to face him.

"Sekke let go of the two golden dawn members making all three of them turn towards Sekke.

"Evening Kalus, Yuno, and Mimosa." greeted Sekke.

"Good Evening Sekke. How have you been?" asked Klaus.

"I am fine. Now then I heard you all talk about something interesting. So, you guys think that you are gonna win tonight?" asked Sekke.

Klaus adjusted his glasses making them shine and said, "Obviously, no offense but the golden is superior to the black bulls and that's a fact."

"Well then it will be fun to see the results then, I hope you are prepared to let go of the top spot," said Sekke.

"Hmph, not gonna happen, we will win," said Yunonas he started back at Sekke.

Sekke stared back at the fellow mana-loved child as they continued to stare at each other.

Klaus and Mimosa who were looking from the side could see imaginary sparks between the two guys who were not saying anything to each other.

Seeing how the atmosphere was getting tense Secre who was on Sekke's shoulder smacked him with her wing.

'Don't cause a ruckus in the public, you idiot.' thought Secre.

Sekke who was forcefully snapped out of the glaring contest, sighed and flicked Secre's head.

He then looked back at the golden dawn trio and said, "Well then, may the best squad win."

The three of them nodded their heads as well thinking that there was no point to argue now anyway.

Mimosa who saw that Sekke was done conversing with the boys started fidgeting. She wanted to talk to Sekke but wasn't sure what to do since she was feeling nervous. Not to mention that they were in public, and that too with her squad mates near them.

Sekke who noticed the fidgety Mimosa was about to ask what was wrong with her when suddenly he felt someone cover his eyes and two soft sensations on his back.

"Guess who?" said the person who closed Sekke's eyes, near his ears making a shrill pass down Sekke's body.

'...Damn, that's soft.' thought Sekke as she tried to remember the familiar voice.

"...Anna?" answered Sekke.

The hands were removed from the front of his eyes and the girl then wrapped her arms around Sekke's neck further pushing the soft sensations on Sekke's back.

"Yup, Sekke-kun. Long time no see. I missed you a lot." said Anna with her usual expressionless face.

Sekke looked at the girl whose head was resting on his shoulders could see a faint smile on her face and smiled back.

"Long time no see Anna. I missed you as well," replied Sekke.

Anna's faint smile widened a bit after hearing Sekke's answer and she was about to ask something else.

But all of a sudden, a certain anti-bird who had had too much of the current situation started pecking Anna's head making the crimson lion magic knight let go of Sekke and moved away from him.

"Secre, stop it," said Sekke as he held his partner back.

"Sorry Anna, Secre is a bit territorial. Do forgive her," said Sekke as he apologized to Anna.

'Hear that fire bitch?! This is my territory. So back off!' thought Secre as she glared at Anna.

Anna nodded and forgave the bird but for some reason, she felt that the bird was challenging her and glared back at Secre.

The golden dawn members who saw the scene that was happening in front of them didn't know how to react. But all of a sudden Yuno and Kalus felt a shiver and immediately turned towards Mimosa.

Mimosa who saw the girl whom she met back at the Star awarding ceremony clinging onto Sekke and talking casually, didn't know why but felt....wrong. She couldn't put a finger on it but she knew that she didn't like it.

Unknown to her, Mimosa's atmosphere suddenly turned cold making her fellow squad mates take a step away from her. She had a smile on her face a beautiful one at that, but to Yuno and Kalus the current Mimosa just looked threatening.

"Sekke-san? You two seem close?" asked Mimosa in a calm voice.

Sekke being the dark lord didn't feel any threat near him and just said, "Well, I don't know we hav-"

"Yes, I and Sekke are close. We even went on a date together," said Anna as she stepped forward and puffed out her chest.




Klaus, Yuno and this time even Sekke felt a chill go down their spine. All three of them looked toward Mimosa who was looking at Anna with a 'smile' on her face.

Anna instinctively knew that the girl in front of her was a rival and decided to show the girl her place.

The two girls looked at each other with a 'friendly' smile.

"Oh my...Sekke-san you went on a date with well?" asked Mimosa with a pause as she looked at Sekke before turning back towards Anna.

'As well?' thought Anna and Secre at the same time before a realization hit them and they both looked at Sekke who just blinked in surprise.

Sekke who was put on the spot blinked but soon calmed himself down.

"Hm? Is something wrong with that? As far as I remember, it was fine for a single man to go on dates." said Sekke in a calm tone surprising the girls who widened their eyes, the fact that Sekke accepted it in such a calm manner threw them off guard.

Klaus and Yuno were shocked as well, they were sure that Sekke was about to get wrecked by the two girls but were left totally speechless at his answer.

"No...nothing is wrong," said Anna.

"...Yeah, everything is fine," said Mimosa.

'...' thought Secre.

Sekke nodded his head and smiled.

"...Nicely handled my other half," said Vritra.


"Didn't think that you were able to take calm decisions in these sorts of situations," said Vritra.

'Oi, that was uncalled for.' retorted Sekke.

"Forgive me but the last time you interacted with a girl for romantic purposes, you were a dense man," said Vritra.

'...I am not dense. I just don't know very well about these things.' replied Sekke.

Feeling that the atmosphere turned a bit gloomy, Sekke sighed and said, "Well I am going to meet with my squad. See you guys later."

All of them nodded as Sekke went on his way.

The two girls stared at his back for a while before they got lost in their thoughts as well.

'...He is right? Sekke-kun and I are not in an actual relationship anyway.' thought Anna.

'I haven't even sorted out my feelings, yet...' thought Mimosa.

The two remained silent for a while and went over their thoughts when suddenly both of them had a look of determination on their faces.

'I have already decided to repay my gratitude to him so what is there to hesitate now? I need to work harder to make Sekke-kum look my way.' thought Anna.

'I don't know my feelings yet. But I know for a fact that I don't like Sekke-san acting like that with other girls. I will have to push harder and make Sekke-san know how I feel as well.' thought Mimosa.

The two then looked at each other for a while before they looked say and went their separate ways.

Secre who was looking back at the two girls was annoyed seeing that the two of them were now seriously aiming for her wonderful idiot of a partner.

She looked down at Sekke's face and got serious as well.

'I need to find a way to get my body back and make those two realize where they belong.' thought Secre.

The dark lord happily walked towards the table where his fellow squad mates were, still unknown of the situations that will happen in the future because of the words that he said today.