Oh yeah! I don't have limits!

Leaving the floor where the fight against the devil was going on Sekke started free-falling and looked up to make sure that Noelle, Fana, and Anna were following him.

Soon the three girls followed him as Anna rushed toward Sekke and let him use Ignis as a foothold so that they could actually keep up with him instead of him blasting through floor after floor while the three of them were devoured by the black tentacles.

Sekke unknown of her thoughts simply looked in the direction where he felt the familiar ki and soon saw a black cocoon-like structure in the sea of flowing tentacles.

"That must be Captain Yami. Let's save him first," said Noelle seeing the cocoon as well.

"No, his dark magic can hold on against the tentacles. The others are in more danger since their magic won't work on these tentacles. We should hurry up first. Let that brute surpass his limits or something," ordered Sekke.

Noelle wanted to interject but seeing that the two elves didn't even argue with Sekke, she stopped.

Fana and Anna on the other hand didn't mind much about saving Yami since they wanted to find and rescue the other elves as soon as possible.

Sekke looked at the ground covered in tentacles and simply took in a deep breath once again.


An explosion occurred and the tentacles in front of them were destroyed in an instant and a hole large enough for Ignis to pass through was formed.

"Oi Dumbass! I know you are there!! Deal with these tentacles as well!!!" yelled Yami.

"And give you a headstart to fight the devil when I am busy?! NEVER!!!" yelled Sekke back.

Hearing his reasoning the three girls accompanying him looked at him with their eyes widened in surprise which the dark lord simply ignored.

The three continued to stare at him as Ignis passed through the hole.

"I know that I am simply irresistible but still focus on the job that we have at hand."

Hearing the dark lord's words Anna and Noelle snorted while Fana simply pinched his hand with a point on her face.

'...What the hail???' thought Sekke as he looked at the pink-haired elf acting cute.

"And another one," said Vritra.

'Shut up.'

"Hm? Weren't you simply irresistible?" asked Vritra sarcastically.


Seeing his host being at a loss for words Vritra laughed.

Sekke just ignored the dragon inside him and focused on breaking floors until they reached a room where some of their allies were present.

"...She's the last person that requires saving," muttered Sekke.

Anna and Noelle nodded at that as the three of them looked at Mereoleona beating Vetto with a maniacal grin on her face.

"...Vetto needs saving from her....seriously what's up with these royal women?" commented Fana as she looked at Noelle and then focused back at Mereoleona and Vetto.

The group simply stayed silent and let the lioness and the beast mage duel it out but soon Sekke's gaze fell on the black tentacles that started entering the room.

"*Sigh* Captain Mereoleona!! Vetto!!!" yelled Sekke grabbing the attention of the two and stopping them from continuing the bout.

"Huh? Sekke and Noelle?" asked Mereoleona in a curious tone wondering why the two of them were with the elves.

"Fana and Anna?" asked Vetto feeling the same as Mereoleona.

Sekke was about to start explaining but all of a sudden the elves started glowing.

"What's going on?" asked Mereoleona as she calmed down her mana and looked at Sekke for answers.

Sekke started to explain about the devil and all the shit happening on the top floor while the elves' eyes widened in surprise as they somehow got connected with Licht's thoughts.

"Licht is about to use his strongest spell," said Vetto with a huge smile on his face as he simply raised his hand and let his mana flow towards Licht.

Anna and Fana did the same as mana flew toward Licht's location.

"What the hell is Stabby Elf doing?" asked Sekke.

"Licht and Lumiere are using a spell to protect all the elves using their light magic and demon dweller sword. Licht is also going to beat the devil with his strongest spell that takes in the power of all of us elves," answered Vetto.

"So he is going for the kill...well good for him," said Sekke in a calm tone as he took in a deep breath and looked at Vetto once again.

"Do the other elves in here have the connection with Licht too? Are they all protected in this light magic?"

"They should be."

"Good, then that makes it easier," replied Sekke as he simply placed his hand on Fana's shoulder.

Fana looked at him in surprise wondering what he was doing as Sekke simply deactivated his

[Mana Zone]

A huge amount of mana got concentrated inside the whole shadow palace making all of them wonder what Sekke was going to do.

"Found them all," replied Sekke with a smirk as he located all the places inside the shadow palace where different elves were present since he felt the same aura of mana that was present around Fana.

Going back to his mode Sekke walked towards one of the walls and cracked his knuckles.

All of a sudden three bronze swords appeared in the air and stabbed three different locations.

"We have 5 minutes before this room gets crowded with the tentacles. Captain Mereoleona and Vetto break straight through and get the ones whom you see back here. Noelle, Fana with Vetto. Anna, Ignis with Captain Mereoleona. Remember 5 minutes or less." explained Sekke.

"...Why the hell are you ordering me?" asked Mereoleona.

"...do we have enough time for this shit? Also, you told us earlier, that it doesn't matter what we do as long as we defeat the enemies."

"I take that order back."

"Alright then. See you all soon," replied Sekke as flames gathered around his fist.

Vetto and the other nodded as their grimoires started flipping.

[Beast Magic: Bear Claw]

Mereoleona snorted but soon a wild grin appeared on her face.

"Hey Sekke, let's have an all-out battle once all this shit is over."

"Well, I mean if you want to lose so badly," replied Sekke.

Flames gathered around Mereoleona's fists as mana rampaged inside of her.

[Flame Magic: Claudius Brachium]

Sekke smiled feeling her mana as equally powerful black flames gathered around his fists.

The three of them smirked and punched the walls and ground with full force causing simultaneous explosions and jumping right through them.

All of them scattered in different directions as they were told to by Sekke.

Sekke also continued running and blasting through walls when suddenly a strong tremor shook the entire shadow palace.

"That was some attack," commented Vritra.

'Well, stabby elf dude is strong.'

"What do you think my other half, is it over because of that?" asked Vritra.

'Who knows, that devil is harder to kill than a cockroach.'

"Can't you detect him with your mana zone?"

'I don't need to, those tentacle things are still moving. He is still alive.' replied Sekke as he looked towards the tentacles from the corner of his eyes.

Soon he stopped talking broke the final wall and looked towards the people who were ready to attack him in an instant.

"Sekke-san?!?! I am so glad that you are fine."

"No time to talk right now, Captain Nozel, Mimosa. You alright Rhya? Anyway, follow me. The exit's on the top floor and we need to get there fast." said Sekke in a hurry as he gestured for Nozel to follow him.

Nozel wanted to ask about what was happening but stopped since the commoner was in a hurry and thought that it might be important and followed behind Sekke.

Once they reached the room where all of them had been gathered earlier Sekke stopped and soon spotted Mereoleona standing there along with Anna, Fuegoleon, and two unconscious elves.

"You're slow," replied Mereoleona in a frustrated tone.

"Nozel, glad to see you are fine," said Fuegoleon with a smile.

"Hmph, as if a magic knight squad captain will fall from just this much. Also, what is this inhuman magic?"

"A new enemy appeared up there. It's his magic. Says that normal magic doesn't work against his magic and he will devour all of us. Some guys are fighting up ther-....F*ck"

Sekke who was calmly explaining the situation suddenly turned silent and looked up with a frown on his face.

His reaction was not missed by the others as they too looked up wondering what was happening, but couldn't feel anything.

"My other half?"

"What's happening?" asked Nozel.

"....The devil's ki...Why the hell is he rampaging around like this?.... And why the hell is Yami-san free so soon?!?!"

"Captain Fuegoleon, Anna. Which is faster? Salamander or Ignis?" asked Sekke.

"My Ignis."

"Get on her and bring Noelle and the others quick. The rest. Huddle closer to me."

All of them nodded and did as they were told.

Anna immediately got on top of Ignis and headed towards Noelle and Vetto.

The others on the other hand immediately surrounded Sekke who immediately gathered black flames in his hand.

'You feel it Vritra?'

"Yeah. A huge wave of that devil's magic. This is gonna be tough. Better go to the stronger draconification." advised Vritra.

Sekke nodded as the black marks and the draconic scales on his body started expanding.

Soon both his eyes turned slotted along with the draconic scales covering his entire body along with the black markings.

Feeling the surge of mana in him. The magic knight captains got cautious while Jack and Mereoleona had a sudden urge to duke it out with Sekke.

But all their thoughts disappeared in an instant the moment they felt the mana that was coming from the floor above them.

"...Rhya, you copied Yami-san's magic, right?" asked Sekke.


"Use it. Somehow it's effective against that devil's magic."

"Don't worry. Licht's and Lumiere's magic will protect us."

"Yeah, but that is only true while they are alive...I don't think I need to tell you about the situation up there since all of you are connected to Licht."

Rhya fell silent as he focused on Licht's thoughts and soon realized that the people who were fighting up there were starting to struggle against the devil.

Realizing that Rhya nodded as his grimoire started floating.

[Copy Magic: Black Cocoon]

Dark magic surrounded them while leaving an opening on the top for Sekke to deal with the tentacles that just burst through the above floor.

"Holy Shit!!" yelled Rhya while coughing some blood as he saw the amount of tentacles that were falling from above.

Nozel's eyes widened in horror as he saw the huge-scale magic that could easily devour them.

"Heh, now that's gotta be interesting," said Mereolsona with a smirk.

"Kekeke. I'll just sever it all!" said Jack as he licked his arm blades.

"Salamander, lend me your power."

[Sevring Magic: Death Scythe]

[Mana Zone: Cladios Brachium Barrage]

[Spirit Magic: Salamander's Breath]

All of them fired their magic at the tentacles ready to decimate them.

However, the moment the magic made contact it was devoured by the tentacles.




"...What part of normal magic not working against his, you don't understand?" asked Sekke with a deadpan look on his face.

"Idiots. You three call yourselves magic knight captains," said Nozel with a snort.

"...Want me to show you what kind of magic knight I am braids?" asked Mereoleona in a calm tone raising a blazing fist.


Seeing him not replying Mereoleona smirked and looked up at the tentacles.

"So what now, we wait in this black cocoon till those guys up there jus-"

The black flames started burning through the sea of tentacles that came in its path making Mereoleona look at Sekke with her mouth agape.

"...What the hell about normal magic not working?" asked Mereoleona.

Sekke raised his hand as flames gathered and shaped on top of it.

'Like hell the dark lord's magic is normal!!!'

Sekke continued breathing flames but soon he stopped to take in his breath.

But the moment he stopped using his flames the black tentacles started filling in once again.

"...It works but...you're slow," said Mereoleona.

"That's *huff* not *huff* true."

"Whatever you say, slow lord."

"...You might think that feels good, but it doesn't," replied Sekke.

Mereoleona smirked and crossed her arms while she stared at the panting dark lord.

"Slow Lord."

"....You're gonna regret it, woman."

He took a deep breath once again and mana gathered inside him.

The other knight captains looked at Mereoleona who was looking at Sekke with a smirk on her face.

"...She sure knows how to get a man going, good work, lady royal," said Rhya.

The dark lord did not even bother to hear that and continued to blow the flames out of his mouth destroying all the tentacles in the room.

Once all of them were destroyed Sekke stopped once again to regain his breath and crouched down.

"How *huff* was *huff* that!!!" yelled Sekke out loud!!!

"Hm. Good job." complemented Mereoleona and stroked Sekke's head.

Sekke continued taking deep breaths and wondered whether it was so easy to gaslight him.

While this was going on Anna came back with Noelle, Fana, Charmy, and elf Rill.

"No time to rest commoner. Those things are back," informed Nozel making all of them frown at their situation.

Sekke frowned as well but didn't even look up. His ki and mana sensing were constantly active and according to them, the tentacles were not the thing he should be worrying about the most.


'Concentrate on the mana. Beat the brat. Concentrate on the man. Best the brat.'

Yami who was finally free to focus on fighting thanks to elf Charlotte's protection started the process of breaking his limits.

'Focus on the mana of the world around me...'

'Gather the mana around my blade and let it merge with the mana of the world...'

'Get sharper and sharper to cut through all...'

'Wait for the moment...'


[Mana Zone: Dark Cloaked Dimension Slash Equinox]

The space around Yami's katana started distorting and everything in his slash's line started splitting apart.

The tentacles, debris, walls, devil, everything was splitting in half at the same time, and seeing which a smirk appeared on Yami's face.

"Take that dumbass. I surpassed my limit," yelled Yami wanting to provoke Sekke if he could hear him.


'...He's gonna win, at this rate.' thought Sekke and finally looked up at the approaching tentacles.

"They are just endless..." muttered Mimosa in despair.

Sekke didn't reply and just continued to stare at the tentacles being lost in his thoughts.

"What are you waiting for, my other half? Start burning them or you all will die," asked Vritra.

'...Yami is gonna win if we don't get out of here and with these tentacles it's impossible to take everyone with me to the top... at least in this form.'

"...You aren't suggesting..."

'Full Dragonification.'

"You insane?"

'Just want to win.'

"Insane it is. You do know that you can lose your mind, right?" asked Vritra.

[Memory Magic: Parallel Thinking]

"...I warned you," said Vritra with a sigh but still felt excited.

'You sound excited for someone who is warning.'

"Haha! Be prepared to see what a part of my true might is," replied Vritra with pride in his tone.

Sekke smirked as a dark aura surrounded him and pushed everyone that was near him away.

They were about to question him about what he was doing but suddenly the dark aura started taking shape and soon a giant serpentine dragon-like visage appeared behind Sekke.

"See you guys at the top," informed Sekke as mana burst off of his body and his body started to get bigger and bigger.

The draconic visage behind him roared out loud sending mana surges throughout the shadow palace and the devil at the top who was about to be sliced in half widened his eyes in horror.

Sekke's body glowed as the draconic visage merged with his body and flew up at great speed while leaving behind a trail of destructive flames.

Blasting through the floor at incredible speed and destroying the devil's magic as well Sekke soon appeared on the floor where Yami was.

"Take that dumbass. I surpassed my limit," yelled Yami only to turn towards the incredible mana source that appeared new him in an instant.

"Oh yeah! I don't have limits!!" yelled the dragon back as he continued to rise and burst through the final floor as well.

The people in the room looked toward the huge explosion that occurred because of Sekke's entrance, but before they could even recognize what happened the blur, headed toward the devil.

The devil looked in horror as he saw the dragon's maw covered in dark flames headed toward him.


Before he could speak the devil got eaten by the dragon and was burnt inside his mouth in the destructive black flames.