"The first stage was great, so why don't we jump right into stage two?.... But before that...I'm counting on you guys." said Julius as the mages who were on the field started to change the terrain.

"It's easier to judge your abilities when you're forced in a variety of situations," said Julius as the magic knights admired the new field.

"Now, then...For stage two you'll be fighting upon this terrain." declared Julius as Sekks and Asta immediately looked at each other.

"Ready to lose, Sekke?"

"Looks like you need a thorough ass whooping," replied Sekke as the two rookies smirked.

The two teams were soon sent to their respective location. Sekke immediately looked at his teammates and said, "Our strategy is not yet known, we are doing it like the last round. Be wary of Asta, his anti-magic is troublesome to deal with, and about that Xerx guy...if possible try not to use your strongest spells near him...we don't know if he can reflect them back at us.

Willie nodded his head in approval. He agreed with Sekke's strategy and also thought that his words were reasonable.

Adrian on the other hand looked at Sekke with disgust and clicked his tongue and said, "Don't order me around you shitty commoner. Just make sure that you two don't hold me back."

Sekke just 'smiled' at the guy after hearing his words, he was very close to beating the crap out of him but stopped himself from doing so since he didn't want to take any chances of getting disqualified for having a nonfunctioning teammate.

Sekke who was lost in his thoughts was suddenly brought out of the trance when he felt the change in ki.

"From the start?...Asta? Willie, do it." said Sekke making the green praying mantis member nod his head.

"Here I come Sekke! BLACK HURRICANE!!!" yelled Asta who was already in his black form.

"Get away you two!!!" declared Sekke as he pushed the other two away and immediately focused on Asta who was coming his way.

His grimoire started flipping as a serious look appeared on his face.

[Bronze Magic: Bronze Body]

The moment Sekke's spell activated Asta appeared in front of him with his demon slayer sword in hand and tried to slash Sekke.

Sekke who noticed the incoming slash thanks to his senses and ki immediately ducked below the sword, successfully avoiding the attack.

But Asta's attack was far from over as he kicked Sekke who was unable to dodge this time with full force sending him flying.

"How was it Sekke?" asked Asta with an excited smile on his face.

Sekke who was now in mid-air focused on Asta and raised his hand.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Reverse Magnum Cannonball]

"Huh? What the!"

A dome made of bronze appeared around Asta as various spikes that were pointed toward him started firing mana bullets at Asta.

"This won't work on me!!" yelled Asta as he swing his huge sword and immediately destroyed the dome.

Seeing the scene a smirk appeared on Sekke's face as his grimoire started flipping once again.

"But this will."

[Bromze Creation Magic: Giants Crush]

Asta who felt the change in ki widened his eyes in surprise but was unable to respond, as his sword was still in motion and would require him a few more moments to get it back in control.

Two huge hands made of bronze appeared near him, not leaving much time for him to dodge, and then immediately tried to crush Asta like a bug.

"Oi! Are you trying to kill me!!!" yelled Asta as he, immediately took out his demon dweller sword as well and started spinning on the spot and destroying both the incoming hands.

"No, but I was waiting for this development!" said Sekke as his smirk widened.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Rising Bronze Pillar]

The ground where Asta was standing glowed as a pillar made of Bronze appeared in an instant and successfully hit Asta in the gut knocking the air out of Asta and sending him flying.

Sekke who soon landed on the ground smirked and thought, 'Heh, no matter how strong or battle-intellectual Asta may be, he cannot determine a three-part plan.'

"...But these cheap tricks are not going to help me...I need to power up as well since mostly physical attacks are the only things that are effective against him," said Sekke.

"So you are going to use my power in the end anyway, huh? My other half I have to say you made the rig-" said Vritra in an excited tone.

'Shit up Vritra. Just watch.' said Sekke making Vritra angry at his host. He was his sacred gear, and it was really infuriating for him to not be used by his host.

Asta who was sent flying immediately regained his balance and looked at Sekke with an excited smirk on his face.

"That was good Sekke...but I won't fall for that twice!!!" said Asta as he pointed his sword at Sekke.

"Stop making jokes Asta, you will fall for the same trick every damn time. You are not that smart," replied Sekke as he took a deep breath.

He was currently stalling for time as the move that he was about to use required concentration and he can't let Asta interrupt him.

"Hah! What the hell you said, you bastard!!! I am very smart! Way smarter than you!!"

"I doubt that." casually replied Sekke.

"I am!! Try me!!" yelled Asta feeling a bit missed by Sekke.

And just like that Sekke got the opportunity that he was waiting for, 'Keikaku Doori'

"Really? Then tell me what's 13 times 13," asked Sekke and Asta immediately started to run his brain on overdrive and probe Sekke wrong.

Sekke immediately started to execute his plan as his grimoire started flipping.

[Memory Magic: Parallel Thinking] + [Beast Dubuff Magic: Berserk] + [Time Debuff Magic: Fast Forward X 2]

A huge amount of mana started gathering around Sekke, as his body started transforming.


Back at the stage where Julius and the rest of the magic knights were present:

Julius looked at Asta with stars in his eyes. He was excited to see Asta's new power. But suddenly his gaze shifted toward Sekke as his mouth started to open in shock.

"T-Triple Cast...No considering that he is using his previous strengthening magic as well, then it is Quadruple Casting...So exciting!!! Sekke-kun is full of surprises as well. What all sorts of magic did he use? So curious! So exciting!!" said Julius with his eyes twinkling like a kid's.

Meanwhile, the rest of the magic knights looked at Sekke in shock. It was common knowledge that even double casting is very difficult and if Julius's words were true then the black bulk rookie that they were looking at was using four spells simultaneously.

They didn't know what to say but all of them just continued to focus on Sekke with total seriousness.


Sekke's body started to get slightly bigger as his clothes got a bit ripped.

His skin and hair started to get darker along with his sclera which turned black as well. His pupils finally turned red as a faint glow came out of them.

The transformation finally got completed as the now berserkerized dark lord stood straight, tightened his muscles, looked up, and roared out loud.


This brought Asta out of his trance as he immediately got shocked by the change in Sekke's ki and looked at Sekke.

"Oi oi oi, are you serious? Is that you Sekke? Are you fine?" asked Asta as he got ready to fight.

The Berserker looked at the flying runt with a huge smile on his face and said, "Me...Dark....LORD!!!!" and roared once again.

'...So even though I can think straight, my vocabulary is limited...well not that bad if a trade-off.' thought Sekke as he got ready to fight Asta.

"Ok, the-," said Asta but before he was even able to finish, Sekke appeared in front of him with an evil smirk on his face.

Sekke's grimoire started flipping as a layer of black mana appeared on his fist.


"QUINTUPLE CASTING!!!" yelled Julius as he got up from his seat with his mouth wide open in shock.

Though the reaction was not that different from the rest of the magic knights who looked at the scene.


[Dark Debuff Magic: Dark Cloaked Magic Smash]

"SMASH!!!!" was the word that actually came out of Sekke's mouth as his fist connected with Asta, sending him flying toward his magic crystal.

Soon a huge dust cloud appeared where Asta landed and another small one appeared when Sekke landed.

"Ma-Magic Crytal has been destroyed!! Winner team D!!!" declared the announcer.

Hearing the announcement Sekke raised his fist.

"DARK...LORD...GREAT!!!" yelled the Berserker Sekke.

'...Yeah, should have gone to normal form first.' thought Sekke as he soon deactivated his magic.