Someone!!! Please save me from this barbarian!!

All the gaster blasters in the sky rained down the attacks on the army of young masters without mercy.

Once drained, they recharged and attacked again and this continued for a whole minute.

Feeling his mana level drained by around 15% after that attack, Sekke stopped and deactivated the mana zone.

'It was the right call to fill up my mana from the dead bodies. You alright Vritra?' asked Sekke while he took Extase out of its sheath.

"I am fine. But I won't be able to assist you in battles my other half...I am going to miss the chance to fight serious battles once again. These damn punks dare to use such a cheap trick...." replied Vritra in an agitated and regretful tone.

Sekke simply gave an awkward laugh at the dragon's thought process and walked toward the group of young masters who were most likely dead.

'Well, I hope at least one of them is alive...'

"These low lives that deny me the right to fight should just go to hell!!!" yelled Vritra in anger making Sekke just shake his head helplessly.

Walking through the dust cloud that was still not settled, Sekke felt the ki of one being who was still alive and was trying to crawl away.

Smirking at the man's futile attempt Sekke walked with a smirk on his face.

"Huh? Looks like all of them are dead. Such a shame, I was planning on befriending one of them at least.....How about you...." said Sekke in a calm tone as he stomped cruelly on Xander who was still somehow alive after the attack with bronze spikes on his shoes.

"Want to be my friend?"


Felling the spikes pierce his body Xander yelled in pain.

Blood started to drip out of his wounds and his white garments were stained with red.

"What do you know, so you guys bleed like normal, and yet you were looking down on me? Anyway, what do you say? Wanna be my friend and talk with me, about all this shit that's happening?" asked Sekke with a 'smile' as he stomped another place with his spike shoes.

Xander screamed once again as pain coursed through his body. In all his life he had never shed a single drop of blood, let alone, been punctured with various holes and blood gushing out of them.

'What is happening? What did this filthy mortal human do to me? Why am I bleeding?'

"Y-You f*king human!!! What the hell did you do to me?!?!"

"You sure are disrespectful to someone who wants to be a friend. Anyway, what are you and what business do you have with me? And how the hell do I get out of this place?" asked Sekke.

"Y-You think I have something to say to a barbaric filthy low life like you?!?!"

"...Do you think that the pain you are suffering right now is the limit to what I can make you feel?" asked Sekke in a serious tone.

And this made Xander's face harden. The barbaric human had many more ways to inflict more pain and cause him to suffer.

"Tell me what I want to know while I am not resorting to....let's just say 'better means' to get what I want to know," said Sekke with a smile.

"So I will ask again. What. The. Hell. Do. You. Guys. Want. From. Me." asked Sekke in a cold tone with Extase's tip pointed right between his eyes, ready to pierce the young master's skull.

"A-Ah!! I will speak! I will speak!" yelled Xander in fear hearing which Sekke smirked.

------1 hour later------

"...You guys are pretty f*cked up," said Sekke in response to all the info that he suddenly got from Xander.

From what Xander told him, the shadow palace where they fought earlier was the entrance to the land of the dead. This dimension just like its name is the place where all the souls of dead beings come to spend some time before being sent to the afterlife....or so how it should have been.

These guys that Xander called 'Gods' that reside in a higher plane invaded this realm and now use this place to refine the souls that are gathered here before sending them back to the 'gods' who use them to increase their powers and in return the guys from this realm get a share of the said power from various 'gods' that buys the souls from them.

And from what he knew dragon souls because of their quality are sold at an extremely high price. Because of this a few millennia ago these "Gods" with purchased divine energy went on a massacre of the dragons from his world and now after all this time when they felt a strong draconic presence from the shadow palace, they came to get the goods.

"It sounds like how back in my world many gods used the prayers and influence from their worshipers to increase their powers. That's why I felt a similar kind of divine energy from them," commented Vritra.

'Well, still refining the souls of the dead to sell...what the hell's going on with that?'

"Don't know, will have to see that first hand. Anyway, looks like we are on a new adventure," said Vritra.

"Well you are right about that," uttered Sekke.

Xander looked confused about what the hell the barbaric and cruel human was talking about.

But all of a sudden, he was lifted by his collar and was tossed up in the air.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Bronze Rider]

[Bronze Restraining Magic: Bronze Shackles]

"Well then my new Slav- I mean friend. Lead me to the city of yours."

"Did you just call me a slave?!" asked Xander in anger.

"Hahaha. That's your imagination. I called you my friend."

"No no no, you definitely called me a slave. Listen to me you damn human don't get ahead of *Extase pointing at his throat*...My best friend let me lead the way."

"Haha, you are such an understanding man. Now run," said Sekke in a calm tone as Sekke started chasing Xander while riding on his manabike.

'What the hell did I do to deserve this?!?!' mentally yelled Xander as he ran on too of his speed. His magic was restrained because of Sekke's spell but his so-called divine-energy-enhanced body was able to perform quite well.

'This guy is doing quite good despite his magic being sealed...This might get troublesome.'

"I want to be a part of this troublesome mess as well, my other half."

'Find a way to use your powers in this realm and then talk. Honestly, even I would prefer if I could use your abilities here.' replied Sekke.

"I will see if it is possible in any way, but it's not likely to happen. Be on your guard my other half. I don't want to be wine for these 'gods'. You need to live and save my soul from turning into wine." said Vritra.

'Aren't you a selfish dragon.'

"You also need to get back to mate with your birdy," replied Vritra.

'Oi! Don't lewd Secre you dick!!!' mentally retorted Sekke.

"Huh? Did you call me a dick, my bird fucker other half?" retorted Vritra.

The two started mentally arguing completely forgetting about the young master running with his life on the line and a sword pointed right at his neck.

'Someone!!! Please save me from this barbarian!!!!'