I am back everyone

"Let go of me you damn human!!"

Pattoli who was restrained by Sekke tried to struggle out of the absorption line, but Sekke didn't even budge.

"So, what's your real name fake Licht-kun?" asked Sekke ignoring the elf's protest.

"Patolli step aside!" yelled Rhya as his grimoire started flipping.

[Copy Magic: Light swords of judgment]

"Hoh, so your name is Pattoli. Long time no see. The last time we met it was in a cave where I beat the crap out of you. Remember that. Such fond memories."

Sekke had a nostalgic look on his face as he ignored the mana gathering near him.

Right now, he was totally out of mana, so there was no way that he could use even a single spell.

Thinking the same Rhya decided to deal with the damn human who revived back from death.

Multiple light swords were launched at Sekke who simply removed Extase from the sword and destroyed the attack in a single stroke.

"Rhya-san. Hello. Do you have some clothes that I can borrow? It's very windy down there." said Sekke as he waved toward Rhya.

Anna and Fana stared at Sekke's chiseled body and inevitably their gaze fell on his 'little bro'.

A bright blush appeared on their faces as their gazes got fixated on him.

'...For some reason, I am feeling like someone is mentally violating me.' thought Sekke.

"You really have some screws loose to think like that in enemy territory without mana at that my other half," said Vritra with a sigh.

'Oh, Vritra. Thank you for saving back there. I owe it to you.'

"Mention not. But I have to say your brain worked way too fast in such a situation."

'Well, I am the dark lord. It would have been uncool if I had died like that.'

While the host and the sacred gear were talking, Rhya continued to fire spells at Sekke who simply slashed through them using Extase.

Ki sensing was seriously dangerous when combined with a sword that can cut through most things.

Seeing that there was no change in the situation Rhya started to get restless. He didn't want to attack with full force since Pattoli was there as well, but seeing the situation he was slowly being forced to do so.

But as soon as those thoughts came into Rhya's mind, a golden blur went past him.

Sekke's ki-sensing warned him and he immediately focused back on the situation and blocked a slash that was coming toward him.

Licht appeared in front of Sekke with his usual emotionless look and was surprised to see that it was his sword that nicked a bit from the attack.

Ignoring that mana gathered in the Demon Dweller's sword, seeing which Sekke immediately used Pattoli as his shield and threw him at Licht.

Disrupted in the middle of the attack Licht caught Pattoli in a princess carry.

Seeing the situation he was in a blush appeared on Pattoli's face as he looked at Licht with a dreamy look in his eyes.

'Licht-san is holding me like this...so good.' thought Pattoli.

Not wanting to test the waters anymore since Licht started to take action, Sekke ran away and jumped off the floating HQ.

"How are you going to land my other half? You don't have any mana," asked Vritra.

'Didn't think that through. Well, maximum effort always works.' replied Sekke.

Sekke's gaze then fell on the two people who were looking up at the flying HQ.

"Yami-san! Save me! I'm out of mana!"

Sekke yelled at Yami who was standing along with Jack.

"Oi meat head, a flashing pervert is asking you to save him? Who is he?" asked Jack as he pointed at Sekke.

"Oi! Flashing pervert! Don't talk this familiarly to me! Die!" yelled Yami as he raised his katana.

[Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Avidya Slash]

Seeing the dark magic slash coming at him Sekke's body moved as he prepared to strike it.

"You brute! Do you not even recognize your squad member!" yelled Sekke as he struck down the attack.

Yami narrowed his eyes and focused on Sekke who was falling.

"Huh, Dark Lord dumbass, is that you! When the hell did you become a pervert who comes to fight without any clothes? So creepy," said Yami as he looked disgusted.

"That bastard..." muttered Sekke but soon felt multiple ki reading heading towards him.

Looking back Sekke saw some of the elves coming toward him with their grimoires flipping.

"We will not let you get in the way of the Apostles of Sephira again! This time we will kill you for sure!" declared elf Klaus as he fixed his glasses.

"If you are gonna use your maximum effort, now is the time, my other half," said Vritra.

"It's really a hectic, day. I will rebel if they don't give me a huge bonus after the mission," said Sekke as he flipped his body over and got ready to deal with the incoming attacks.

But out of nowhere, a huge black portal opened near them seeing which Sekke immediately turned around and focused on the new target.

Though instead of attacking him a huge fist made of rocks struck the elves sending them away and making Sekke widen his eyes in surprise.

'A surprise attack not aimed at me for the first time today....it strangely doesn't feel right.' thought Sekke.

Soon a giant humanoid bull made of walls and windows came out of the portal and stood in the middle of the chaos.

"Okay, now that's cool," said Sekke as he looked at the huge bulk mech.

"Everyone! Are you okay?!" yelled all the black bulls that were inside the base.

Their eyes soon fell on Sekke who was falling and waving at them.

"...SEKKEEEEEEEEE!!!!" yelled Asta.

Henry and Charmy immediately got to work as the bull's hands move to catch their fellow black bull and Charmy made a cotton landing area on the hands.

Landing successfully, Sekke cut some of the cottons around him to hide his lower half and looked at the people who were looking at him through the windows with shock and happiness.

The mech's hand then I'd towards the section where the great of the black bulls were standing and soon the door opened.

Sekke jumped inside the building and was about to greet them, but before he could do so all the black bulls jumped at him.

"SEKKKEEE!!!" yelled Asta

"YOU ARE ALIVE!!!" yelled Luck

"I KNEW YOU WON'T DIE!!!" yelled Magna with tears in his eyes

"My best friend, I am so glad that you are alive. I got so depressed when Asta and the others told me that you died fighting the elves to protect your friends. I would have done the same for my friends and I am proud of you that you took such a dangerous step, but please don't throw away your life like that. I, Gordon, your best friend will protect you the next time something like this happens." whispered Gordon.

"Hieee, thank god you are alive. I am so glad! Hieee, it's so embarrassing!" said Grey while covering her face.

"Mou, you made onee-san and Rogue worried sick.

Hit him, Rogue!" said Vanessa.


The red cat, made of thread attacked Sekke with her kitty paws.

"La? You are out of mana! Sekke-kun start eating the nummies! Don't stop eating till your mana is full!" said Charmy in panic as she shoved a large chunk of meat into Sekke's mouth and forced him to chew.

"Sekke-kun.....long.....time.....no...see.....I...am.....glad...that....you....are.....back....Wel.....come...Home." said Henry

"*Clank**Clank**Clank**Clank*," said Ainz as he tried to speak out loud forgetting once again that he was a skeleton.

Sekke gulped down the food that was in his mouth and looked at the pile of bodies that were on top of him.

"You all thought that I died? Heh, you seriously underestimate the might of the dark lord. I just nearly died, not a big deal," said Sekke.

"Don't brag about narrowly escaping death you idiot!!" yelled Vanessa as she smacked Sekke.

"EHHHHH? So you nearly died?!" yelled Asta.

"Hey hey, how was it? How did nearly dying felt? Tell me!" said Luck.

"Oi! What the hell are you asking you bastard?!" called Magna as he looked at Luck weirdly.

"Let me wear some clothes first you perverts! Pushing down a naked man as soon as he entered the room."

"Who the hell are you calling a pervert, you bastard!!" yelled Vanessa as she smacked Sekke once again.

Outside the base, everyone was hearing what was happening inside and were wondering when the hell, the idiots who just arrived were going to be serious and looked at the huge bull with weird looks.

Sekke who was finally freed from the pile of bodies that were on top of him took a deep breath and looked around.

All his squadmates were happily looking at him feeling glad that he was still alive.

"Everyone, I am ba-Ouch ouch ouch!!!"

Before Sekke could finish a blur rushed past everyone and landed on Sekke's head before it started attacking him with full speed.

'You idiot! How dare you make me worry that much about you! Take this and repent!! How dare you die and leave me behind!! Repent! Repent! Repent!"

"Oi! Secre! Stop it! Stop!"

Catching his familiar that was pecking him at full speed, Sekke brought Secre in front of him and looked at her sternly.

The anti-bird glared back at Sekke and pecked the hand that was holding her and freed herself.

"Ow!" winced Sekke and immediately received a wing smack from Secre.

Secre them landed on Sekke's shoulder and stared at him for a while before she hopped closer to his face and hugged him the best she could with her bird body.

'I am so glad that you are alive. Don't leave me.' thought Secre as she nuzzled her cheek with Sekke's as tears started falling off her bird cheeks.

Sekke saw the scene and simply patted the bird trying to reassure her.

"...I am back everyone," replied Sekke with a reassuring tone as he looked at Secre and his friends.

All of them, even Luck had tears in their eyes as they gave a nod back in reply.