Let's get going to work then

After making quick work of the young master named Xander, Sekke looked at the pile of dead bodies around him.

"Well....that was easy. They died like humans... Vritra is there anything different about their bodies from mine?"

"Sorry, my other half. Can't use my powers right now. Still....maybe they are just human-like species that live in a different world. Obviously, much stronger than the ones living in your world."


"What? It's true. Divine energy is the best body conditioning energy, and just like how the mana is pure in your world, the divine energy here is pure. These guys could wreak havoc if they were to attack your world...well if we are not taking into consideration you and your cheating magic, the elf leader guy, the light magic statue guy, your squad captain, the wizard king, and that super lucky anti-magic twerp. Oh, and that red cat of fate thing. You have some serious powerhouses near you, now that I think about it."

'Better not get this idea in their heads. Strong or not, a whole army attacking the world will be too much to handle without considerable damage.' replied Sekke as he took one last glance at the dead bodies, before checking any life signs with ki.

Looking around, the inside of the town, Sekke admired the view before walking into the town.

"So.....any idea if we will find anyone or anything here? Maybe some food?" asked Sekke.

"Let's hope we do. Unlike me who can sustain on magic or some other energy, you need food to fight and survive."

'Well, sorry for being human.' replied Sekke sarcastically.

The dark lord and the dragon king kept talking for a while until they entered quite deep into the town.

'I am picking ki and mana signs. Looks like quite a few people are there.'

"Let's hope they are not after your life."

Sekke nodded as well and soon spotted people walking around the town without any worries.

Seeing that Sekke sighed and smiled as well feeling relieved that there were normal-looking non-young-masterish people were present.

Sekke continued to walk feeling slightly relaxed after feeling the calm ki around him.

But soon he felt a slightly stronger ki aimed at him.

Glancing behind him cautiously, Sekke noticed one man and one woman walking towards him.

'They are not willing to kill....or that's what their ki tells me.'

"Stay calm and act natural. Try to blend in as much as possible," suggested Vritra.

"Hey, you! Blond hair, muscle guy! Halt!"

Hearing the voice that was obviously requesting attention, Sekke turned around with a slightly confused look on his face.

"Hm? Me?" asked Sekke.

"Yes, who are you? Never seen you here in this town before. Identify yourself!" ordered the man.

"Are you the guards? Sorry for looking suspicious. I am new in this town. Just arrived today. My name is Eren, Eren Yeager" answered Sekke.

"....You are quite good at acting and lying."

'Well, I have quite some experience fending off a crazy, psycho bitch from my past life.' thought Sekke.

"Eren Yeager, where are you from, and what's your purpose for coming to this town?" asked the female guard as she checked out Sekke from top to bottom.

"Well....the girl that I liked since childhood and was going to propose, got married and I was.....let's just leave it that," replied Sekke with a slightly sad and complex expression on his face.

This got a reaction from the two guards as they could probably understand what that meant. The young man in front of them was not able to look at his sweetheart getting lovey-love with someone else and probably got away from his hometown.

The male guard sighed and patted Sekke's shoulder.

"You've got it hard. I hope you get over it soon." said the male guard.

The female guard nodded as well and thought that the chick must have had a few screws loose to let go of such a man.

"So Eren...what are you going to do? Got a place to stay or a job?" asked the female guard as she slowly tucked her hair behind her ear and slightly pushed out her chest.

"Another one," commented Vritra.

'Shut up,' thought Sekke without any change in his expression on his face.

"I was thinking of getting a job somewhere here. I rushed out in a hurry and now I don't have any food and money," replied Sekke with a helpless look on his face.

Hearing that the two guards looked at the helpless young man and thought that the man in front of them was too hurt to not even consider taking food and money with him.

"Let's go to the town hall. They might have an opening somewhere." suggested the male guard.

"Oh! Thanks a lot, Mr. Guard."

"Hm? Oh, I haven't introduced myself, yet. I am Raymond."

"I am Roxane. 23 and single. Just so you know."

"Huh? You, Twen-"

Raymond was about to say something but suddenly got a powerful jab in his gut.

Raymond looked at Roxane with a questioning gaze but got a cold look in response.

Knowing it was better to stay silent, Raymond simply coughed, stood up, and started reading the group.

Sekke chose to ignore the whole scene and simply followed Raymond.

"Don't focus ok what Raymond says. My brother has a habit of saying unnecessary things."

"Hm, so you two are siblings. That explains the resemblance," replied Sekke.

"Hm. So Eren, how old are you?" asked Roxane.

"Sixteen" replied Sekke with a smile.

"Hm? Really? You look very mature for your age," said Raymond as he examined Sekke.

"I get that a lot," replied Sekke.

Just like that the three of them continued to walk while making small talk. Sekke noticed how the two of them despite being friendly, were trying to get information out of him.

Unlucky for them, the dark lord had great experience in hiding valuable information from a crazy, psycho bitch that would kill any girl whose name came out of Sekke's mouth.

'I've saved countless lives because of these skills.' thought Sekke to himself.

"Alright, here we are. I will go and talk to the chief," said Raymond and walked inside the town hall.

Sekke nodded and waited outside with Roxane.

Soon Raymond came back and gestured for them to come inside.

The two entered the town hall and Sekke looked around only to find many people walking around in various documents.

'This place looks busy.' thought Sekke.

Soon Raymond led them to a desk and made Sekke take a seat.

Sekke looked at the man sitting on the other side of the table.

The man looked old with a few scars on his face.

"Hm? So, you're the heartbroken, young one. Haha, sucks to be you." said the man with a laugh.

Hearing that a vein popped up on Sekke's forehead, but he soon calmed himself down.

Raymond and Roxane frowned but didn't say anything and just stood behind the old man.

"Tch, you're no fun. Anyway, the name's not needed. I am the chief and that's all ya need to know. So what kind of work do you need? What're ya good at?" asked the old man feeling a bit disappointed since Sekke didn't react.

"A live-in job would be good, as for work, I can do labor."

"A live-in job.....Hm..." muttered the old man as he used some magic and a stack of papers lying near him flew towards him and the pages started changing at great speeds.

"Here, not many jobs provide live-in options. Deal with that. 1) Taking care of a crazy old man who tries to stab at various times of the day. Ooh, I recommend this one. 2) Helper at the orphanage. 3) Servant for the border patrol. This one pays the most."

'Hmm...so 1's not the option. Killed the guys in option 3. Okay, not much thought required.' thought Sekke.

"I will take the orphanage job."

"Eh? You don't want the old man one? C'mon, it will be fun."

"No need chief. I think someone more dependable will come to handle that one," replied Sekke.

"Hah! Stop that bullshit sweet tone of yours. The orphanage job is yours now shoo~ Work hard and keep the kids alive." said the chief as he placed the job document in front of Sekke and went to do some other work.

Sekke took the document and looked it over.

'I'm not able to read it....' thought Sekke as he nodded sagely and with a confident look on his face.

Raymond and Roxane saw Eren read the document carefully and thought that the young man was very dedicated and felt happy that they helped such a good man.

Unaware of the destruction and terror that was about to be caused by him, Sekke smiled and stood up from his seat.

"Let's get going to work then."