The Plague

We stood there, watching as Naofumi and the others relaxed; well, Naofumi relaxed a little.

After staring in silence at them, I decided to talk first.

"...May we share you fire?"

Naofumi eyes twitched, but he sighed and gestured to the fire.

"Fine, you guys can stay here... if you tell me why you're here."

He's as wary and cautious as ever.


Filo, after Naofumi welcomed them, let go all of her tension and kept nagging him.

"Master, Master! Do you know them?"

Naofumi sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"Yes, she is the Bow Hero, Kindred. Well, they're both Kindred, but she is the one with the bow."

"Bow Hero? You mean like the Shield, Spear, and Sword Hero?"

Naofumi eyes kept twitching. I can tell he's reaching his breaking point.

"Yes, like them. Ah yes, the food is done."


She hurriedly grabbed it, and sat down, trying to gobble it all up. She seemed to be enjoying herself...until Wolf floated to her side.

He tried to steal a small bite, only for Filo to pull away from him just in time.

"This is my meat!"

"All prey are mine!"

They starting doing a tug-of-war.

Ignoring their bickering, I sat down next to the fire, crossing my legs. Naofumi sat across from me, with Raphtalia sitting nearby a moment later.

"So, why are you here Kindred? I know this isn't just a coincidence, so state your objective," Naofumi immediately asked me, getting straight to the point.

"We're here because I wanted to observe your progress, after all, you're one of the most capable cardinal heroes summoned."

As I said that, I look above their heads, their names and levels popping up in my vision.

𝐍𝐚𝐨𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐢: 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝟑𝟕

𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚: 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝟑𝟗

𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐨: 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝟑𝟖

Now that I think about it, Naofumi's party members are at a higher level than him. Perhaps its because Naofumi can only support them. I never tested that out.

But still, Raphtalia is at same level as me. Perhaps it's because the more party members there are in a party, the higher the multiplier for gaining exp. I believe the maximum party member where you can get the highest multiplier is at six.

"You're also capable as well, but then why aren't you checking on Ren and Motoyasu then?" Naofumi dryly asked.

"Because they're both idiots thinking this is a game. Ren, although he is an idiot, can still be reasoned with. Motoyasu on the other hand is a hopeless case."

Naofumi scoffed.

"That much is obvious. Motoyasu is a playboy who only believes in that b**ch of a princess. Ren has a smart head, but he isn't using it."

"That is correct, and that is precisely why I am here. I would also like to go along on your travels, even if its only for a short while."

Naofumi stared at me with suspicion, thinking deeply. Raphtalia, listening to our conversation, leaned over and whispered to Naofumi. I can still hear her words.

"Mr. Naofumi, we should let them come with us for only a few days. After all, they did help us a couple of times."

He sighed.

"...fine, you can accompany us for a few days. Only a few days"

I nodded while smiling. Within two days worth of traveling by wagon, they would arrive at the mountain where the plague exists, it originating from the dragon's corpse.


I then turned to look at Filo, who was standing proudly, and off to the Wolf pouting.

I can guess what happened.

I stood up, saying "if that is all, we shall take watch for the night, as we do not need sleep."

That raised some eyebrows. Well, only Naofumi's and Raphtalia's. Raphtalia was the one who asked.

"You don't need sleep?

"We spirits do not need many things necessary for morta-regular people. Although find the act of eating and sleeping enjoyable, it is not needed."

And so, the night has passed.


The next day was either normal or boring, depending on the person.

Filo pulling the wagon, the rest of us being in the wagon/carriage, with the exception of Wolf. Wolf was off somewhere, hunting down several monsters. He said he was bored.

Meanwhile Naofumi was crafting more medicine, while Raphtalia was using a whetstone on her sword.

I sat at the back of the carriage, bow on my lap, legs dangling, watching the land past by aimlessly. Ever since we arrive to this world, we would barely rest, and we would hunt for days. Even if its just for a moment, doing something like this is surprisingly relaxing.

Filo kept pulling the wagon, humming. Riding the carriage was surpisingly smooth, there was no shaking. At all.

As a Filolial Queen, Filo has the endurance, if need be, to continue pulling the carriage for a whole day without resting.

This continued until night, where we then set camp. Wolf came back with a deer, and Naofumi prepared and cooked the deer. Filo joined in soon after it was finished.

Time passes by...


Morning arrives, and we were traveling once more. But this time, it was not a a day like yesterday.

After a while, the land around us, once all green and fertile, were not grey and dark. The trees were all wilting, dying, and the air felt heavy. The sky was black, the land bathing in endless darkness. I read what happened in the light novel, but once again, seeing it in person is different than reading and watching it from behind a screen. We approached a mountain range. It is easy to tell that something is wrong with the mountain. It feels ominous.

A fork in the road ahead appeared, and we stopped. Naofumi checked the map he got out from his bag. After several seconds did he finally speak up.

"Filo, move towards the mountains."


He then grabbed a cloth from a bag, and covered his nose and mouth.

"And you guys, get a cloth to cover your mouths in case there is actually a disease. I've heard rumors that a plague is spreading around these parts. And also...prepare yourselves for enemies, just in case."

I nodded to him as thanks for the warning. My mask acts like a filter of sorts, so there was no need to take caution. Even then Wolf and I are spirits, being mostly resistant to illnesses and diseases.

We kept traveling on the road until we happened upon what seems to be a farming village.

I said 'seem to be' because the village looks so bleak and dark. With the sky being covered by thick, dark clouds, it doesn't look like one at all.

As we got closer, a sickly villager noticed us at the entrance, and warned us.

"Are you guys *cough* merchants? Our village is very sick, you should leave *cough* right now."

"I know. We're here to sell you guys medicine," Naofumi responded to him.

"Really!? That's great!"

He ran into the village, shouting that someone with medicine has arrived.

I heard Naofumi whispered to himself.

"This place looks so bad, I'm not sure if we have enough medicine..."

Then we heard voices from the villages.

"Is that the Saint of the Heavenly Fowl?!"

"You mean the bird-god carriage?"

"Oh we're saved!"

"Please help us!"

Naofumi's eyes twitched.


[Naofumi] POV


I sighed. I wonder if my medicine will work at all. My insecurity is really knocking up a storm in my stomach. With all these expectations, what if it didn't work?

Let's hope it does work...otherwise...

I shook my head. There's no time for that line of thought.

Climbing down from the carriage, I asked a question.

"So, who needs medicine?

I then started explaining how my medicine works most effectively when I myself administer them. I have a shield that increases my medicine's effectiveness.

"Over here, Beloved Saint."

My eye twitched again. How ironic, the Shield Hero, a devil, is called a saint right at the start.

I swear I can feel Kindred's gaze burning into my back, both of them probably laughing in their minds.

It feels uncomfortable, being called a devil for most of my time in this damn country. But still, at least its better being known as the Shield Hero.

The villagers lead me to a large building filled wiht sick people. The building itself was seperated from the other village buildings.

Looking behind the building, I saw a cemetery. From what I've saw, they were freshly dugged graves.

I sighed once more. This atmosphere is so similar to the ones that hangs around hospitals and graveyards. I was confident that it was the same.

I wasn't sure if my medicine would even cure the disease, as they were only intermediate recipes. I can't be too sure with them. If the medicine doesn't work...there was no back-up plan-no, there is, but it'll be expensive. I could administer more expensive medicine into the sick villagers.

There's only one way to find out.


[Lamb] POV

As Naofumi walked into the building, I jumped off the carriage.

Raphtalia was beginning to sort the medicine along with Filo. Wolf sniffed the air, grunted in disgust, and after silently conversing with me, phased into the ground. He'll scout the surroundings then. Meanwhile, I'll check to see what Naofumi is doing.

"Please, help my wife dear saint!"


Walking into the building, I saw Naofumi at the side of a woman, who was coughing without any signs of stopping. He pulled her into a seating position, and gave her some medicine.

A glowing light radiated out from the center of her chest, and color started returning to her face.

While the rest of the villagers started getting excited, I noticed that a small sign of relief flicked from his eyes.

No wonder he was a chosen hero. He is, even though his attitude is quite bad, a bonafide hero.

I walked out of the building, with Raphtalia and Filo rushing past me, quickly bringing inside more medicine.

They have no need of my help.

Well, I have my skill, but it is not needed nor should be wasted for something like this.

I quickly got out of the village unnoticed. With my dexterity and the villagers having more pressing matters, no one would be able to notice me.

I headed in the direction of Wolf, who was sure to be hunting down several monsters. He probably won't be excited, seeing as the place is rotting, so to are the monsters. They're most likely poisonous and acidic.