chapter 13

Chapter 13

Over the next few weeks, life was very happy for harry. He was in a steady relationship with Hermione. His marks were pretty good, he had a good circle of friends. The only downside was Draco Malfoy. He was forever trying to chat up Hermione, offering her money and gifts to go with him. It was well known that Malfoy often paid some of the girls to sleep with him. he got one of the girls pregnant and ended up being suspended for two weeks for using the 'foetus deletus' spell on her without permission. Normally he would have been expelled, but he has a very rich father who happened to be on the board of governors, which meant Malfoy got away with pretty much everything. Hermione, for her part, ignored his advances and took great pleasure in wanking or sucking harry off in front of him. Hermione's favourite pastime was to burp in his face after Malfoy had watched her swallow Harry's load.

In the great hall one morning, during breakfast, harry received an owl. It had a note in its beak. Harry took it and unrolled it, and with Hermione looking over his shoulder, began to read. 'Mr potter, you are required to be at my office at 10am. Your teacher for that period has been notified of your absence. Yours, professor dumbledore.'

"I wonder what he wants. What have you done?" asked Hermione. "I don't think I've done anything." said harry, racking his brain trying to think of something he'd done to warrant a meeting with the headmaster. Harry spent his first lesson, which was history of magic and boring as fuck, thinking about what dumbledore could possibly want with him. Hermione tried to distract him by putting his hand under her skirt. Fingering Hermione at the back of the class did help take his mind off things, and when the bell rang and as the rest of the class began to gather their things, harry tried to pull his hand away but Hermione grabbed his arm. "don't you dare fucking stop." She hissed. Harry carried on, Hermione threw her head back, spread her legs wider and started moaning loudly. People were starting to look at her but she didn't care, her body started to shake as harry brought her to a thunderous orgasm. "I've got to go." Said harry licking cunt juice from his fingers. He got up, leaving a breathless Hermione behind.

"he's expecting you. Go on up." Said a stone gargoyle to harry when he presented himself outside the headmasters office. It stepped aside as it spoke revealing a golden, moving, spiral staircase. Harry stepped onto it. He felt like he was gliding on warm air, he could barely feel the steps beneath his feet. In no time at all he was stood in front of an ornate wooden door, etched with an image of an undoubtably famous wizard, not that harry knew who he was. Harry pushed the door open and walked into dumbledore's office. What he saw left him speechless. Dumbledore was sat in his chair with his robes lifted up. He had pushed wand down his urethra and was fucking his cock like a girl would use a dildo. Harry turned his to see what dumbledore was looking at. House elves. Five of them. They were having a gang bang on the office floor. One was obviously a girl elf, she had a surprisingly large elf cock in each hole and one in each hand. Harry watched for a couple of minutes, tearing his eyes between dumbledore and the elf orgy. Then one by one the elves began to spray the girl elf with what looked like multi-coloured silly string. It was amazing how much spunk an elf produced. After a few seconds, the poor elfette looked like she had been glued to the floor by a pool of molten skittles. Dumbledore pulled the wand out of his cock, let out a huge moan and shot a stream of cum at least a foot high. One after the other, the elves vanished into thin air. Only the elfette remained because she literally couldn't move. One of the elves reappeared holding a large snow shovel, he slid it under her, lifted her from the ground, then they both vanished.

Harry cleared his throat loudly to get dumbledore's attention. "ah potter. Please sit down." Said dumbledore cleaning off his wand as if nothing had happened. Harry walked over to the desk pulled out a chair and perched on the edge nervously. Dumbledore surveyed him for moment. "as you are aware." He began. "lord Voldemort tried to kill you many years ago." "yer sir" said harry no longer nervous but utterly confused. "well, I am about to tell you why and I pray that you don't interrupt and listen closely." Harry just nodded. "the reason that Voldemort tried to kill you, is a simple case of revenge. Your late grandfather had a long running affair with Voldemort's mother. His father had left home many years before, due to here constant fucking around. One day when Voldemort was still learning magic, he came home early and found his mother and your grandfather involved in a sordid and deadly game. She had a belt round her neck and he was balls deep inside her. When young Voldemort yelled at your grandfather, it made him jump and he accidentally pulled too hard on the belt, snapping his mothers neck. I'm afraid she died instantly. Of course your grandfather did what any man in that situation would do. He ran away. Naturally, Voldemort was livid with rage, he spent years trying to find out who the man was that in effect, murdered his mother. But to no avail. So he threw himself into his studies. He became a very powerful wizard, maybe one of the most powerful ever. Fuelled with hate an anger he did many terrible things, gained many followers. Finally he found out who killed his mother, but it was too late. Your grandfather had already passed, he bled to death trying the one man one jar challenge. Voldemort felt cheated, so he set out to destroy the man's entire family. Of course he killed your father first, took his head clean off. Then he went for your mother. But she was quick, holding up a mirror which rebounded the spell, the resulting explosion destroyed the house, the falling rubble slowly crushing her to death, her final spell was to cast a small protective bubble around you. Voldemort simply vanished. No one knew why. Still don't. but he has now returned and he's still hell bent on fulfilling his vow." Harry sat open mouthed listening to dumbledore. "so what do I do?" asked harry finally managing to speak. "fucked if I know." Said dumbledore cheerily. "just thought you should know. You may leave." Harry was completely dumbstruck, dumbledore had turned in his chair and started talking to the paintings. He got up and headed for the door.

He had spent so long with dumbledore classes were over, so he headed to the great hall to find Hermione and have some dinner.