I was just waiting to break a few of my limits

Sekke and Noelle continued to fly away from the elf sisters while protecting themselves from the continuous flame spells that came toward them.

Sekke glanced back at the sisters who were quite far away with an annoyed look on his face.

"How long are they going to continue these useless attacks?"

"Yeah, at this point they are just wasting their mana. Should we fight back?"

"No. We cannot afford to waste time on simple fights. We need to focus on the bigger issue. If the castle separated us, there is a chance that no one is sent to the room where the ritual is going to take place. We need to stop that at any cost if what Mimosa said is true."

"Yeah, you are right. We cannot let our friends get turned into elves forever," replied Noelle with a serious look on her face.

Sekke nodded as he and Noelle increased their pace.

"Seems pretty serious. Better be back to full mana before you jump back into a fight my other half. We need to enter mode if we want to overwhelm that elf from earlier." said Vritra.

'Yeah, let's just hope that we are not late and my mana is sufficient by the time we reach there.' replied Sekke.

His sacred gear was active and he was absorbing mana on the move, but he was nowhere near full capacity.

"They all are going at it," said Sekke as he felt the mana from the various rooms they were passing through.

"Yeah, Mereoleona-sama and Fuegoleon-sama are really amazing...I just hope Bakasta is fine.....also Mimosa," said Noelle.

"Worried for Mr. Muscle Shorty, tsundere royal-sama?" asked Sekke with a smirk.

"W-W-What do you mean by that?! As if I will worry about that Bakasta! It's just that he is very reckless and gets injured all the time!"

"Haha, don't have to get so worked up Noelle. Asta will be fine. As much of an idiot as he is, there is no denying that he is strong. Also, I will feel bad if something happens to Asta or anyone of you for that matter. So, I can just hope that nothing bad happens." said Sekke.

"You will feel bad for all of us?"

"Of course. I mean, why wouldn't I? You all are my friends and I care about all of you. Everyone from Black Bulls, Anna, Mimosa, Yuno, Klaus, Captain Mereoleona, and especially you, since not only you are my friend and fellow roomie you are also my student. After all, this is over, I will teach you how to use mana zone. Be prepared."

"...W-What the hell are you saying all of an s-sudden?!" said Noelle with an embarrassed look on her face.

Seeing her expression Sekke laughed making Noelle angrier at the Dark Lord. But all of a sudden both of them stopped what they were doing and their eyes widened in surprise.

"This mana...." muttered Noelle

"...It's very ominous... And strong," muttered Sekke

"....This presence...A devil...It's a bit different...My other half you said that there were no devils in this world right?" asked Vritra.

'Yeah, as far as I know.' replied Sekke.

"But this presence is awfully similar to the devil's. You should hurry up my other half. A presence of a devil is never good news."

'Roger that.'

"Noelle, no time to get cold feet. Let's pick up the pace," said Sekke as he started moving.

Noelle nodded and followed Sekke as both of them went in the direction where the mana was coming from at full speed.

'We are getting closer. This ki...Yami-san and Licht are there too.'

"Noelle we are close. Prepare a spell to fire right away."

"Got it."

Noelle nodded and started preparing her attack.

Sekke did the same as his grimoire started flipping as well.

Once the presence got closer, Sekke's arm glowed and transformed into a giant bronze fist.

Punching through the wall that came in his way Sekke broke through it in an instant and entered the room where the ominous mana was gathering.

Once the dust cleared and the situation became clearer for them Sekke and Noelle saw the devil who was giving off an ominous presence.

"...You look ugly. What the hell are you?" asked Sekke.

"They just keep coming like cockroaches." said the devil with a laugh.

"What the hell is he?" asked Noelle with a serious look on her face.

"Oi dumbasses! There is a change of plans. You see the pasty black shit with wings. He's the enemy now." said Yami as he pointed at the devil.

"Yami-san! I should let you know that after mastering your mana-cloaked technique! I mastered your space-cutting technique as well!" said Sekke with a proud look on his face.

"Huh? Are you for real?! Oi! I will sue you for copyright?! You better pay up for my teachings!" said Yami as he pointed his sword at Sekke.

"Hah! Sue me all you want! I will master it to the extent that it will look like you were the one who stole my technique." mocked Sekke.

"Like I am gonna let you. I will break a few of my limits and will make it better than yours."

"Do your worst. But there is no way you are gonna be better than the dark lord."

While this was going on the other people in the room were looking at the two idiots who were ignoring the enemy and were busy with their quarrel.

Even the devil was thinking about what the hell was wrong with these morons who were openly ignoring him.

"You bugs are really amusing. You all fail to perceive the danger you are in." said the devil as he looked at Yami and Sekke.

"I don't want to hear that from someone who is at point black range from that dumbass's attack," said Yami as he took a puff of his cigarette.


The devil turned around with surprise and saw a giant metallic animal skull directly behind him charged with mana.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Weapon Make- Gaster Blaster]

Not even getting a second to dodge, a huge mana beam came out of the mouth of the skull, blasting the devil who was mocking them a second ago.

"Hey, you should not have told him. I was gonna charge my attack some more," complained Sekke.

"Huh? You were charging. My bad. Thought you were ready. Anyway, let's get this party started." said Yami with a smirk as he tightened his grip around his sword.

"Let's do it then. Ready Noelle?" asked Sekke as he took out Extase out of its sheath.

Noelle and elf Charlotte looked at the two black bull swordsmen with shocked looks on their faces. They looked like idiots to them who were simply ignoring the threat and were arguing with each other, but to think that they were planning from the start.

'What are these humans?' thought Charla, the elf Charlotte.

'...Sekke is one thing but even Captain Yami was in on that?' thought Noelle.

"Stop zoning out and get ready!" yelled Sekke as he rushed towards the devil.

"Let's get going, prickly queen. Can't let the brats beat us," said Yami as he too rushed toward the devil.

"That was a good move bu-"

"Yeah yeah, "I am a superior villain" monologue. Don't want to hear it," said Sekke as mana gathered in his sword and it started glowing.

"Let him do it. It will be more satisfying to crush him after that monologue," said Yami as his grimoire started flipping.

[Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Avidya Wild Slash]

Black and White blades made of mana started raining down on the devil without any warning.

The devil who was in the middle of his speech saw the incoming attack and decided to take action.

[Go Back]

With those two words, the flying slashes that were heading toward the devil stopped and immediately went back to attack their respective mages.

[Dark Magic: Black Hole]

[Trying to harm the host using Extase's attacks. Stopping the attacks]

A mechanical voice spoke inside Sekke's head and in an instant, the flying slashes from Extase disappeared.

"Love you Extase-chan," said Sekke as he kissed the blade of his sword.

"That's a troublesome magic he got," said Sekke.

"Yeah, that pasty dude can do almost anything with his speech," replied Yami.

"Hehe, that my friends is my word soul magic. And now take this!!"

[Storm of Blades]

A black portal appeared above the devil and various bladed weapons started to rain down on Yami and Sekke.

Seeing the incoming blades Yami jumped back and focused on ki reading to deal with the blades.

But his gaze fell on Sekke who simply stared at the weapons without any worry.

Seeing that he lowered his sword and started focusing on his cigarette.

"Oi? What are you doing? Do you want to die? And what is that man thinking? Simply looking at the attack."

"Stop shouting....let that brat cook," said Yami in an annoyed tone as he blew some smoke.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Countless Swords]

"I mean two can play that game..." said Sekke with a shrug.

The weapons started shrinking each other canceling the attack without much difficulty.

The devil looked at the scene with mild surprise and then clapped his hands.

"I didn't notice it before, but you have quite some mana in you." said the devil.

"Thanks, I guess."

"Let's play some more then."

[Storm of Blades] [Storm of Blades] [Storm of Blades]

Three more portals appeared and started firing their weapons at Sekke.

Not even glancing at weapons Sekke just poured more mana into his spell and the bronze swords started cancelling the new attacks as well.

"...This ain't all you can do right?" asked Sekke feeling pretty underwhelmed by the attacks.

"Not at all." said the devil with a smile.

[Iron Spear]

Iron sand appeared around Sekke and multiple spears made of it impaled him without any warning.

"Haha! Did you like that?" asked the devil feeling amused.

Sekke just blinked in surprise and looked at the spears that were piercing his body.

"...Not much," replied Sekke as he simply slashed the spear with Extaee and jumped down. He then took the spears out of his body that healed itself in an instant.

[Bronze Magic: Bronze Body- Logia]

Since the spell was already active, no harm happened to him.

"Yami-san, don't tell me you were struggling against him..."

"Huh? Who said that I was struggling? I was just waiting to break a few of my limits to finish him off in a flashy single hit and make everyone realize just how great I am." replied Yami.

"...Yeah, not gonna believe that," said Sekke.

The devil was shocked by the scene that was happening in front of him. He cannot believe that the human was totally unaffected by his attacks.

But all his thoughts came to a halt when he felt a large amount of pain.

Looking down he saw a white glowing blade piercing out of his chest.

"Oh! Stabby Yandere Licht is back on his job," commented Sekke he saw Licht stab the devil with his Demon Dweller Sword.