Hero party

We examined Naofumi, who was still glaring at us while he holding Raphtalia.

As we have lived long lives, we have learned to be patient, well me for the most part. Wolf is... a little more impatient. Naofumi did not have that gift, and so after a few moments of staring did he snort.

"...are you here to gloat? To kick me while I'm down?! That I'm a damn criminal! A devil-"

"But you're not a criminal."

Naofumi blankly looked at me, then turned his head away, his arms shaking. I heard his teeth grind together.

"Those bastards told everyone I'm a devil who forced himself upon a girl

"We know you're were framed, falsely accused. That's exactly why we're here not fighting. If you really were truly a criminal... you would have already been marked and hunted by us.


While Naofumi was confused, he was still wary of us. Good, he'll need to question everything in this world, especially in this country.

"Why the hell should I believe you? You're probably just like the other two-"

"You dare compare us to those brats!" Wolf growled.

"Hush now Wolf, being in his situation, he has right to distrust us. Shield Hero, you shouldn't trust anyone at all, at least until they prove themselves to you. Until then, take caution against the Church of the Three Heroes."

"The church...? Why?"

"They labeled the shield as a devil, and only believes in the spear, bow, and sword heroes. The reason we're not on their side is because they're corrupted, just like the king of this country. Also,the king is not the true ruler."

Naofumi eyes opened a bit wider.

"The king isn't? Then who is?"

"The queen. This country's form of government is a matriarchy."

Naofumi was surprised, but after thinking over my words did he begin to laugh.

"...hahahahaha! To think that trash is actually not the real ruler! Hahahaha!"

...He stopped laughing after a bit, then asked in a confused voice.

Then where is the queen?

"...the queen is outside, trying to calm down the tension between Melromarc and the other countries, because all the heroes are not meant to be summoned in one place"

"They aren't? Interesting..."

He had a thoughtful look, rubbing his chin.

"The Waves of Calamity do not just occur in the same country. They appear all over the entire world, so everywhere is in danger of the Waves."

While talking to him, I noticed Wolf was getting irritated, and saw Raphtalia stirring from her sleep. It's time for us to leave.

"Heed my advice, Shield Hero. Stay here in Melromarc and train hard, as if your life depends on it, until the Waves arrive. If you want to know when the Wave arrives, visit the Dragon Hourglass in the capital, and absorb the sand into your shield. Take it with a grain of salt if you must."

I began walking back into the forest, Wolf looking at Raphtalia for a few seconds, and began to follow me.

"Until we meet again, Shield Hero..."

Wolf snickered.

"Try not to die until then you brats!"

I backflipped onto a branch of the nearest tree.

"Wait I have more questions!"

His voice faded as we began to travel deeper into the forest.

We also must grow stronger. Time must not be wasted.


[Naofumi] POV

As their figures slowlt got farther and farther away, I contemplated their words.

If they words were really true, then we must be cautious, and plan our next move.

At least until we're stronger. Until then, we must train in the wild, only going back to get new equipment.

I also must try to see if I can absorb the red sand from the Dragon Hourglass...

"...Mister Naofumi, who were you-*yawn*-talking to?"

Raphtalia yawned.

She must've woke up from hearing the conversation, and started rubbing her eyes.

"...Aquaintances Raphtalia. Now, try to get some sleep. We have another day tomorrow."



[Lamb] POV


It was a bit more than two weeks since we've met with Naofumi in the forest, and now we're headed to the capital.

In the novel, the first Wave occurs a month after we teleported here. I've delayed going back to the capital long enough due to hunting and leveling.

From the fruits of our labor...


𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸 of the Kindred (33)



Kindred (Lamb and Wolf)

HP: 280/280

MP: 280/280

-𝐎𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Hero of the Bow Level 19 / The Eternal Hunters ???

STR: 52(17)(+22) =>91

VIT: 17(+11) => 28

DEX: 117(51)(+22) => 180

INT: 17(+11) => 28

LUC:22(+11) => 33



Bow of the Hunter (Legendary Armament)

Attack: 57(+31)=> 88


We got deeper into the forests, meeting new and higher level creatures. We slayed them of course, the marked and the ones who aren't marked. The reason why our marks more than doubles is because I placed a 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸 on some humans.

Bandits, actually.

I've met quite a few, some where raiding a caravan, some were sleeping in the forest.

When they fight back, their strikes pass through Wolf, and I dodge the ones who shot arrows or magic. It was quite easy, with my dexterity and all. They were never able to get close nor land a hit on me.

Whatever the case, most of their deaths were quick and painless. Those who run, however, find themselves in the jaws of Wolf.

I also found out I can absorb their body parts into my bow. It was...quite disgusting. Seperating parts and being absorbed into the bow. Wolf found it delightful.

Moral of the story is that I don't like gruesome deaths. Quick and easy is the way to go.

Anyways, we arrived to the gates of the capital, well just me really. We didn't want to stand out, so Wolf phased into the ground, following me unmaterialized. It didn't matter much unfortunately, because I look so unique. With purple hair, a pink-looking type of dress, two curved horns, a bright bow, and a red patterned white mask, it was no wonder the guards noticed me from a while away.

Of course I could've climbed up the wall, but we had to get the sand of the Dragon Hourglass. It wouldn't do to just sneak in. Far too troublesome.

"Halt! Are you the missing Bow Hero?"

One of the two guards stationed next to the gate asked me.

"We asked that you come with us to-"

I interrupted them.

"I do not care for the one who orders me, but as a hero to that defend the world against the waves, if you dare impede me, your death is all but certain."

"Please, miss-"

I ignored them, walking through the gate and into the capital.

Now that the sun reached its peak, the capital is quite busy. Humans walk back and forth, buying and selling things, with only a tiny few demihumans being amongst them.

'Most of them must be slaves.'

Melromarc is a pro-human country after all, its quite rare to see demihumans amongst humans.

Of course, me looking unique and similar to a demihuman, I attract quite a few of their attention.

Not caring one bit, I walked until I came to a large building.

Looking through the large doors, I saw the hourglass.

It was quite big, with red sand flowing inside it. There was also red sand below the hourglass, spilling around it. That's the sand I need.

I walked up to it, only to be greeted by a few nuns.

"Brave Bow Hero. we welcome you."

I only nodded in response, walking up to the sand, and picking some up, and willed the bow to absorb them

It did.



Bow of the Hunter (Legendary Armament)

Attack: 88(+6) =>96

Special skill unlocked: Portal Bow


Portal Bow (Level Requirement 50):

Allows the user and his/her party to teleport to wherever they have last visited. Has three slots for each location.


So I can get skills from my bow. Took long enough.

I used a slot to mark this location. I can replace it later if I wish, so it doesn't really matter if I marked other locations.

The problem is, there's a level requirement...but I'm sure we can reach level 50 before the Third Wave of Calamity.

Also, something appeared in the right corner of my vision. Looking closely, I saw a timer.


17 hours, 24 minutes, and 48 seconds left until the wave starts.

Standing up, I felt someone walked through the large doors, and turned around.

It was Naofumi and Raphtalia, who were quite different from what they looked like back when we met them, and they both stared at me in surprise.

Naofumi was of course wearing his 'Berserker Armor', quite rugged looking. It makes him look more like a criminal with his always irritated face.

I snickered inside. I thought I also somewhat heard Wolf laughing in the background.

Raphtalia however was the biggest change. Wearing light armor, she grew from a child into an adult. Must've been because she was at a higher level.

Demihumans can grow normally, however if they do level up, they mature much faster.

As I was thinking, I moved to the side, doing my usual one-legged stance. Naofumi nodded in greeting, walked up to absorb the sand of the Dragon Hourglass.

After that, his eyes glazed. He must be looking at the timer and stats.

After that, he turned to look at me, nodding.

"...It's been a while Kindred. Is Wolf nearby?"

I nodded.

"Kindred? Mr. Naofumi, who is she?"

Raphtalia walked up to us, confused.

"Raphtalia, they are Kindred, the Bow Hero."

"They? You mean there's more than-wait! Mr. Naofumi, you mean this girl is the Bow Hero!?"

I felt a twinge of annoyance.

'How dare she call me-huh.'

I just noticed she was a bit taller than me by a few inches...and I don't know how to feel about that to be honest.

Height has never been a thought that comes across my mind. Now however...

I swear I can hear Wolf snickering in the background now.

Naofumi sighed.

"They are the Bow Hero because they are one in two, at least I think..."

"Yes, we are the Bow Hero."

Raphtalia was still confused.

"If they are the Bow Hero, then where is the other one?"

"Right here!"


Wolf appeared from below, and opened his mouth, looking as if he was about to eat her. Raphtalia let out a small eep, leaping back and prepared to draw her sword.

The nuns off to the side lwere ooking at us, and they took a step back in fear and surprise. Well, mostly a surprised, some appeared calm. They must've been informed about us.

Anyways, we laughed at her reaction.

Wolf floated down next to me, and Naofumi facepalmed himself, sighing.

After Raphtalia managed to get her bearing together, she pouted at us. I smiled underneath my mask. She is still a child, even after maturing within 2 weeks.

"How did it appear out of nowhere-wait, it can talk to!?"

"Never one..." I started

"...without the other." Wolf finished.

Her left eye twitched.

"...that doesn't answer my question at all."

"It doesn't matter. As long as one of us is nearby, the other one will always be there."

When Raphtalia began trying to question us again, we heard footsteps at the door.

We turned to the door, and all of us but Raphtalia grimaced in irritation.

The last two heroes and their parties have arrived.

All the heroes have gathered once again, unfortunately.